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Showing most liked content on 11/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Just wanted to see and hear from those of you that have decided to become Police Officers in the game whether that's on a public server or private one (get an updated thread going). Hop in and say hello. Discuss your character if you'd like, and what you're hoping to see from policing in-game. I for one am running as my usual RP character, John Shields. I have to update his backstory once we know more about the locations in the game. But I'm planning on running for a bit on the public servers (hopefully they're not a cluster of people running around just killing each other) and then eventually move to a hardcore RP community if one comes around. I have a lot of online Police experience everything from Recruit on up to Chief of Police and Sheriff, and also offline as well (13 years of Law Enforcement). Looking forward to serving with you all.
  2. 1 point
    The two first streams were from June, then there was the most recent gameplay stream from dasMEHDI in October. As for the engine, they're using a heavily modified UE4. Animations will be fixed at a later time since they're not their top priority. Fun fact, they'll keep the weird jumping animation for now. But it's pretty obvious some people will be upset because it doesn't visually meet their expectation. It's not even beta... But more like an early development sort of like alpha. Cars will make an appearance in the Racing module. There's also a possibility that in a future update of Town Square that you'll be able to visit your garage to check out your car, but you won't be able to drive it until module 3 and later. As for refunds, you'll have to go through PayPal for now. So if it's been too long, chances are that it won't be possible to get a refund. When pledging into a crowdfunded game in early development, you acknowledge to the risks, delays and drawbacks that it might encounter. Some rewards will take more time to be delivered than others obviously. And some of them won't be available until beta/full release.
  3. 1 point
    Okay @LordBenjiI can definitely work with that! Now to figure out to maximize income and have all streams of income benefit each other some how Thank you for your speedy response! It has been awhile since Ive check the forums so Im just tryin to get updated
  4. 1 point
    Eh, it's not a 4 man group. Those are the forum accounts. They have at least around 15 artists and 3 programmers. Not quite as low as 4 but still very low. To put it into perspective, Fallout 4 took just over 100 people to make, GTA V took much more than 1,000, and Red Dead Redemption (the first one) took over 800 people. As much as I criticise the devs, you gotta hand it to them, this is a huge project and if they pull off half of what they claim to with a team 35x smaller than similar scale games, fair play to them.