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Everything posted by njayminsim1115

  1. Shaolin Zeusa

    There's already plenty of these, good luck with competition
  2. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    This is ridiculous, PBS has 1000% better things to do then sue this game name. Also @KingBen1223 do you guys create large paintings? Once the module comes out, I would like paintings that would make my apartment more contrasting. I'm thinking a canvas of this: https://www.google.com/search?q=Anonymous&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjPsteiuaPUAhUT2GMKHXiyC78Q_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=bskKbYVp5ssGBM: But instead of random people's name I want the words only to say. "The People" "The People" "The People"
  3. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    There's no need for online venting right now. It's just a poll @SummitsEdge & @mezdoo However, it fair that one screenshot or two for every month is a bit frustrating.
  4. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    Exactly the progress has been very slow
  5. I will be starting a bus company!

    They guy with the most rep is having a bus company
  6. Anonymous

    No, it's when everyone on the server hates them Bump
  7. Police SUV sneak peak

    1/2 million is still alot