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Posts posted by Jaxx_On

  1. 12 hours ago, Vix said:

    Made my char! Actually, made almost 10 and deleted all of them to fix minor things...




    Name is Vix Vi, server Angler's Watch, feel free to add me :D


    First Picture: Ok, a bit sad, not demon spawn.

    Second Picture: Ok, still sad, but nice face tattoos.

    Third Picture: Yeah! Nice! She is a Demon Spawn!

    Two more days until I can play! So psyched! You can bet Jaqen the Assassin will be joining you on Anglers Watch soon.

    • Like 1

  2. 6 minutes ago, Vix said:

    My monitor is just about 1 year old, but it's not the best kind and doesn't have the greatest performance. It was bought when I still had my 8 year old PC, so...

    Btw B&S is gonna be updated in 4-6h. xD On my last PC it was 2 days.

    Don't worry too much, my monitor is a Samsung circa September 2014. I'm not too sure when it was bought, or anything specific about it, because it was the first monitor a friend grabbed for me after I got my PC, and I never thought of upgrading. It works well, and that's all I care about. And nice update time! Although that does seem pretty long regardless. What area of Europe do you live in, because I don't know anything that goes that slow in the UK.

    (BTW I am referring to Wifi speeds)

  3. 4 minutes ago, Vix said:

    Yup! :D I'm so excited! Literally waited for this game for almost 4 years now and I played during CBT and it was amazing! I'm so excited to play it on max settings instead of medium/low! Though my monitor is a bit outdated and can't handle my GeForce GTX 970 graphic card that well. xD

    Hopefully your monitor won't explode upon download. I know my Macbook Pro from 2011 didn't explode upon download, so you computer shouldn't either. Can't wait for the weekend when I will have time to play.

  4. On another note, Yay Vix! Can't wait to play assassin with your abominations of the worst kind! An assassin and a mage(and hopefully a blademaster)! Now all we need is a tank and a support and we're set!

    • Like 1

  5. 32 minutes ago, Frenchy said:

    Just me dumping my problems on the rest of the world acting like they would actually care

    If it is really serious, I would honestly suggest the first link I post. Don't be afraid to post here if it is. I know nothing of your problems, though, and if it isn't on the level of that first link, I would recommend venting about it on the second link I post, or, if you need something a little more personal I would recommend the third post. I hope this helps.




    • Like 1

  6. 4 minutes ago, Frenchy said:

    Meds made me type some stupid stuff that I hope no one ever saw

    Basically a drunk post then. Ah well, that I can understand deleting. However, was it a negative comment, a positive comment, a rant, or a completely off topic comment.

  7. 1 hour ago, Frenchy said:


    There's no reason to delete, show us what was there originally! Come one chant this song once, 'til we see everything at it's core! Nooooo deletion! Nooooo deletion! Noooooooooooooo deletion! Yay!

  8. 6 hours ago, Xentinel said:

    Everyone on this post is EU, mean while I'm NA. So sad :(

    I think that is quite telling about the community behind Identity, eh? I mean, most of the current forum users we can see here are from EU.

  9. Oh, crap, it doesn't work on Mac(No way), and I have no time during the week. Wrong time to find a video game! Funny thing is the main thing stopping me from playing is game guard. I was able to install it perfectly fine.

  10. *See's post*

    *Searches up game*

    *Sees it's an mmorpg and dismisses it*

    *Watches trailer*

    *Sees customisation options*

    Screw all previously conceived notions this is the game for me!

    I'm EU, btw.

    • Like 1

  11. On 1/9/2016 at 2:27 PM, DanDud88 said:

    So with drugs, alcohole, strip clubs and gambling included, are we sure this won't be an Adults Only (AO Rated) game?

    Drugs? Payday 2. Alcohol? Throw a stick at an M Rated Game, 50/50 you'll find it. Strip Clubs? Hitman Absolution. Gambling? Pokémon. No, I'm not kidding. Or just look at GTA for all of them.

  12. One punch man or attack on titan?

    One Punch Man, no doubt. Also, in your thing you spelled Abacuses' as Abacauses'. Begone "Nailed It"!

    Punching Proves Much Moot For Freedom Is Independence Found For Cretins, Champions Clan.

    (Really I have no idea what I just wrote but try writing that! Btw you don't need to write this fourth line.)

  13. On 1/17/2016 at 3:24 PM, xVAULTxDWELLERx said:

    Two problems here:

    1. The dollar sign goes BEFORE THE GODDAMN NUMBERS!

    2. Your businesses would be registered as a hotel or hostel. That makes 4th amendment laws a little different. in the supreme court cases of United States v Katz and United States v Cormier it was decided that police could enter a hotel room without a warrant if they heard or smelled something that could endanger public safety or gave them probable cause to suspect something illegal was happening inside (such as harboring a fugitive). Also in United States v Domenech it was decided that the expectation of privacy (the cornerstone of 4th amendment law) does not extent to hotel rooms registered under a false name or alias, so unless your "guest" plan to use their ACTUAL names then they are busted. Hell, speaking of warrants, if your facilities are known to be a hiding spot for wanted criminals how hard to you think it would be to talk a judge into issuing a blanket search warrant for the premises? We would be ransacking your places ever damn weekend and arresting anyone who got in our way!

    Good luck with your business when you have THAT kind of reputation!

    Well I'm late for my 2 cents.

    Hey, let me just point out something in all of those cases. It is "United States v [insert name]". I don't believe Identity is set in the USA, a state of it, or part of it's commonwealth(or whatever it's called). This would mean not all US law would apply to it. Also, if we were to assume it's based off of the devs home country, that's Canada, so still no luck. Good citations of the law though. Are you in a Law-related career, or just are over-enthusiastic about pointing out inconsistencies? Because I completely understand that second one.