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Everything posted by NutterButter

  1. illegal/legal weapons dealing

    You find people like me that don't want to kill and want to build the best of all illegal weaponry, I'll sell you a gold plated magnum if you get me gold and pay 16,000 IGC
  2. Twitch Live Streaming

    I loading down twitch now.
  3. Twitch Live Streaming

    Are you gonna post those to YouTube to get even more views?
  4. Hospitals & public health

    Can I be a medic now, and have a bag of nonlethal bullets or sleep darts type of deal? Or anesthetia? Cause I'm gonna kidnap random players, put them in my smugglers hideout cage and then yeahh. I hope we can block doors somehow. What would being a doctor so if we have paramedics? That would only be useful if say you die, and you don't spawn. Like you are just stuck in your body until paramedics help you up, but if they were late- this is where doctors come in- they grab the dead, put them in a ambulance and take them to the hospital where the doctor takes 3 minutes to revive them. I'm gonna be the cop with paramedics cause they need protection, I can just see that someone's gonna try trolling and wont let the paramedics help him up and kills the paramedics. These cigarettes will be then and of me when I'm 85. Only got 100 summers to live your life, right? I got 85 years cause I'm living life to the fullest brudda Having a nurse could double the healing time for a fee? Like a extra 100$ bucks for those 3 minutes or something such? I state ideas that are to be altered and toyed with, I just cement a foundation, y'all got the building to do.
  5. Body Guards?

    Player controls over ridden. The president needs a primary spot tho, like in the reticle or to the side? That way the guard is actually covering him.
  6. Body Guards?

    Gunshots add a buff and so does a gun in proximity though the notification shouldn't be visible, the buff- being that you can alter the pres movements 100% As if you are him.
  7. An Identity Comic Strip from Ye Olde Forumme

    Do a comic about the opportunity in this game, Like you and your friends decide to go out camping for the first time but don't know about bears. Not gorey tho. Or perhaps the rich yacht guy that all the low wealthed players are attracted to, and he pulls up the yacht ladder and a shark gets everyone. And he has no clue, this dropping the ladder when it's all good. Or draw a comic about some dude making meth in the boonies and then blowing himself up cause he's a tweaker. Or what Will a small robbery involving cops be like? Police"hands up!" Theif"what? Who me?" Police"yeah, get on the ground!" Theif"uhm? No?" Police"maybe it's not him...." Get jiggy wit it
  8. Hello

    I'm the talker. Hru doing?
  9. Its the only one unused

    Will politics find its way into the game?
  10. Its the only one unused

    As long as I can do schooling with my character and not lose that progress. Sounds tip top diggity dog
  11. illegal/legal weapons dealing

    Does that make me seem suspicious.. I am. Oh Well.
  12. illegal/legal weapons dealing

    Fun recipes, acquired from mining and owning a factory with fun case molds, and ect. Just build a few dozen pistols, put them in crates, have your friend drop them off on a boat for a price. And the smuggler takes them from there. (I'm independent so youll find me only if you're lucky.) but I'd def be a builder/drug producer to make copious amounts of money. I'll be a factory with a friend I trust, and he will distribute them to another guy who will distribute it globally, as long as 3rd guy don't open his mouth to where my homie is, im clear which my buddy won't be followed or betray me. (gotta have boundries and rules set if you want a cut of gun/drug smuggling.
  13. Body Guards?

    Perhaps any recent gunshots provoke this action as you can't move or direct them unless a bullet has been shot, declaring a safety need? Or maybe they will toggle a consent move when they aren't in safety- just protect the pres and don't break the rules otherwise it's illegal? Idk.. Perhaps we can only trust our fellow players not to be tha undercover fradulent body guard tryna make it rich in the boonies.
  14. what boats would you like to see?

    Exactly, except I don't use social media unless it's for a cause, Facebook- eh I got a phone, Twitter? Nah got a phone to text and call, I don't need no Facebook Twitter. If I did I would tho, so it's in your hands, oh mighty righteous drug Lord.
  15. what boats would you like to see?

    Anyone else notice that fine print? Yeah- we set need a yacht or a variety but I feel it's gonna be off because- is it a house, or is it a boat, do you save there And put your stuff there or is it a temp storage because people can board and Jack it?
  16. what boats would you like to see?

    Better first boat.
  17. what boats would you like to see?

    That holds like 4 people at least... Maybe smaller
  18. what boats would you like to see?

    And of course we need that first boat ever, for everyone new.
  19. what boats would you like to see?

    And I'll need a smugglers boat, something like so
  20. what boats would you like to see?

    Need a police boat
  21. what boats would you like to see?

    Me"Drop the ladder it's cold!" Jim"something touched my foot!"*pulled underwater* Me"Kevin you drop this ladder right no--*pulled underwater* Kevin"I knew theyd leave if we pulled the latter up!"
  22. What if he comes back?

    I played fallout NV- but I was not able to get into the game, way to slow for me and I've played the beginning of fallout nv like 12 times to it ruined it when I bought it. So I got rid of it. I play co-op games, creative games, and games that enable power to the player in a variety of ways. If you wanna talk about COD/GTA/diablo then I can relay info, sorry I'm not tech savy and super involved in every game, even if it doesn't interest me or have a worthy story mode, or a online at all.
  23. My buddies' doubts.

    I'm that case... Oface!
  24. Death

    I want to know about mining and boarding
  25. Pool time

    I'm gonna sit on my weed ranch, a cop might come talk to me and then he knows where slackjaw remains. #IlligalOperations #BeingIgnored #OnALargeScale #PotFarmInsurance