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Resource Idea

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So this is just something I feel would play a very major role in making the game Player Run. From what I know the game is going to have a crafting system that allows players to make many different things. As far as I know the materials for the item being crafted are basically bought from an NPC. Here's My Idea...

Basically Make it so players need to gather materials for these items such iron, ore, silver, cloth, Food Supplies ETC. This would allow for the corporation to become a vital role in the game being the suppliers of things the players need. For example, A company could run a mining operation to gather iron ore. From there they can bring it to the factory where it is processed then shipped out to who ever is buying. Another Example is Food. Allowing players to run farming operations would make a very big impact on the game. Having a corporation that owns farm fields where they can farm what ever crops they need, process the crops into what ever food they want then ship it out to restaurants and small businesses would make the game much better instead of just doing basic jobs to get money to buy materials. This will also help the Transport corporations giving them jobs to transport and deliver shipments of product from factories.


This is just my opinion but I feel it could really make a difference. 



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8 hours ago, st6sniper1a said:

So this is just something I feel would play a very major role in making the game Player Run. From what I know the game is going to have a crafting system that allows players to make many different things. As far as I know the materials for the item being crafted are basically bought from an NPC. Here's My Idea...

Basically Make it so players need to gather materials for these items such iron, ore, silver, cloth, Food Supplies ETC. This would allow for the corporation to become a vital role in the game being the suppliers of things the players need. For example, A company could run a mining operation to gather iron ore. From there they can bring it to the factory where it is processed then shipped out to who ever is buying. Another Example is Food. Allowing players to run farming operations would make a very big impact on the game. Having a corporation that owns farm fields where they can farm what ever crops they need, process the crops into what ever food they want then ship it out to restaurants and small businesses would make the game much better instead of just doing basic jobs to get money to buy materials. This will also help the Transport corporations giving them jobs to transport and deliver shipments of product from factories.


This is just my opinion but I feel it could really make a difference. 



Players have to gather materials like cutting down trees etc. and other sorts of things.

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20 hours ago, st6sniper1a said:

If that that's the case then thats great but I have been told other wise by other people

What @LuckyDuck said is true. The devs have confirmed in a Q&A (forgot which one) that players will be able to have jobs like lumber mills, mining cooperations, etc. Also players can make a decent living selling the furs,meat, etc. off of game they kill in the wilderness if that is their chosen playstyle.

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