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Posts posted by Oroborous

  1. 2 hours ago, dagtag said:

    well seems like you are short on information... first of all "buying a blueprint" is not really their style, secondly yes there is a day/night cycle... havent you checked out any gameplay streams? and the vegetation... idk if you know this but they made the grass from scratch that's not easy. and despite all I have said now you have clearly ignored my post, I said those are just a few examples... but I will say it again, level design is NOT all it takes for TS... do us all a favor and do some research before blindly replying.


    Discord or not you're very well informed..kind of like you're part of the development and i am certain you know exactly how they create all the content.   They made all of their vegetation from scratch? Define scratch since you're so well informed?  Today there is no developer that does not use SpeedTree for vegetation so i doubt you know what you're talking about and i am telling you that making your customs trees, grasses, plants is easy that is if you really want live looking vegetation on top of that you can do magic with shaders.  

  2. 6 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    hahaha how funny, you are not just running around, a lot of the things had to work... all the interactions with the environment, the eye to details, the whole system behind the art, the system behind the apartments, the system behind stream mode. And those are just a couple of examples, TS isn't just some 'level design' as you put it, its far more than that...


    I did not see much of functionality or interaction on the videos.  Opening/closing doors comes with the engine and no programming is required.  Placing object does need programming but you can get a blueprint right off the marketplace that allows you to do that for few dollars.  While modeling would be the time consuming part in that amount of time they sure could have tons of models by now. vegetation, that's an easy part.  I did not pay attention if there is a day/night cycle and if there is a wind and weather but that's also not hard to get done. 

  3. 5 hours ago, dagtag said:

    lets see, I have a degree in programming, I am studying app development... and yes I do know what object oriented programming is, don't just assume what I do and don't know...


    Well then get your hands on UE4,  I got my hands on UE4 and Unity and what some folks stated is very true.  What was shown to us as far as game play is few weeks of work max.  People design levels like that in couple hours, those with experience of course. They are not showcasing any combat system, or physics.  You're just running around a level.. Let's be real

  4. 17 hours ago, the00spartan said:

    I been waiting for over a year for this game. set back after set back stay strong and recommended to friends. even forked out my own money to pledge for my friends. stop procrastinating this is getting out of control. you guys finish how many tasks in two weeks leaving a handful to be finished. 2 months later the last of the handful one task is left. now here how serious I am. I check the website tracker ever single day. EVERY DAY. you call your selves experienced team of programmers and say you hired more staff. I call BS. you guys have been working the same task for 2 weeks. one task taking 2 weeks too finish. your tracker is bull shit.  the only thing it tracks is well nothing it tracks nothing. its a made up figure of your imagination to buy more time. it means nothing. you cant finish the last user interface task but day after day we see cloths and hair styles and other BS coming out of the studio. suggestion stop developing cloths and hair and finish the module for god sake. I don't care if I cant have a mowhawk if I cant play the effing game. this is ridiculous I have spent over 400 dollars prepping for this game. and yall sitting back spending money and not providing adequate information on your current process or work to your pledgers. step it up quite all the lil BS working on stuff you don't even plan to release with the town square and finish this first module. and im sure I speak for half the community on this one. its our of control. I feel like this is another episode of NO MANS SKY. gonna be a giant flop and lawsuits out the wazoo. stop talking stop making excuses focus on what needs done now not what you plan to release next year. and get the effing game out to the thousands of individuals that have been patiently waiting for the game. end rant/ 


    While i agree that there is a huge gap between the company and community i still hope they start making wise decisions and before the huge bubble bursts.  It reminds me of For Honor from Ubisoft where the community got so fed up with them not telling the truth and constantly breaking things with updates to the point they started to boycott them and not playing,  It was very powerful because it's the community behind the reason why this game existed and so bit by bit Ubi was forced to make changed and starting the weekly "Warriors Den" streams informing what's going on.  While we can't compare Ubisoft to Asylum  we can surly improve communication.  Asylum for sure does not have the resources for a weekly streams but we should get some kind of report on what is the progress,  The tracker does not reveal much, we all know that and hence why we have such a bursts of negative energy on the forum and people being upset.  They seriously need to sit down and have a conference discussion how to tackle this and i am certain they can find a solution. 

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  5. 18 hours ago, DonReyes said:


    In that case there should not be any drugs or violence in the game either, wont you agree?? 


    I think the main issue is to make a limit of access to the minors.  You can have tons of content but if you can limit the exposure to the young.  Just because majority of young people today are exposed to stuff by poor parenting and total lack of discipline it does not mean we have to follow that pattern.  It's totally obvious majority of people who support this game are young and they will flame me for saying this,  If someone keeps on telling you it's ok to do something that is completely wrong, at some point you will believe it is true and you won't see the wrong in it, or if you exposed to it long enough it will become as a norm.  I don't support the idea  because i trying to be a douche,  I don't support it because i know it's a wrong thing to do.  Majority of people know it's not proper but majority will also not admit to it. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    because it has been mentioned multiple times, just because it hasn't been stated officially anywhere doesn't mean it wasn't mentioned on forums/discord. I am just trying to help wherever I can so that people don't spread lies and others may believe these, community manager or not I am allowed to help and correct wherever I can.


    Well don't you think a official statement would not fix up the insane confusion? Do you think anyone is going to believe what you may overheard on some chat on discord? Not trying to go hard on you at all, Just getting absolutely tired of how things are being handled by Asylum.  You stated that you trust Asylum with your money,  Haven't most of us did? But with constant changing of mind, no transparency and excuses it's very card to continue to trust. 

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  7. On 24/07/2018 at 1:40 PM, dagtag said:

    I am not trying to be mean or anything but you didnt pay for a product, you helped back a project. If you cant handle delays and even more delays then maybe you shouldnt have backed in the first place... As i stated before i m not trying to be mean but there are a lot of people who think they paid for a product, people like these actually give the developers a hard time by first giving their money and then taking that away again...


    You're an a very example of total arrogance and seriously, being an ostrich does not help here.  If your head is in the sand than, sure keep on rolling over.. Major issue with gaming community today is simply just the fact that people "roll over" each time a developer screws up and this has been going on in the gaming industry for a long time.  Truth of the matter is that this became a habit and allowed any gaming company to give the community ridiculous turn around and we have been doing nothing but buying into these silly games. Too long we have been patting these developers and simply accepting this ridiculous way of them doing whatever they want.  Founded or not, there is money involved, and we should pay attention a lot more to this because it's our money involved..This demands some kind of answer, Not maybe, perhaps, No.. you have to give us an answer.  If you mess up, admit it, when there is transparency there is trust.  I don't have any trust in this guys because they are not being transparent. I love the idea of this title but there are way bigger values that matter than that and i am not going to break them for anybody, nor should anyone.   


    On 25/07/2018 at 12:31 PM, dagtag said:

    And you can predict the future? No, you cant, you are being totally pessimistic. Yeah the game has had bumps and blablabla but first of all, the TS is close to release and there is already being worked on the second module, these modules also take less time. So this game will probably release even when they have had delays. Because there are always those who know the risk of backing a game and dont refund with the slightest problem.


    Dude, again where are you getting this information? How do you know they are already working on the 2nd module? There is nothing stated officially regarding that and i am not understanding what makes you fill the ambassador role that clearly belongs to the community manager. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Anonymous_Citizen said:

    Discord. :D


    Obviously people will break rules regardless.  Something like that is called "OOC" Out of Character and surly breaks the roleplay. 

  9. It's a great idea.  The only problem is not getting it done through the development aspect of it, But the issue of 98% of player base doing it.  It would become a fake money fest very quickly since people would do everything they can to cheat and jump through few bars over to have a gain.  However...this all can be solved by harsh punishment if cough.  Back in the day i had this idea on how to stop 99% of player base playing criminals on life mods..Introduce capital punishment for criminals, multiple count murderers, continuous law breakers..Basically execution..your account gets wiped.  Issue was that each time the player would get arrested, lost their on hand founds or property they would run to the bank and get it all back in seconds. This is the only way to force criminals to think twice, high risk high reward or at least think is it really worth it to do what you have planned?

  10. 17 minutes ago, narcoticcrab said:

    ive been a backer of this game for 2 years and kept up with progress they have 2 things in testing then there done it prolly be out somewhere between 1 week n a month


    That information is farm from TRUE.  Please do not mislead people.  The game is far from being done.  They are working on releasing a first module called "The Town Square" that will allow players to interact witch each other.  There are 2 additional modules planned to be released and 3rd one being the final one to fully complete all of the systems functionality etc. 

  11. The whole Identity idea came from Arma 2/ 3 Life Mods and almost every single life mod including Asylum supported granting permission for people to use the vehicles you bought.  You were able to either grant permissions via menu or duplicate keys and giving them to your partner.  Now the biggest problem comes right from people being complete idiots and sharing these things we people they met 2 minutes ago and then these individuals screwing them over. While there would be some sort of mechanism to get your vehicles/property back this will create a river of crying and complaining on the forums, and millions of accuses how accidentally Joe Shmoe miss-clicked and granted a permission by accident to Ted who took, and stole his vehicle. Some servers supported "Key Ring" idea where you were able with the owners permission a duplicate key to a property or vehicle added to the keying.

  12. 15 hours ago, RedArr0w said:

    Now those are some smexy animations! Good find @Oroborous this just shows what we should expect in terms of the 'final product' within the UE4 engine.

    heck, maybe even they could use this until some of the more pressing tasks are done first. I'm sure this would keep everyone happy for a while!

    That video you linked wasn't even his most recent, here is his V2 changes and also his 'updated' one showing his most recent changes etc.. 
    @Beach_Ball check this out! :D


    I really think this system is at worth taking looked at.  From the Physics point of view you can even fall if not jumped correctly that talks a lot about how sophisticated it is.  Again i am just a Brillo Pad(scrub) trying to help out. It's not even expansive to purchase and maybe there is a little bit of hope they may consider it. 

  13. I assume pricing and stuff will also be adjustable on the private severs unless that idea has been taken out of the equation but i think they said private servers would also be available.  Honestly i would tone it down and make it extremely hard to purchase something such as a mansion or a airplane or a car.  I Played on many life mod servers for Arma  2/3 and it always has been a issue where people would grind and buy airplanes the first day and ram into buildings..I guess it's fine if you don't care about true RP.

  14. On 7/7/2018 at 1:18 AM, Aerotactics said:

    World of Warcraft, another MMORPG, was released in 2004. It is still getting improvements. Who cares if the animations are not up to par with modern games. They can always tweak it later.


    I care,  Saying who cares you speaking for yourself not the whole community.  Today a sub par movement is a standard..We're in 2018 not 2004. Also if they need good character movement physics system here you go: Locomotion 3 For Unreal 4

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  15. I think everyone can understand that there always can be issues and hiccups.  Point is that you promise something and you delay it multiple times and while that is also understood, You better start finding a way to convince the community because frankly just saying "it  happens during development"  or "we had to rebuild" is not convincing.  Rebuilding is not starting from scratch,  Again we're in 2018....

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  16. 5 hours ago, Mordacar said:

    Obviously we are only seeing TS not all of the work done on the entire world map. Plus developing a game is more complex than just making generic scenes like the links you have posted.


    I don't think you have a tiny bit of a clue of what you're even talking about. Please read the whole post instead of trolling.  I stated i used both, unity and unreal 3d engines and it surly does not take 3 years to create a scene.  the TS module...what do you think it is??? All it has is a bit of GUI added to it such as character creation, pause, settings...few models and some shaders.  Today you can create a playable descent size map in a month with the tools that we have to our disposal. They actually have an office now and a team to work on this,  But it looks more like they just started.  I am not saying this is a no go or a fail, i am saying that the amount of time they have spent it seems like they took a long vacation on it or simply not telling us the whole truth. Honestly tell me where do you see game play in the TS module..i seen someone running around the map..If that is gameplay to you then i am stunned. 

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  17. A long while ago i got excited hearing about this game.  I been around Arma 2/3 Life Mods or RP communities and that is where Asylum is coming from as well.  I haven't said that much throughout the course of the time,  I think once i finally asked questions regarding some sort of an update what is going on the development side.  Asylum needs to start getting their stuff together and be more in sync with the community.  I seen tons of posts with responses such as "Development takes time", "They have a small team"  And even then i still waited patiently.  However after watching few videos witch character creation and game play or rather so-called game play i realized for a term of 3 years, including some hicups they had not that match has been done.  I mean they do have dedicated artists and coders.  Now before someone shouts back and says that i have no idea what i am talking about let me share this with you. I started screwing around with Unreal Engine and Unity, And honestly in a month of time you can get a similar content they have been showing us.  Sure you can get a nice working map, invest into few assets such us day/night cycle with full weather, You can't even get a AAA Locomotion System for Unreal Enginethat is truly amazing for character movement and tons better of what we seen in the recent  game play streams.  Let's be serious,  the content shown to use is definitely not something that would take years to develop,  We are seeing character movement,  character creation and buildings that are decorated and almost no functionality introduced. You can search on you tube and find people decorating a map in 4 hours with stunning results... See this Speed Level Design done all in Unreal 4.  The real question is are we being told the truth because i am starting to feel like i am not being told the whole truth.  I rather hear the painful truth than sweet lies and that everything is pronto. 

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  18. People can say all they want and defend.  This is being build on Unreal Engine and it's not hard at all to do a quick vid for a showcase to the community. This is almost two years folks.  Dig in on youtube and you will see people build fully decorated maps in hours,  Yeah they are not kilometers long but in two years they would have been a some sort of a video out showing progress. Look at kingdom come: Deliverance..month after the kick starter they had videos and dev talk showing progress. Anyone can throw in bunch of jpeg's and call it progress and this is all we seen.   This is not 1 person working on this..

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