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Everything posted by dogman_35

  1. Robbing player owned houses

    You say that, but you've never played DarkRP. Raiding is about the only GOOD thing in that gamemode right now, and they still find ways to fuck it up with rules that make it unrealistic and boring. It's not the gamemode's fault raiding is bad. It's mainly the owner's faults because they write rules the majority of people just use to get people who did nothing wrong in trouble.
  2. Robbing player owned houses

    I play DarkRP pretty often, and I completely agree with this. The raiding and robbing is the biggest thing criminals can do besides petty mugging and on SOME servers ransoming hostages. You can draw the clear similarities between this game and DarkRP. Except with more possibilities for NON-crime things.
  3. The simple solution is just to regulate the flow of weapons. Guy walks up to you in an alley with a pistol, you're gonna freeze. Guy walks up to you with a knife, you're gonna run. A sort of semi-realistic license system could solve that easily.