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Everything posted by DanDud88

  1. So to best describe this game

    I can picture one of the reviews on the back of the box saying "What Grand Theft Auto Online should have been!!!! 10/10".
  2. Animations?

    If only it was like that in real life, you wave at a girl and you have her real name.
  3. A production Roadmap

    Something like this http://police1013.com/index.php/roadmap/ So that people who want to see how the game developments going can view it.
  4. So whose putting there names down for elections

    What are your policies?
  5. Ambulance Alert

    What if out of 300 people not one wants to be a paramedic?
  6. How will criminal courts work?

    How did you know all that?
  7. Hello people

    Hi Im Daniel from Blackpool, England (which is in the United Kingdom). I hope to join Identity as a police officer, im hoping to save up to get a gaming laptop to play this game and Police 1013 (another game that focuses on being a police officer). Law enforcement is my passion, however due to medical difficulties I can't be one in real life and im Realy looking forward to Identity.
  8. So whose putting there names down for elections

    Jabba and Kevin, are u 2 not putting ur names into the ring?
  9. Branching Firefighter Career?

    I had to do some volunteer work with the fire bragade once, as well as putting out fires they also have to prevent them. Such as giving talks in schools and assessing fire alarms in both private homes and council buildings etc.
  10. What to do with cheaters?

    The governor should decide the fate of cheaters and hackers in his bill of adress or whatever.
  11. What to do with cheaters?

    What about the in game police arresting them and taking them to ingame court where an ingame judge will determine what happens.
  12. small scale drug operations

    Who will be the default governor when you first launch the game?
  13. Hello from California

    Lucky for you, you can do that too in Identity "Read real books or write your own: A small library is filled with real classic stories and novels for you to enjoy. For a nice place to read you might find others in the coffee shop, listening to real-world radio stations. If you want to share your own adventures, not only can you write your own books but you can even submit them to the library for thousands of other players to read."