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Posts posted by jcdock

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kmunnn said:

    Can you be a terrorist? Do bombings? Have hostages? That would be fun...and SWAT and ANTi-terorist teams would have more 2 do.

    PS: I don't support real terrorism, it just would be cool in a game like csgo


    While it would be cool, having explosives in the game will bring a huge chance for greifing 

  2. 9 hours ago, Budbringer said:

    Sure its possible in some countries(and illegall in some), but the question is if it will be balanced, because gameplay ballance is more important. Immaging having all civs run around with tazers and taze everyone for the lols

    Very true, maybe make them cost a bit of cash to at least limit the supply. I think it's important that people have a way to defend themselves 

  3. 29 minutes ago, FlyingDuck said:

    As the Famtiano was in an allied relation with the Yakuza, we promised we do Tatto ourself but not full. The crew member needs a tatto from his chest to the armwrist representing the colors of main black and the rest of the colors will be personal. That goes to the tatto too. THe crew member will have to share a background story with the capo or higher etc and they will decide what kind of tatto that will represent them.

    For an example, a fish to swim with the crowd ( Fits with the people that are ghosts and does not like to operate publicly )

    Or a dragon, that wants to free his wings and so on.

    But this will be the Famtiano Family's representing stuff.

    If you need an example here is one.

    This is from a real Yakuza member doh but dunno, this is the concept doh.


    That's a pretty sick set of tats, I would be more than happy for one of my characters to be rocking something like this

  4. 22 minutes ago, corporalgrif said:

    really no sniper rifles? i thought i saw someone with a hunting rifle in the trailer also what about optics for the weapons or will certain just come with optics or even silencers for a more stealthy approach to crime and justice

    Sniper rifles =/= hunting rifles, while they might both have sights I would imagine the hunting rifles would be less effective. 

    I'm totally for not having big weapons in the game as it just makes it who ever is richest (who ever can buy the biggest guns) can control parts of the map and that ends up being boring asf

  5. 2 minutes ago, Killswitch said:

    Well I know its not a top priority, but I know there will be one made. I never really asked for a specific date or anything, but my guess would be end of Jan early February...but not 100% sure on that. They just told me 'soonish' haha

    Well anything is better than nothing, I just can't wait for town square 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Vix said:

    It could be a positive though!  You'd know you're talking to a moron or a troll just by making one glance at their penis tattoo xD

    Good point, if I walked up to a guy with a penis or swazzi on their forehead I will know they are not worth my time

  7. 2 minutes ago, Air said:

    When i was talking to @Motown about buses, because as you may or may not know i love buses and all sorts of transportation. Over a long time i was talking about buses and the basic reply was always no, i kept trying until not long ago Motown told me they were just going ahead and wikl add them but prices for buses will be high, i hope i dont faint once i find out the price lol :D anyway, thats the bus story. Oh and trucks are even easier to grief with :P

    I would imagine the price for a bus or truck will be rather sobering, at least at first as the devs have said that the economy will be similar to real life (I would imagine it will be based off the US/Canada due to the dev team being from that area)

  8. 1 minute ago, Vix said:

    Yeah you can buy tazers in my country if they're not deadly, but you can't buy guns if you're not licensed and I guess it's hard to get a license as a very small percentage of people in Poland do have guns.  

    I think that's a great model to use because if they are going for a in-depth feel for the game then not everyone should have a gun like on Arma 3

  9. The only issue I can see with custom made tattoo's is that there will be players who decide to make some truly offensive designs so maybe before it can be used it has to go through some sort of approval but also have the ability to turn the approval process off so if some other community's want to turn it off they can

  10. 20 hours ago, Vix said:

    You'll probably be able to take their KEYS at least! If they left them somewhere. Or died. You probably won't be able to loot living characters!

    If you can steal keys I would imagine it will only be car keys because the devs have said that they don't want anything messing with a players home