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Everything posted by DrFelixPhD

  1. Improve The Mobile Site

    I'm guessing you've tried turning the phone on its side to put it into landscape mode?
  2. Relationships

    Did they mention all that on Twitter?
  3. The First Thing You'll Do?

    It won't be an Adventure Time tattoo will it?
  4. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Care to name that business?
  5. The First Thing You'll Do?

    What's your best movie from the cornetto trilogy, in your opinion?
  6. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Or perhaps follow your dreams and become a lawyer like me!
  7. Stand Up Comedians

    Damn, that movie's awful But seriously guys, really liking the idea of karaoke and comedy Don't suppose I can do both at the same time?
  8. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Shit, I never even thought of that - I'm hoping they'll have multiple servers open, however I'm not sure really.
  9. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Where do you think you'll start - the beach, forest, mountaintop, strip club?
  10. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Any ideas as to what that career might be?
  11. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Bog standard probably - heeheehee
  12. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Ouch, man.
  13. The First Thing You'll Do?

  14. Hello Peeps of Identity!

    Welcome to the club, Romulus!
  15. Back From The Dead!!

    Y'alroyt, choock? Welcome to the forums, mate!
  16. Hi, I'm Me

    Hey there, Xen! Don't suppose I can hear one of those jokes?
  17. Hello!

    I really hope "cats eating bananas" is not an innuendo. But welcome, all the same!
  18. Hi

    Can't help you with the game, but welcome to the forums anyway!
  19. Hello everyone

    Oh boy oh boy - it's megaboy! Welcome to the forum mate! I Googled your name, by the way. I found this.
  20. Waddup Bitches!!

    Pleasure to meet you, peach queen! I should mention though, I hate peaches, therefore our relationship may be strained at times.
  21. the ELITE(iluminati)

  22. Gender, Male or Female?

    What if a sex change is possible - who knows!
  23. Hello!

    Oh hey there, ShadowLeaf - welcome to the forums!
  24. the ELITE(iluminati)

    Fight like a radroach perhaps?
  25. the ELITE(iluminati)

    Wait can someone photoshop Aziz's face on to that picture?