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Everything posted by KENNYOUT3

  1. Map Editor

    For people who want to rent there own servers they should be able to customize the map and make it how they want. Build the terrain, put what they want where they want, and more.
  2. Hardcore Parkour!

    That Sounds Awesome. Kinda Like Mirrors Edge
  3. Free Updates

    I think they might plan on doing this already. But just in case they haven't. I'm going to say it. I think they should do what GTA online does and come out with free DLC updates. Add new cars. Weapons and stuff. It will keep players coming back. They should also add map expations.
  4. Think about how cool it would be running around in the world of identity with the Omni/cyberith and the oculus with the oculus controllers. Ultra... realism
  5. Spray Paint And Graffiti

    I think we should be able to buy spray cans with different colors and stuff and be able to graffiti places. And it should stay there untill the cops come and clean it up and that invisible flag will be over u witch is vandalism. So the police could have the right to arrest you