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Everything posted by Pollux

  1. Question Passport Upgrade

    First things first, if this been asked before, I couldn't find the answer, because I'm dumb and didn't know where to look for, if that's the case feel free to remove this thread and everything. So to the actual question, fictional situation here: I buy the low tier passport, allowing me to get just the beta acess, if I want to upgrade let's say to Biker (wich is the one I wanted) will I be paying $ 130, or the Biker one becomes $ 70? Unfortunately, I don't live in the US and in my third world country I pay more than triple the actual price, I just started working so using my first pay to get something for 300+ is an investiment that I really need to carefully think about.
  2. Question Passport Upgrade

    Brazil, it's 3.22 here
  3. I'm assuming the number 7 is your way to write "?", but I didn't catch the purpose of the post, are you asking all those question, or judging by the title, you want us to talk about what we think would be most efficient? it's just for fun to solve this situation or how you think the police in identity could be improved? I don't see how the family question fits in any of these, care to elaborate?
  4. Question Passport Upgrade

    Awesome! Thanks for the info! I will be able to at least guarantee my place for now then upgrade asap.
  5. Tattoo Talk

    Exactly, I was about to ask about that on the "Other Jobs" tab, well the whole thread actually, I would like to see us being able to do it, but not having presets for it, just being able to get the skin templates would do a lot of good to anyone wanting to do tattoos, I always wear tattoos on my characters... Unfortunately I don't have it here anymore, but I did tattoos for a character on a DayZ private server, it didn't look as detailed as this one because I had limited work area, but it looked like this: