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Posts posted by jcdock

  1. 15 hours ago, Aetion said:

    There's a highschool sophomore that's a forum moderator. (I'm a Sophomore too, so no hate) So I doubt they would ban people under 18.

    On the official servers I doubt people will be banned for their age but on community run server I can see that happening

  2. 7 hours ago, Gladiuz said:

    Lets remember what a cluster Fck WAR Z was with no  Anti cheat systems  I think u can buy that game for like $2 but it could of been so good.

    That's why Paratus said it's up the top when it come to priority  

  3. 32 minutes ago, Aetion said:

    Uh, I'm sure a 50 Cal to the chest could make a person fall back, while the other guy just has alot of recoil.

    It probably would too bad Identify won't have an 50 cals , I would be surprised to see a 762 outside of SWAT maybe

  4. 5 hours ago, Xentinel said:

    No this game was OBVIOUSLY a major scandal created by George W. Bush to steal money from a fundraiser to buy more jet fuel.

    (If you can't tell that was sarcasm, it was)

    I thought that was what was happening..

  5. 40 minutes ago, ZombieShock said:

    I don't know about you guys but I mainly see my money going into making more money lol. Assuming there are pets planned for Identity and that I already own a decent ride(s) and home(s), then I would definitely put my money towards that. Maybe an exotic Lion or perhaps a Chimp that I could dress in a suit to greet my guests. Sounds like a glorious way to enjoy my wealth :{)

    Don't think there will be any exotic pets

  6. 6 minutes ago, ZombieShock said:

    How about being able to purchase different undergarments? It would be pretty funny to see a character running to his home in public only wearing boxers with a duck on them.

    I would totally do that haha 

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  7. 10 minutes ago, ZombieShock said:

    I like the idea but I feel that the age slider should not be allowed to be set bellow the age 21 or so. I feel that it could possibly complicate things too much due to the wide range of activities and jobs that is available.

    Example: Player creates character, sets his slider to the age of 19. Now said player cannot attend bars to drink, ect. This would make things generally inconvenient for not only the devs but a player who makes this choice and later realizes hes made a mistake. 

    Heres an alternative suggestion that similarly falls into your suggestion. Make it so when your creating your character there is a specific option that can be enabled to cause your player to age over long periods of time. (Over a year real time your character shows small signs of aging) This could really present an interesting experience for long time Identity players that may very well be playing the game in 5 years. You could even have a system where a player needs to renew his identification after a certain time period of aging. 

    They have said their will be no children so I would imagine that would extend to minors so the lowest would probably be 21

  8. 2 minutes ago, uncannierlink said:

    I'm fairly certain there are private DayZ servers that are connected to the official character server. It really depends on how configurable the devs make the servers. If there isn't an option to change game breaking mechanics, for example gather rates, then i see no problem with this, however if there is an option to change things like this than I can see your point.

    Good point, I might send a tweet to the official twitter and see what they have to say