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Posts posted by Hanshi-Toshiro

  1. 2 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    I give it a 10. Made me feel cozy and remembered my Tony Hawk early days.



    I'm not digging the vocals, and that god awful snare drum sound please help me. Cool album cover so I'll give it a solllllliiiid 7.93/10

    *edit       forgot to add a song got dammit



  2. 2 hours ago, GeneSmith said:



    The first time I ever heard this song was in Bojack Horseman and I've loved it ever since. A great song with a nice little melody to it.

    I like it but im kinda sad now that Iv'e heard it for some reason........... 8.9/10 would give solid 9 but I teared





    Heres a good song that my brother showed me, amazing bass line and love the vocals especially the chorus 

  3. On 6/5/2016 at 10:01 AM, Kickapoo said:

    2/10 Dude.... 30 seconds was too long X(




    Might only just be me, but I find family guy childish and annoying, but I do find this to be quite funny. 




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  4. 6 minutes ago, GeneSmith said:

    Capitalism = Rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

    Anarchism = No rules so no order.

    That's not freedom sir. That is a playground full of children.

    Agreed. You give society a trophy for losing, they go bonkers. We see this in current america. 

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  5. 13 hours ago, Capitalist said:

    What do you mean "my system" will not have any money? There is no system, all the money the government steals through taxes and regulations will go back to the freemarket society where it belongs, there will be more money for you and me to spend than ever before when all the money that the government sits on goes to the people and the freemarket it stole from through taxes and regulations in the first place. There is no "your system" or government or welfare state in a anarcho-capitalist society. It's pure freedom and capitalism for everybody.

    so confusing. A capitalist society but everybody is free, literally free. 

  6. This will crumble and fall. I am not trying to be mean or anything, i'm gonna tell the truth, that's simply how I am. 

    Loans. Impossible. A business cannot keep on taking loans out every month, and if they take out huge sums of loans to last them a year, your banks will crumble in an instance. Only ones society must have as much money as god to do that. Do you think you have an unlimited amount of money? If you print your money everyday, from such small banks, they will lead to inflation. By printing more money, the banks have much smaller amounts to spend, or in this case; loan. The more money your print, the more you take from the banks, or the peoples money. And if you turn to the Identity government, sadly, they will not loan you a small loan of a million dollars.

    Drugs. Holy shit legalize all drugs! Seems like my place! Everybody will come to you, which will increase your money flow. But, you like your people right? You want good health? free healthcare! nope. The hospitals need money, and while your busy loaning small businesses, your nations hospital will be broke, and your people will fall. 

    Addiction is a drug itself. You find yourself spending all of this money, to give to your small businesses and larger businesses, welp, to your disappointment your going to find your nations banks in full debt. Like I said earlier, you cant print money if your banks have none! Thats just how it works.

    Good idea on the militia. But, even for a small community, and even a local, non profit militia is still going to want some sort of healthcare. Because if a drugged out guy on coke goes on a killing rampage and shoots three of the local militiamen, well shit. We ain't got no medical supplies. You can make some raggedy ass bandages, but no, you want your militiamen to have the best of the best! After all they are the only ones who are considered the police force over everybody. More crazed drugies killing your militiamen, the less militiamen! And if they keep on getting hurt, if they are not equipped with iron men suits, they will for a fact want out. Nobody ever wants to keep getting hurt, and have shitty equipment and shitty health supplies. 

    With no government spending, how are you going to get all of this shit. ex. fund hospitals, fund police, fund your militias 

    And I know that Rome wasn't built in one day. But jesus christmas, your gonna need to do some work! How do you make a country with no money and no taxes? Well Hanshi, I don't now. 




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  7. 13 hours ago, Johnny said:

    Interesting. I like the ranks as well. Curious, which server are you going to operate on - AU, US, or UK?

    If we have alot of men and women who rank up felonies and begin to get sent to prison, and maybe if their is a system were criminals get sent to other servers just for prison time and just because they have commited extremely bad crimes, then in that case... yes. If that made sense. 

    For regular Tri-City, we will be playing on the US server. 

  8. I very much agree with what Gene has to say. For I follow a game called Survive The Nights. They put out change logs ever so often, but at least we get an update. The last change log was today. Before that was April, and yes. That is a long gap, but I can see 80+ additions, mechanical and prop wise. They also have added what they've fixed, what's in store for the next change log, and their known bugs. Their community is well and alive like that of identity, and if you post a thread, you're guaranteed to get a response from others and 100% of the time; it's from an admin. And yes, only one admin is active. The information they put out is insane, and the game has been in production for two years. The other side of the game is the developing. For the game is run by a decent size team. But yet their are only two dev's, and two graphic modelers/designers. So you saying you are just understaffed is completely wrong. I think 200K can get you some good workers? Am I not right? Then I thought I was lazy! 

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