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Posts posted by Boumu

  1. Just now, DJScias said:

    Hello there,

    Identity will probably not have Early Access as far as I know.. But I however do know that Identity will be released on Steam when it's finished!

    Kind regards,


    Just now, KevinLangston said:

    It is on steam green light and will be run with steam. 

    Thanks :)

  2. Just now, thewildwookiee said:

    GreenLight haha i would rather it not to hit steam

    Why wouldn't you want it steam? I find the interface more useful to see which of your friends are online, Steam News highlights the latest updates of the game, and I assume Identity will gain more popularity.

  3. I'd like the first and last name thing; Peter Phile, Ben Dover, Phil Lacio, Stu Peid, Al Coholic, Eric Shun, Mike Hunt will probably be one of my names


    • Like 1

  4. If the banks are realistic, I hope you guys know most bank vaults don't have millions in gold just laying in the center :) 

    If it's anything like Payday, seeing that in a MMO would be insane, knocking out the bank teller taking his ID to disable the security room stuff like that would awesome.

  5. I just hope they make the numbers/pricing realistic, if you've ever played any MMO then you know what I mean... "Selling shirt for $27 million!" "Buy apples $200 for 1!"

  6. Just now, Sneaky_Assassin1 said:

    Do we have a ballpark estimation of specs needed to run this game?

    My guess would be anything around GTX770 usually what fits big MMO's like Identity is planning to be, I don't think Identity will be releasing a PC Specs list for a while because they have to consider all models of the game and they would have to constantly update the specs if they released a list now.

  7. I kind of agree with Identity's decision of not having police being able to go undercover on duty because I've seen this happen in so many games and as a black market dealer or an illegal purchaser of fire arms it is almost impossible to get things going the way you want it without having undercover's around you 24/7.


    Buut if you guys have ever watched American Heist; I really loved the ending :) That's the kind of game play I wish to see.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kickapoo said:

    Good man, took my suggestions well! Its one of my favourite movies as well, watched it like five times now. Quotes are heavy as fuck as well. The question is though, did you predict Eli's blindness before the end or nah?

    I honestly thought Eli was going to die, have some kind of backstabbing ending but I really liked the ending especially when the book was opened :) 

    • Like 1

  9. 53 minutes ago, Dysto said:

    Finally got around to World War Z, was a lot better than I thought it would be. Also TED 1 and 2 are not bad.

    I really like World War Z too but didn't like TED 2 that much.  If you've watched World War Z you should watch I am Legend :) 

  10. Just now, Vix said:

    Not really, there are only 2 tweets about billboards, I skipped the other one because it was "Maybe in the future, we're not sure". Since you can make your own logos, paintings, design clothes etc you'll most likely be able to design your billboards. Maybe even hire someone to do it for you if you lack the abilities or are simply too lazy. ^u^

    I just hope the designs are not pixelated like in ark, look at the edges you can see the forms of the pixel; I understand it is like this so it can render faster and use less resources but it just looks really ugly like this...
