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  1. FeedmeShroomz

    Hello there, you happen to have found this little blurb about me. My name is Alex, but y'all can call me Shroomz. I have always dreamed of a video game where you can pretty much do whatever you want in it. One where death can have a toll on your character. I like what you guys have done with this concept. You have been working hard creating my dream video game. I'm glad I'll be alive to see it come true. Young entrepreneur and marketer. Always have been into RPGs and would love to see this concept come to VR. So I do suppose that is all that there is to leave currently. If you are looking for someone on your marketing team I have quite a few ideas on how to create real income out of this game. Not only will my idea produce income it will also draw media attention. If the owner of this company and game sees this please contact me and we can agree on terms possibly. -Shroomz