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Everything posted by JohnGrahamCrackerMan

  1. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    Okay. I was just looking at your thread aswell lol. well the gentlemen's club thread at least)
  2. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    (By the way, does that mean I cant continue on until something post something else? I don t normally do these text roleplays, this is the first one ive done)
  3. Hello people, fellow roleplayers, and devs!

    Hello, my name is John The Graham Cracker Man, but you can call me: JohnGrahamCrackerMan. That is all. I hope to see you all, IN DA FUTURE!!!
  4. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    (Ok sorry)
  5. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    The officer replies to him, "WHat dya want". John replies, "This is my roommate, and I don't think he'd ever break the law. I mean look at his car!" *The cop glances at Luke's Toyato Prius before turning back to John. "Well he was recklessly driving in this here toyata." *John remembers the party a little more, and the fact that everyone played a LOT of beer pong* "Luke, its your own fault. Cya" *He walks into the diner*
  6. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *He drives towards the diner, and once its in view he sees that Luke's car is being approached by a police officer. He quickly slows down and turns into the parking lot, and, of course, parks. Once he is off his motorcycle, he approaches the officer* "Hello Officer." *He can now see that luke is inside the car, and the officer is approaching his window. He thinks to himself 'What has he done now?' before continuing toi speak*
  7. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *John jerks awake, feeling violently ill from the party he had last night* "To much drink? Guess so..." He gets up out of bed and hastily puts on his clothes, still feeling like he is going to puke any minute. He goes downstairs and calls for his roommate, Luke, who doesn't answer. This wasn't anything unusual, as John often woke up at around nine AM, he definitely wasn't a morning person, whereas Luke woke up at six usually, and would often go down to the nearby Meadows Diner, run by his Uncle Leo. Because of this John knew exactly where to look. *John walks down to his garage, and sits down at the handlebars of his very own, customized, Harley Davidson Iron 883. He turns on the engine, puts on his helmet, and drives off, heading towards the diner*