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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. From Colorado

  2. List of Confirmed Businesses

    Tow trucks will be in Identiy. You can tow cars that are broken down, or also cars that are illegally parked. At fist if a car is illegally parked nothing happens, but after a while tow truck drivers will be notified of the car. Cops could possibly radio over to tow truck drivers about cars needing a tow.
  3. voice

    Oh well I highly doubt this will be in the game, as the devs want each and every rp scenrario to be unique and for everyone to create their own "identity" in game.
  4. Hey @JamesLuck01 do you think you could list of all known jobs/ careers in identity, the ones that you can acutally progress in like police, emt, etc? Thank you.
  5. We will All be seperated after the game is out

    Well there will be official servers and private ones. Official servers will probably be named Official Server 01, Official Server 02, etc.
  6. I want to be a stripper

    You can Dance on poles and stuff, but you can't "strip", or get naked.
  7. Game has different phones?

    There wont be actual androids for copyright issues. But your character will have some sort of cell phone to text and maybe call in-game friends.
  8. Transportation

    The racing module (driving) will be the last to come out so I'm sure they will perfect it to the way they want it. I have high hopes that the driving mechanics for this game will be great and funny.
  9. Private Neighborhoods

    This isn't something that would just be in the game right away, but yeah you could do this if you have enough people. This is a RP scenario that's doable. Like what James said you can't stop people from living there. But you could "take over" territory if you are running some type of gang.
  10. Private Neighborhoods

    I don't think he was trying to be racist. In many major cities in America parts of them are majority a certain race or ethnic group.
  11. We will All be seperated after the game is out

    People who plan out their gangs and business rn will have to coordinate with each other and make sure They play on the same server. At first the devs planned for 300 player servers, which seems like a lot, but now there possibly expanding it to a 1,000, which will make for crazy RP experiences as long as the severs aren't laggy.
  12. voice

    Dude are you serious?? You really think this game is going to register every word we say into the mic and spit it out in a pre-recorded voice, no. This is common sense. This isn't gta where characters use pre-recorded dialogue. What you say into your mic is what comes out of your characters mouth.
  13. voice

    You can buy a voice changer online to hook up to your mic, might be confusing and hard to set up though.
  14. voice

    No there will not. It will be like gmod or arma how you talk with your own voice and that is what is heard.
  15. voice

    Your voice will be your own voice. What are you talking about?
  16. Keyboard driving?

    Could we possibly use a controller just for driving?
  17. Slaughter Gang **Recruiting**

    I wanna be in a gang like this, but im not sure how good youd run one.
  18. Street Gang

    I like it, Im interested, I think Ill make an app in a little bit.
  19. Street Gang

    Ik about those I don't wanna be in a mafia family. Like a legit street gang.
  20. Requirements

    I mean if you don't wanna lag or skip frames. Like with a 960 on Arma 3 on high get like 40 FPS. So this game isn't gonna be easy to run. Plus a 970 gets you like 45 FPS on medium to high settings on Ark. which devs said is closest benchmark we have.
  21. Requirements

    Yea medium. Plus this game will require more power than GTA. Have fun at 30 FPS
  22. Requirements

    No way. 1060 or 970, maybe a 960 at the lowest.
  23. Is Identity a PC exclusive!?

    Let's be honest, Identity will never come to consoles.

    You could also do a radio show.
  25. Would be cool feature, Id like to see it.