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Everything posted by LuckyDuck

  1. The Prodigal Son

    Welcome back to the community. You should check out the FAQ's to maybe refresh your memory or update yourself with answers to many questions which have been answered over this past year. Also please don't hesitate to ask any unanswered questions and someone will answer to the best of their knowledge. Kind regards, LuckyDuck.
  2. Greetings

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! If you have any questions everyone is happy to answer them but before you do, you should check out the 2 FAQ's as they have soo much information you might find out more than you even know what questions you want to ask. Don't hesitate to ask me anything and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. Kind regards, LuckyDuck.
  3. My ETA of the 1st module

    I think we will get an announcement about a week before the module releases and so I think personally it will be longer but anything is possible. (I am not saying we will get an announcement a week before, but it is my opinion that there will be one before the module.)
  4. Hello Everyone

    Hello Jessika and Welcome to the community! You would be happy to know that, VOIP is the main way of communication in the game but there is a text chat option but not catered as much for as VOIP is more immersive. Please check out the 2 FAQ's as they have a lot of great info which you will love to know about. Those posts may also have many of the answers that you are looking for. Have a nice day and see you around. Kind regards, Lucky Duck.
  5. Casino

    Yeah actually I miss read the FAQ Extended, my apologies. Casinos are confirmed in the game and are not player owned.
  6. Modding

    At the end of the day it is the devs decision and their one is as such for now and could change in the far future after full release.
  7. Modding

    It was just my opinion, but if they do add modding then that is up to the developers. I personally will just prefer they do the work and that be it because they deserve that while keeping it original.
  8. Hallo

    When it is ready and released the module will be downloadable from the module page but until then you need to wait.
  9. Modding

    Because, modding can be great but it also can ruin a game... I would rather the devs do it instead of players as they deserve to make the game better if it is either with patches or just DLC's. Also Modding means that people will make things like unrealistic stuff, anime, and other things which will ruin the game.
  10. Consoles?

    You have time to be able to get a decent PC to play. It is at least a year away from release if not delayed.
  11. Modding

    You can find the answer in the FAQ Extended. but no there is no plans for modding and I personally hope it stays that way.
  12. Pay to play

    That is pay to win.. There for it is the worst way for devs to go.
  13. Hey.

    Welcome to the community, nice to have you join us here. Also nice to meet you Soren! Please be sure to check both FAQ's out as they provide abundance of information and you could get answers you are looking for from them. Enjoy the forums and community, but please don't hesitate to ask a question if it has not been answered already and we will be sure to help you out if as best we can. Have fun and maybe see you in the Town Square Module!
  14. Need "Social Media" buttons

    The statistics are all manually updated... and that is why you never saw it go up.
  15. CanĀ“t see Devblog #5

    The email system from the host is a bit broke, (I use it) and pretty much I send one and people receive 3 copies but not everyone gets a copy.
  16. Paramedic

    Very good question, but I am sure there will be something to do but I don't know as the info has not been passed on yet/ made public.
  17. gas stations

    No, no one can own a gas station unfortunately but it is for a good reason as because not everything is good when player owned/ it won't be as immersive because if no one is on then it means you can't re-fuel your car and that breaks immersion.
  18. Consoles?

    The official answer can be found here on the FAQ Extended! Please read that and the other FAQ as they both give a lot of answers to questions and it can give you a lot of fulfilment.
  19. Poll of the average age.

    Someone already posted a "poll" with the exact same question, and so I kindly ask that you search next time.
  20. Kids in game

    I didn't say R18 would stop anyone, I just said it is the only thing they can do to try stop them and then it is up to the parents to consent them to play. There is no real way to stop someone playing a 18 or any other game.
  21. Will Sports be a Job?

    I don't believe Gyms will be ownable like bars.
  22. Schools as tutorials?

    There is a university environment where you will be able to teach others as an extra RP thing but there won't be such a thing as a Job. Also you have to go to the university/ school building and do tutorials there as that will act as the qualifications needed for things like applying for cop, getting a drivers license etc.
  23. boats

    You can own boats and if you look at the trailer you would see that they show a Yacht, also please be sure to check the FAQ's because they cover so many questions.
  24. Farms

    You will have to do the things to maintain your crops and so if that is it then yes it will likely be needed to be done.
  25. New arrival

    Nice to meet you and Welcome to the community! Please indulge in the FAQ's because they have a lot of information which I am sure will answer most or all of your questions you have. Once again Welcome to the community and don't hesitate to ask something! Cheerio.