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Controls and Smoothness

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Alright folks, it's A z k a b a n again!


As well all know, in experience playing any PC game with a driving mechanic, or any older game where the driving is touch sensitive rather than based on the position of a control stick or the steering wheel, it comes into question rather it'll be a smoothness oriented PC keyboard setup or an alternative...


By this I mean, will you be able to control the position of your steering wheel with the keyboard and adjust it manually with the movement keys as necessary, like using A and D to control rather the steering wheel is a certain degree to the right or left until you correct based on the completion of a turn or where you need to be within a lane of the road, especially multi-lanes and avoiding being thrown away or fined for crossing a double yellow... we all know how hard it is to keep control when your turns jerk harder than the dance move...


The other solution I feel would be most appropriate ragardless of cross/platforming or releasing this game for console, is to just make the controls split, and cross compatible with certain controllers, such as using your wired/wireless XBOX ONE controller to control steering and movement whilst you use your mouse and keyboard to fiddle with the radio, windshield wipers if there's a specifically realistic weather and detrimental vision you could avoid with that kind of thing, just, being able to smoothly drive and control your vehicle's legal position on the road whilst also maintaining your real life comfort of multitasking without your eyes wide, screaming inside because you can't tell if you're about to fly off the road with a simple key tap by mistake may haps...


This just being for the sake of those that have a REALLY hard time with game driving to begin with let alone the PC classic atrocity of the yank drift and screech stop at every light.


The same concept must be looked at of course with acceleration, because a speeding ticket should be a punishment, not forced, and if you slam on the gas and zoom, there's a problem, instead of just gently doing what you're supposed to. Especially considering rear-ending people is terrible to your finances your at-fault driving record, etc etc... And I personally find it to be neccesary to have a Mafia II style speed limiter OR merely control the over-all moving speed as you would cruise control. and then braking is another story. How will that work? The ability to break and control rather you need to slam on the breaks or ease up to the red light?

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9 minutes ago, AzkabanTV said:

The other solution I feel would be most appropriate ragardless of cross/platforming or releasing this game for console, is to just make the controls split, and cross compatible with certain controllers, such as using your wired/wireless XBOX ONE controller to control steering and movement whilst you use your mouse and keyboard to fiddle with the radio, windshield wipers if there's a specifically realistic weather and detrimental vision you could avoid with that kind of thing, just, being able to smoothly drive and control your vehicle's legal position on the road whilst also maintaining your real life comfort of multitasking without your eyes wide, screaming inside because you can't tell if you're about to fly off the road with a simple key tap by mistake may haps...

They already confirmed the Xbox controller (They already fiddled around with it) will be compatible and they will test the steam controller too at some point in time. 

The steering will be realistic Like "GTA IV" had it more or less to compare it to any games for the driving. We however don't know if you do that cross controls sorta thing which you could in GTA a bit.


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