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So this belongs in off topic too

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So since marijuana is gonna be apart of the game, is hemp going to play any roll(i doubt it) in identity?

I'd love to have hemp farms that simply and only produce a systematic income so that we are not left completely broke all the time(while we are learning to play). Say 10 zwets every 10 (actual) minutes that are played in game. So you go find 150 zwet and you can get a hemp plant that does that^^^ 

Catch would be like, you paid 150 for the first but now you gotta pay for two to get one more, and so forth that way- so that we dont have people making 100zwet a actual minute throughout gameplay. Oooor, just a limit on the number of hemp plants you can have so that we can always go get a cup of water, come back to our game and have 50 zwets ready for us. And another limitation would be like you can only have 200zwets from each plant on you at a time and no more. 

So two plants would mean you can have, at most, 400zwets.

Opinions? :D

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I don't like drugs non-the-less nor use.

But I am more of the middle family in drugs, I can make deals and smuggeling routes and so on. 


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