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Posts posted by KennyBatin17

  1. 42 minutes ago, xBrianHx said:

    Allow me to correct myself: Access to the Town Square is what I actually meant. Once the Town Square module is released, you'll be able to get in, create your character, go to the barbers, etc. and socialise with others who also have the Founder or higher package. However, you won't be able to go anywhere out of the Town Square.

    I have edited/updated my previous comment.

    Yeah that's entirely correct xD

  2. 2 hours ago, xBrianHx said:

     Hi there.

    Firstly, please realise that this question gets asked ALL THE TIME so please use the "Search" bar and navigate around the forums to find the answer before posting.

    This is not a scam website. You can keep up-to-date with the progress by checking out posts at the Dev Blog and by looking around the community.


    Please find below some useful links which you can visit to find out some more about the game. With such a small Dev Team (in comparison to larger game companies) of course there are going to be a lot of setbacks but it's a lot better than releasing the game with a lot of bugs and when it's not even finished. For anyone who has the "Founder" package or higher, first BETA access will be released when Town Square module is finished.


    FAQ (by Motown)

    FAQ Extended (by JamesLuck01)

    Reddit Q&A

    Q&A Podcast w/ Devs (by TheDynasty)

    Q&a Podcast w/ Devs (by PowerGaming7)


    Edit: This is the General board. For game questions, I highly suggest asking within the Tourism (Q&A) board. For account questions, visit Account Support

    Beta does not release after town square, it releases after the 3rd module which is racing, just thought I'd make that clear before this kid goes off about not receiving beta after first module xD but yeah all correct and same with the next two replies from @LuckyDuck and @Xzothi

  3. 5 hours ago, xBrianHx said:

    I remember the Devs saying in two different Q&A videos that working at a register won't be an official job because it's not fun and that it'd be much more fun to manage the store itself by deciding what to sell and how much to charge for each of them. They also said though that although the register will be occupied by an NPC, you could still help out around the store if you really wanted to, although, I don't think you'll be able to actually work the register and process transactions face-to-face with customers (sorry!)

    I'm not sure about cleaners and teachers as I also remember them mentioning that "college" will be the only real educational establishment within the game and it'll mainly be used for walking people through the tutorial of the game when they first arrive and nobody wants to actually go to school/college/uni and do work and all that rubbish. :P 

    However, there will be jobs as a Taxi Driver and a Bus Driver (from what I hear), although Trains will be NPC operated.


    Hope I was able to help in some way :)


    That sounds great tbf, also wanna follow each other and shit? You seem chill???

  4. On ‎04‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 1:51 PM, JoelKeys said:

    Does anyone have H1Z1 and would like to work on a project I am working on? I am of course referring to Just Survive here.

    My experiment will work as follows. We all log on to a server with preferably low pop. Beforehand, each person will be given a dedicated role, a radio frequency and a set of coordinates. You will also be given a secondary radio frequency in cases of emergency. Basically how it will work is I will act as the leader of a group. We will all log in and be spawned in random locations. That's where the frequency and co-ordinates come in. If you find a radio you can connect to our frequency and you will be able to communicate with everyone else. If you cannot find one, you will make your way to the coordinates. We will take over the area that the coordinates are and you will chose a house. The players/house ratio will be 2:1, however this can vary. You are then free to do whatever you want with that house. You can store things in it and no one will be allowed to take from it. No one will be allowed to enter your house either. Once we are all settled in, you will be split up into your dedicated roles and given a briefing. The roles could improve builders, researchers, scavengers, guards etc. You will try and stick to your roles however if you are a researcher and want to go chop down a tree, you obviously can. Likewise if a scavenger wants to build himself something he can, its just not his dedicated role to build for everyone. We will then try and maintain a dictatorial society in which you will be given tasks and you must complete them to the best of your ability. For example, I might say that the builders need metal scraps so our scavengers will be given their own frequency and sent out to find metal scraps over a designated area. Meanwhile, the builders could be tasked with repairing any damaged fortifications and so on. 

    I think this could be fun. Only rules are you do as you try and roleplay as if this is real, and be mature.

    Let me know if anyone wants to help!

    Hey this seems really cool, I'd like to try this with you :D

  5. Im hoping there will be normal jobs like shops; at a register to complete transactions of clothing/music/books/food/drinks/phones/tv/decorations/etc. or helping a player find a certain item in store.

    Also jobs like cleaners, teachers, transport, clinics doctors etc. (e.g. a human player is greeting you once you wake up in a ward to inform you of what happened so they would have a tool on them to read a description of your stats etc.)  just the everyday basic jobs and not just transport, cops, law, gangs etc. of course more of the other things i've mentioned will probably be only available in the full game but are things I'd like to see, either way im playing this game, im sold already after the videos on youtube xD sorry if i come across as a d*ck or ott with the game, i just love realism and this game is the closest and like 99% my perfect idea of a realist mmorpg.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Calisto said:

    Name: Akiko Hamamoto

    Race/ethnicities/nationality: Biracial, Nigerian and Japanese, American

    Appearance: Light brown skin, Shoulder Length hair that is usually flat ironed, 5'5, thin body type, Monolids, thick lips. never wears makeup.

    Personality: Akiko is a naturally adventurous person. She is quite outgoing and has an energy that few can match. While she can be quite rebellious to rules she isn't a criminal and would much rather stage a protest rather than fight. She's the kind of person that anyone can get along with and can pump anyone up just by speaking.She's the kind of person to look at the bright side of things and is rarely pessimistic.

     Education: High School Diploma 

    Desired Occupation: Whatever life presents her. She's open to a variety of jobs.

    Sexuality: She doesn't care about their sex or their gender as long as she's attracted to them.

    Natural Talents: She is a huge people person. She has a way with words.

    Misc Facts: She loves the outdoors.

    Background: Akiko was born to a Japanese father and a Nigerian (black) mother. Her mother was actually a surrogate mother as the Father's wife is barren. Although she never met her biological mother her parents loved her greatly. Her parents encouraged her live life the way her heart desires. They taught her to be care free and to have fun. Growing up was quite easy for her. Her dad was a lawyer and her mom was a neurosurgeon so money was never a problem. Many thought she was going to turn out like them but she didn't want that. She wanted to travel the world. She wanted to experience new things. At age 18 right after she graduated she left to see the world. Her parent's set her up on a tour of the world. This trip lasted two years. When she came back she was happy to be home but she wanted more. She decided to move away. This time she didn't ask for financial help from her parents. She bought a plane ticket and headed for Identity Island. Its there that she will find the adventure she was looking for.


    Really thought into and great, quite realistic and good to read.

  7. Name: Carl Mendano.

    Appearance: Street casual and black hat, 6ft.

    Race/ethnicity/nationality: White, British.

    Personality: Cautious.

    Education: Street smart.

    Sexuality: Straight.

    Misc Facts: Reasonable, loyal.

    Background: Grew up and taught by gangs. Street life.

    • Like 1

  8. 6 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    The first module is due out soon, the 2nd module will soon after follow but the 3rd and final module likely won't make it until early next year. Shortly after the third module the beta will come shortly after that and so the Full game will not be around until Mid / Late 2018 at earliest unfortunately.

    The dev team is 11 people and not all are full time devs.

    Thanks for the insight and details @LuckyDuck and that seems quite smooth and evenly spaced out tbh.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Hzap said:

    It's most likely gonna be a little while longer. I don't expect so see this game come out until mid 2018. 

    I'm really hoping for it to begin this year maybe next couple months but full game i hope for early 2018.

    • Like 1

  10. So I seen someone else post this and thought I'd get it more spread and known for more answers, relating to release of first module, the module is continuously stuck on 89% and it is not moving, some clarification please? Not assuming any reason myself unless an admin says something about it not moving.

    • Like 1

  11. On ‎04‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 3:56 PM, Rekter said:

    If you agree to follow these rules, here is an application base

    How old are you? =

    What kind of (online) gang activity have you done in the past? =

    How much time can you allocate for the department? =

    Have you played "life" gamemodes in arma in the past? =

    Will you take the department seriously? =

    Are you ready to do the most insane things the leaders order you to? =

    What can you bring to the department? Why should we accept you? =

    What is your timezone? =

    What server will you be playing on? (EU for example) =

    Are you OG? =

    How old are you? = 17

    What kind of (online) gang activity have you done in the past? = Some, mainly getaway driver and drugs handler/runner etc.

    How much time can you allocate for the department? = As much as I'm free. Where as I am free quite a lot.

    Have you played "life" gamemodes in arma in the past? = Yes.

    Will you take the department seriously? = Yes, a criminal organisation or even a corporation or department is only as good as its employees/workers. Jokers and "care free" people are not good employees for the department.

    Are you ready to do the most insane things the leaders order you to? = Yes, Orders are orders.

    What can you bring to the department? Why should we accept you? = Secrecy and trust, loyalty, serious when it comes to this area, will fight anyone for the department, will protect the leader and other high roles if need be.

    What is your timezone? = London

    What server will you be playing on? (EU for example) = EU

    Are you OG? = Hell yeah.