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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. Prison

    How shall the state be capable of ensuring whether inmates are serving their sentence without any guards or wardens within the game? How shall a prison function without any administrative staff members? Do inmates possess the ability to attend the recreational center? If so, how shall the gates either open or close during such time periods? What were to exist if a fight and/or prison riot were to occur within the prison? In my opinion, the prisons should consist of player-controlled guards and administrative agents.
  2. Possible Checkpoints

    Law enforcement officers should be expected to organize such operations by dividing the roles into the following: 1. 3-4 vehicles that function as a road block. 2. 1-2 vehicles that are expected to chase any disobedient citizen that intends to resist their detainment 3. 1-2 officers on "primary" 4. 1-2 officers on secondary 5. One superior officer
  3. Career-based Uniforms

    Companies should possess the ability to produce uniforms for their company in order to ensure that their employees dress appropriately for the task. For example, a waiter or waitress is expected to equip the company's uniform on to their person while attending a shift within the workplace. Thus, employers should be capable of producing a "set uniform" for their company. For example, I produce a coffee restaurant. Thus, my person sets the uniform to black pants, brown shirt, visor, hairnet, and rubber gloves. Thus, the employee shall possess the option to alternate between their "casual/personal clothing" and "workplace clothing". Otherwise, the company is capable of removing the employee from their job for disobeying the policies of the company. It would be ridiculous to witness a vehicle dealer equipped in a bathing suit.
  4. Dinner Parties & Adult Entertainment

    Hopefully, prostitution shall exist within the game under certain guidelines: 1. The sexual activity exists behind closed doors. Thus, the player is incapable of witnessing the sexual acts. 2. Sexual harassment is a prohibited act that could result in a warning, temporary ban, extended temporary ban, and then a permanent ban.
  5. The Communist Revolution

    As a potential political, industrial, agricultural, and personal espionage agent within the game and future politician, I am anticipating the ability to utilize my profits to form a "Communist Mafia" that conducts illegitimate activities in order to fund the political party's campaigns and cause. Roles: Dealers Smugglers Thieves Loan Sharks Provocateurs during protests and numerous other legitimate jobs that may include: Propaganda Agent Diplomat amongst social groups Escort/driver Musician (propaganda agent) etc... The Revolution shall be STRONG. E-mail my person if one is interested in forming the next Proletarian Revolution within Identity. P.S. The illegitimate acts must remain 100% organized in order to ensure that the state does not associate the mafia with the political party.
  6. The Communist Revolution

    Direct-Democratic Communism involves forming a worker's state that is governed by the workers. However, it shall originate with Socialist ideals prior to shifting the state or city into a Communist nation. 1. Direct-Democracy (not a representative government) 2. Nationalized industrial, agricultural, energy-based, and service-based sectors 3. Free food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education 4. Private property is abolished for "personal property". One possesses a "Right to Privacy" within one's personal property, identical to modern-day Laws regarding one's private property. It prevents issues such as deforestation and scarcity from occurring considering that Nestle currently owns the Rights to freshwater rivers within India. etc... Ask any questions regarding the ideal. Eventually, my person shall devise a constitution for the political party within the game. However, the game shall consist of an "Overt" (Political Party) organization and Covert (Espionage agents, militias, and mobsters) organization that are separate from one another in order to prevent the party from being classified as "corrupted" or "habourers of dissidents" etc... The "Covert" aspect could range from numerous roles: Espionage agents: Surveillance potential double agents that had infiltrated the organization, infiltrate opposing political parties as a means towards attaining intelligence on their agendas, sabotaging businesses that fund the campaign of our opposition, assassinating subjects that threaten the interests of the party etc... Mobsters: Commit criminal acts in order to fund either the militia or political party Militia: Paid to function as a militia to the political party during a potential coup d'etat, identical to The Red Army that had fought on behalf of the Bolsheviks. Usually, subjects are paid to merely remain as a militant for the organization until it is time to engage in combat. Ask questions regarding the organization...
  7. The Communist Revolution

    It seems quite suspicious to witness an individual produce a new account with the image of Karl Heinrich Marx that responds to a topic about Communism. However, my person shall guarantee that him and I are completely different individuals. It is a possibility that the individual had produced a second account in order to prevent individuals from hating his person for valuing Communism. Who knows... However, him and I are different individuals.
  8. The Communist Revolution

    According to Marx, Stalin's nation would not function as a Communist state considering that it was not dictated by the proletariat through a direct-democracy. In the process, Stalin was responsible for appointing managerial positions within industrial and agricultural workplaces rather than the people. In a true Communist state, the labourers would possess the jurisdiction to elect a manager rather than appointing a manager by an authority figure.
  9. The Communist Revolution

    My person shall simplify such statements with your person: 1. Hitler joined a National Socialist organization. Afterwards, he BETRAYED the Socialist organization by enacting Fascist Laws. 2. Stalin joined The U.S.S.R.. Afterwards, he BETRAYED the Socialist/Communist organization by enacting Fascist Laws. 3. Hitler executed Socialists and Communists. 4. Stalin executed Socialists and Communists (Bolsheviks) Simplified... Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky were Socialists and Communists. However, Stalin overthrew the organization and ASSASSINATED Trotsky prior to enacting Facist policies within the state. Simplified... HITLER and STALIN had CLAIMED that they were Socialist. However, they were subjects that had BETRAYED their political parties with FASCISM. How was Russia's U.S.S.R. Communist under the reign of Stalin? When has Capitalism worked?:
  10. The Communist Revolution

    Communism has ceased to existed considering that subjects such as Hitler and Stalin had revolted against the idea in order to form a fascist state.
  11. The Communist Revolution

    Capitalism, a system where a labourer produces 100 shoes for 25 cents per hour while the CEO profits by a few hundred thousand dollars.
  12. The Communist Revolution

    "Daddy, why are we poor?" "... Because healthcare is free" Said no man ever.
  13. The Communist Revolution

    The moment when a Capitalist argues that "Free Healthcare" is the cause for the expanding income-inequality gap. According to his argument, free healthcare is responsible for the increasing inequality gap considering that workers are NOT expected to fund their own healthcare. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH.
  14. The Communist Revolution

    My person had summarized your argument. Is one capable of understanding MY argument?
  15. The Communist Revolution

    One tends to ignore that workers are divided due to businesses that exploit their labour power in order to accumulate profits. Business = "CEOs of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your profit!"
  16. The Communist Revolution

    The identical statement could be applied to the Neo-Liberals, such as your self, that automatically appeal to propaganda from the 1960s rather than conducting an in-depth analysis on the political sciences, economics, and Marxist theory. <--- Majoring in Political Sciences and International Development with the intent of functioning as a professor and a Lawyer. P.S. Your argument throughout the entire discussion: "They said they were Communists. Thus, they are Communists. They said that they were unicorns. Thus, they MUST be unicorns" while forming ad hominem (personal fallacies) regarding my intelligence throughout the discussion. Enjoy the remainder of the day. MAY THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!
  17. The Communist Revolution

    What causes such sources to be unbiased? Why is it acceptable that your person cites a Capitalist author while it is biased if my person were to cite a Leftist scholar and/or witness? Do you KNOW who Leon Trotsky is? P.S. I have not decided to appeal to one's authority by remaining silent. However, YOU'VE decided to respond to my person's statements. Thus, utilize one's own advice.
  18. The Communist Revolution

    The truth has already been discovered. However, your person seems to be analyzing your own narrative rather than conducting an in-depth analysis on the subject. Sources: The Russian Revolution (Leon Trotsky) Paris Commune (Marx) Trotsky's Stalin (Allan Woods) The Revolution Betrayed (Leon Trotsky) Your logic throughout the argument: "They claimed that they were Communists. Thus, they are Communist. He claims that he is a unicorn. Thus, he MUST be a unicorn".
  19. The Communist Revolution

    Which Truth? The idea that a government is Communist considering that a bourgeois-state claims that it is Communist? According to your logic, a human being is a unicorn considering that it claims to be a unicorn.
  20. The Communist Revolution

    Indeed, such nations were not Communist based on the SOLE PREMISE that the nations were governed by RULING CLASS BUREAUCRATS rather than THE PEOPLE. You've EVADED the answer...
  21. The Communist Revolution

    1. Lenin and Marx advocated an ARMED STRUGGLE against the bourgeoisie. Thus, gun control would not exist within a Socialist worker's state. 2. Hitler executed Socialists and Communists within concentration camps prior to any Jewish, Negro, or homosexual citizen. 3. Hitler INFILTRATED the National Socialist party in order to form a FASCIST (Right-wing) state. Fascism includes: restricting gun Rights 4. Taxation is not a Socialist or Communist policy. In reality, Nationalizing, rather than privatizing, the industrial and agricultural sectors is a Socialist act. 5. The Nazi Regime, titled as "The Schutzstaffel", was a PRIVATE military organization that was responsible for the execution of innocent civilians within the concentration camps (Right-wing organization) You seem to ignore that Hitler had INFILTRATED the NAZI regime while Stalin had INFILTRATED the U.S.S.R.... INFILTRATED both organizations in order to form FASCIST regimes.
  22. The Communist Revolution

    How do you tell a Communist? It is one who understands Marx and Lenin. How do you tell an anti-Communist? It is one that misinterprets Stalinism as Communism, despite the evidence confirming that Josef Stalin had incarcerated the Bolshevik Party (the real Communists) within Gulags.
  23. The Communist Revolution

    Indeed, it clearly indicates that working-class citizens are incapable of attaining access to healthcare and education considering that the petty-bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie intend to maintain their power. It's a capitalist bourgeois-state that merely serves the interests of the bourgeoisie.
  24. The Communist Revolution

    Hitler executed Socialists and Communists PRIOR to executing any Jewish, Negro, or homosexual individual within the state. In fact, Hitler INFILTRATED the National Socialist Party in order to form a RIGHT-WING FASCIST STATE, identical to Stalin's infiltration of "The Council of Unions" (U.S.S.R.) in order to produce a state-capitalist degenerative worker's state. Interesting to witness the counter-revolutions that were formed against the REAL socialists considering that Trotskyists (Communists) were executed within Stalin's Gulag while the ORIGINAL NAZIS (National Socialists) were executed by Hitler.