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Everything posted by yellowhero12

  1. Got some questions

    Not a staff so I wouldn't know the answer to 1, most likely just being very active and helpful Forum Staff mainly help people and answer questions. They also respond to reports and delete spam. Again, not staff, so there is probably more stuff.
  2. The Identity Community Awards (ICA)

    A few people have implied it, but I would nominate @LuckyDuck for the ICA Support Award Here's a riddle If someone asks a question about Identity in the middle of the forest and nobody is there to listen, does @LuckyDuck respond? yes
  3. Community 2 Ask

    The devs have said that the renting of private servers will be affordable, they haven't given a price point but I would imagine that it is relatively cheap compared to renting servers on other games. Because of this I really doubt they will change their stance, just because they want to ensure the high quality and standards of each server. As @LuckyDuck said, they will be picking the hosts themselves. As stated previously by a few people there won't be mod support at release but it most likely will be added later on. Honestly I doubt that mods are necessary, as the game already will have so much detail put into it and there will be constant updates and new content. It seems like the devs will really be doing there homework, and there will probably be some customization on release for private rented servers.
  4. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    I would say there isn't much religious persecution in most places, but the few places that it exists are the problems. While we can both agree that there should be severe punishments for Islamic terrorism, I don't think that tightening restrictions on all Muslims because of the actions of an incredibly small fraction of them is the correct way to go. If anything it would increase religious tension and encourage more terrorism. Realistically speaking I would say that most police officers would be hesitant to arrest or ticket someone based purely on their religious attire. You may find that once Identity is released it may be more practical to enforce Burqa bans in government buildings instead of a complete and utter ban(similar to Angela Merkel's plan). I would also like to point out, if you ban Burqas then most Muslims wouldn't give much thought to owning/wearing ISIS paraphernalia, as they are already breaking the law. Pertaining to the Commissioner(if it is possible to create this role), appointing a police Commissioner would most likely be a tricky subject. I would imagine that despite any attempts to satisfy the entire police force, there will still be some officers frustrated by your choice. Many people would want to avoid consolidation of power, or would wish to at least have a police Commissioner chosen from within the Police Department. While the 1 week delay can prevent abuse of the system, you would essentially have to spend $3500 before you could receive any benefits, which would most likely make people hesitant to use it(as a simple doctors visit most likely wont be this much). If you are making a genuine attempt to find a job in Identity it probably won't take more than an hour(most likely) so I still think 3 days is a little much. Donald Trump attacks all of his critics, but he will be in office for at least four years, while he did criticize the media during his campaign, he does it much more now that he has been elected. This isn't a problem for him because unless he is impeached(which is not likely) there is no way to remove him from office. Because the terms are much shorter in Identity there is less room for bashing critics. Most politicians in Identity plan for the long term, but if your policies are not an immediate success and you bash all your critics then re-election will be much harder. Also, it's a little contradictory to generalize liberals in an insulting way, then to say that you will votes from more liberals because of your liberal points.
  5. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    What would my biased opinion be? I stated that I was right leaning, but considering that you stated your political party was right leaning as well I doubt that really counts as bias. Also, correct me if i'm wrong, but you have no mention of your policy on former prisoners requiring an letter of rehabilitation from the commissioner on your manifesto. I would call that a large oversight considering that it is one of your more controversial decisions. In Germany the only bans on burqas are for civil servants and other government employees. Also, both of these countries have a concerning rise in anti-Muslim/Islamic alt right groups. Just because Islamic culture exists in these countries doesn't mean they aren't oppressed or treated with different standards. If you want to keep every religion on an equal ground then you wouldn't specifically single out Muslims. There are terrorists acts committed by every religion and belief group(Dylann Roof and others). There will almost definitely be alt-right groups and KKK groups in the game, it's not going to be just the Muslims who want one dominant religion. It seems that you are doing a lot of flip flopping here, first you say that if you have any arrest history then you need a letter of rehabilitation, now you say it's only if you are convicted and sentenced to jail time? Make up your mind. There will be a relatively large prison population and unless somebody is applying for parole(which is unconfirmed for Identity), they will most likely be automatically released, without meeting the warden. If roughly 20-30% of the community plans to become criminals then there will be a large prison population. You have also been quite unclear about the new positions you want to make, first on your manifesto you say that there will be no pay raise when promoted to their new positions, but you also said that you will pay the commissioner yourself(which is incredibly illegal). It's very confusing. Just because you say that there will be a commissioner, and that the warden will talk to the prisoners before release, it isn't definite. Even though much of the game is speculation at this point, when you have an entire healthcare plan that depends heavily on this many unconfirmed factors then it's not a great healthcare plan. Also, you haven't given me a satisfactory answer yet pertaining to how the one day delay will work with healthcare. If your character isn't simulated when you log off then you will not get any sicker. So what is stopping me from getting sick, applying for healthcare, then logging off for a day? Time still passes both in game and in real life(you haven't specified which one will be used for the delay). When I log back on a day has passed, and I will receive full benefits. Then I go to the doctors office. You may have misinterpreted my question, and I apologize for that, but I never meant that I would log off and receive treatment while offline. As you said, surgeries are unlikely, but sickness is confirmed. Considering that a large amount of the player base, and thus the voting base, will be American I would think that the American Constitution would be relevant, even if the leader isn't American. You assume i'm being fed liberal propaganda, considering I use mainly neutral sources and that I view things from both sides of politics, I would call your accusation very ignorant. There is nothing more conservative than protecting the individual rights of people and following the constitution. There are many countries that hold referendums, but a leader has his core beliefs and a good leader doesn't need the affirmation of others to determine if his policies are good. I think you are confusing right wing with alt-right. You have very liberal policies(government run healthcare, heavy gun control, ect.) Also, your job seekers tax cut is a little extreme. There will be plenty of available jobs in Identity so three days is a little much. It seems to me that you are closed minded and ignorant. I critique you so apparently I am a liberal(even though I am defending Conservative ideals). You are a lot more liberal than you think, especially considering that you are consolidating most of the governments power into a small number of people(You, Minister of Health, and Commissioner). The way politics works is by questioning and critique every single politician, if they can't handle criticism then they definitely can't handle leadership. Your mentality is concerning, anybody can challenge a politician. If you were a true conservative you would appreciate competition and be glad when you are challenged. In an ideal political system the best politician wins, and the only way to determine this is by questioning each one. You strike me as a pretty crappy leader. If you are going to insult every single one of you critics then you are going to have a rough term as governor. Also, there aren't going to be any paralyzed or disabled people in Identity(so no need for a tax cut). I apologize for this being long winded, but I had a lot to say(LMK if I missed anything)
  6. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    People like him really need to just leave the forums. Every single one of his posts are complaints.
  7. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    Make a post on the support section of the forums. Nobody is forcing you to look at any of this, and is seems like all you want to do is waste your time complaining about the lack of gameplay released. Everybody knows that the devs intend to surprise us with the gameplay, and some dickhead who wants people to feel sorry for him because he preordered a game(THAT HE CAN RETURN) isn't going to change their philosophy about it. PLEASE GET OFF THE FORUMS IF YOU ARE JUST GOING TO BITCH. Also, after looking at your profile, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR POSTS IS JUST COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS GAME. For real bro, just get off the forums.
  8. I would imagine that the devs would add this, as there are confirmed police computers in police cars(most likely for background checks and ticketing)
  9. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    Ok so first of all That statement makes you sound like a pretentious dick, compared to other candidates manifestos, yours isn't as good. Before you start patting yourself on the back you might want to try to improve your own work. You are very hypocritical, while I can understand that someone would have to remove any head scarfs/clothing when deemed necessary by police, a complete ban on Burqas makes no sense. You say the government will stay out of religion but then you want to remove a cornerstone of Islamic culture. Also, just because there are terrorist attacks committed by Muslims that doesn't mean you need to tighten your restrictions, it just doesn't make any sense. Secondly, I don't know what I said to make you think that I didn't understand this. My point was that soon after the release(of Identity) there will be a lot of people taking up illegal jobs and thus there will be many people with arrest records. Wardens most likely won't know many of the prisoners on a day to day basis, making their testimonials pointless. I don't think there will be a huge number of prisoners, but as I said previously, anybody who has a record with an arrest will have to apply for your healthcare system. Which would make it incredibly inefficient. Also, You use real life days as a time frame for payments, so it is implied that a delay of one day between applying for and receiving healthcare benefits would be a real life day. Your manifesto says nothing about a one day delay between applying for and receiving benefits. That means you either made it up on the spot or did not care to add it to the original. You used $500 per real life day as a rough template for how the payments will work on identity. Even if certain aspects of your character do not simulate while you are offline, the server you play on will still have time passing even if you aren't online. So you can just apply for healthcare, log off for either a real life day or an in game day, and log back on and receive full coverage for your procedure or treatment. In conclusion, You say you are a far right party, but you have several policies that are uncharacteristic for a right leaning party. It is commonly agreed that right leaning parties prioritize the constitution more than left leaning parties, but your disregard for religious freedoms and denial of the second amendment to the public show that you are not really right leaning. The second amendment was created so that civilians could fight tyranny, and I would imagine many people would wish that they possessed firearms if you were elected. You have several policies that you wish to hold a referendum on, there is nothing wrong with seeking public opinion, but when you are unsure enough about 2/11 of your core policies that you need to seek approval from others, you aren't that good of a leader, get over yourself.
  10. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    It still is incredibly inefficient for everyone with an arrest history to have to get a personally written letter from the commissioner(assuming that this custom role would be integrated) especially considering that the commissioner would need to do research into the backgrounds of each applicant and receive testimonials(unless you had another method of approval in mind). Also, what would stop people from signing up for this healthcare plan when they get sick and logging off for a day. When they log back on they receive full benefits from this plan. I don't think this plan will work even if it has a good leader. No offense, but you haven't proved that you are a good leader yet and this healthcare plan isn't helping your case.
  11. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    It really doesn't. If someone knows that they need or will need an expensive medical procedure or treatment they will sign up on Monday and go to the doctor's office on Tuesday. Also, prohibiting people with criminal records from applying for this optional healthcare is not wise, eventually there will be a large number of people with some varying record of arrests. Even if they requested a letter of approval from the unconfirmed commissioner role this would be incredibly inefficient, as there will be hundreds of people on each server. This healthcare proposal is inefficient, illogical, and unsustainable. Also, most people would be unhappy if they had to pay for the healthcare of other people without gaining the benefits themselves.
  12. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    If it is optional then the only people paying for it would be the people who have much higher medical bills, which would mean that the only way to sustain this healthcare system would be to use taxpayer money. That would mean that if you chose not to pay for the healthcare directly you would still have to pay indirectly.
  13. Why escape from terkov is not on Steam ??

    They used their own service for the Alpha and most likely for the Beta, but I think they are planning on eventually having a steam release.
  14. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    ... then it wouldn't be universal healthcare.
  15. Français National {FN} (Brand Update)

    You probably won't be able to add new jobs, and it's already been established that there will either be no police chief or it would be an admin(I'm aware that a Commissioner isn't the same as the Police Chief, but any administrative position within the police force that has lots of powers won't be available to regular citizens). Also, you talked about a few RP elements of your policy( LGBT, tax cuts for single parents) but you never stated your healthcare policy.
  16. Updated List of Services Provided by DollaBank LLC.

    Essentially, you would be using another banking service(one created by the devs) to virtually transfer money? Wouldn't online banking fees cut into your profit?
  17. Why escape from terkov is not on Steam ??

    They slipped a clause into the TOS, if they really wanted to they could though. I'm just trying to sell my account on a 3rd party site rn.
  18. Why escape from terkov is not on Steam ??

    Just got a reply from both the payment service and the Escape From Tarkov customer support, they both said that according to the TOS the game would need to be cancelled in order to get a refund. :c
  19. BETA

    Thanks for the clarification!
  20. Why escape from terkov is not on Steam ??

    Crossing my fingers!

    A few questions Are schools and universities confirmed to be in the game? How would you keep track of the money invested in small businesses and charity? What is stopping me from giving my friend money to donate to my own business so he could get a tax break? What determines the difference between a small business and a large one? What is stopping people from creating fake charities to get tax breaks?
  22. Why escape from terkov is not on Steam ??

    I haven't actually gotten the refund yet, I can let you know within 2 days, but I am going through the payment service(Xsolla) that was used for the preorders. I will keep you updated. Hoping to get my 70 dollars back!
  23. Great Work

    It most likely would have to be an update because of a few factors. Firstly, there won't be a ton of mod support at release and I am not sure how high it is on the list of the Dev's priorities. Secondly, there probably won't be DLC as the game will just be continuously updated. Lastly, trains would take a lot longer to create if they were created to allow player drivers. It would be pretty sick if they did add it, but the Dev's priorities probably would focus on bug fixes and patches at release.
  24. Why escape from terkov is not on Steam ??

    Trying to refund right now, the game is probably already at full price so its not worth buying now
  25. BETA

    Yes. If you spend 30+ dollars you get access to the beta(not sure who gets access to the modules). The game is slated for a late 2017/ early 2018 release.