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Showing most liked content on 02/05/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    While our focus has been on mechanics for the next module, SWAT, we've put together a bunch of fixes and improvements for today's update! We've been building on the weapon mechanics as our primary focus. Once we feel that the weapons are in a state that we feel is ready for the public, we'll be giving you access to a few in the Town Square. In preparation for this, we've opened up the basement of the police station where the shooting range is located. The patch is rolling out on Steam right now. Drop in to check out the changes! Identity Update v1.0.2.4826 * Added new VOIP backend system, greatly increasing quality of voice sounds. * Character movement has been refactored to allow for better polish and feature expansion in the future. This also now allows you to sprint in all directions. * TVs in apartments are now functional. Play YouTube videos, synchronized for everyone around. * Added additional TV sizes in the furniture shop. * The police have carelessly left the door to the basement unlocked. The shooting range functionality will be coming soon. * You can now initiate emotes by using chat commands. Type /emote in chat for a list of options. For example, writing /point in chat will make your character point their finger. * Added a soccer ball to knock around in the public area. * Refactored the way the camera changes when sprinting. It's now based properly on your speed. * You'll no longer hear people in other instances (apartments, cinema, etc). * Added more ambient sounds in character selection. Adjusted the volume of the background music. * Fixed bug with falling popcorn particle animation in the cinema lobby. * Fixed display bug when sitting in a chair while crouched. * The action radial menu will now appear more reliably when interacting with objects that have more than one action (hold your use key). * Adjusted lighting in several interior areas at night. * Lighting outside is now a bit brighter at night. * Fixed a bug which could cause footwear to blink in and out of visibility when running. * Added cloth physics back on the summer dress and flags. * Placed carrots are no longer 6 feet tall. We almost didn't want to fix this one. * Skin is now less likely to be visible through clothing during some animations. * Fixed display bugs with females sitting in chairs. * Fixed alignment issues on some seats in the hotel. * Added missing bathroom fixtures to some apartment floorplans. * Fixed positioning of hipster glasses on females. * You can now properly toggle the display of helper messages. This can be done in your game settings or using the F1 key. * Added a bunch of bandannas to wear. There are about 10 times more to be added yet. * Chairs refactored so that players, especially females, will be seated more precisely. * Fixed the sky flicker every several minutes.
  2. 0 points
    the update was released 20 hours ago which was on February 4th