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Everything posted by dagtag

  1. Identity Trailer

    Town square is finished and is only on the hands of steam now.. They werent going to release, they were going to publish and they did, they kept their word...
  2. Identity Trailer

    Trailer looks good, the effort paid off

    Town square isnt coming out today, it is being published today... they still have a bit less than 10 hours. Doesnt make it a scam, read the dev blog properly. EDIT town square has been submitted to steam and a new trailer is out, for more info read this

    as of now I am just bothered in general by people calling me their number 1 fanboy, will I be disappointed if they don't publish their steampage? yeah of course I will, and obviously I wont make up some fables about how nothing was gonna go down. if it really doesn't get published today then I back down for a while. but in the end I am being called a fanboy for just correcting some misinformation which is completely wrong to do so.

    I corrected misinformation, what is fanboy about that?
  6. More jobs available

    as of now they aren't planning to add in planes or helicopters. building houses is too complex to implement so I doubt that is going to be a thing and same goes for electricians. In the end there are still plenty of other job opportunities though https://clips.twitch.tv/KnottyHonestBatteryShadyLulu this link should explain more about housing
  7. Town square release

    again, 2 release dates... all the other dates were "estimates" and no a delay cant be labeled as false information, they happen with any game... just because there wasn't a "doubt" behind those dates doesn't make it false information. they delayed and that's it, never in the history of delays has a delay been labeled as false information...
  8. Town square release

    2 release dates, delays happen so this is not "false information" as they didn't know they wouldn't make the deadline at first... @Matumbo on the other hand passed of 2022 as an actual release year which he cant do because there is no info regarding that year... the difference is that he doesn't know what is happening in that company
  9. Town square release

    doesn't make sense... they havent been handing out false information as far as I know. but do enlighten me on this "false information"
  10. Steam Verification

    once a storepage goes online there must be a two week gap between the release of that game, now I know the review process doesn't take long but there is always the chance that it does take longer, that's why I usually say a minimum waiting period of two weeks. on the off chance the review process takes up longer than expected. https://partner.steamgames.com/steamdirect read 6.2
  11. Town square release

    It was a release date, if a release date isn't met the game is delayed, this doesn't automatically change the release date to an "estimate". Q1 2017 isn't a release date as it isn't a specific date, it could release between 01/01/2017 - 31/03/2017, this is a time period, not a date.
  12. Town square release

    They have a bad system behind the tracker, no denying that. They are planning to use a different system in the future though
  13. Skull & Bones Recordings

    why is there a reason to block him? he provided you with a source proving you were wrong, he wasn't being an ass about you being wrong, in fact he was quite polite about it... just blocking everyone who can prove you are wrong isn't gonna get you far, accept it and move on
  14. Town square release

    yeah published, the steam store will be online before the 31st, after that there is a minimum waiting period of 2 weeks, it can be longer if the verification process takes longer than expected, you will know an exact date once the steam store is out
  15. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    the steam store page will be released by the end of October, not the game itself...
  16. Oof

    no, I do my research and actually have proof of it... ninetofive(not counting the level design): - character creation - player can run and walk - players can open doors - added first person view - day/night cycle - house editor/ui all these things are things that identity also has, moreso identity has: - chess - movies play in theaters - alarm when stealing - billboard hacking - painting But yeah... ninetofive has accomplished as much? I think you are wrong, unless of course you have anything else to add...
  17. Oof

    how about they havent released the module yet because they are trying to work all the bugs out, is that half winging to you? you seem to claim that you are a help to our community, but nitpicking on every single topic that contains posts of a supporter isn't going to work. you think ninetofive is doing a better job? by all means go ahead and support them, but there is a reason people are not supporting ninetofive and are supporting identity, it is an unprofessional development team as I have said before... in the end they havent accomplished as much as asylum has and the people suggesting they have really havent been doing their research. people seem to be wanting the best of both worlds... they want identity but they like the pace of how ninetofive is being developed and yet they don't want to support ninetofive? I think there is a reason for that, don't you? but yeah here I am going to stop arguing with you because no matter what I say you will just keep nitpicking like you always do
  18. Oof

    from what I have seen in their trailer their driving mechanics are awful, so is their wall texture... the car just sort of floats around. If they really are working on things as fast as they claim they are rushing again, look at the driving mechanics, yeah they work, but they suck regarding the work that goes into mechanics identity doesn't half wing it like ninetofive does. I am just going of from what I have seen, you don't believe me? check out their trailer. They are an unprofessional team who insult asylum as a strategy to get more followers, and talking about strategy to get more followers they used a female moderator to talk in their trailer and even made her lie by stating she is a dev...
  19. Oof

    as far as I see no one has said anything about graphics whatsoever...
  20. Oof

    look at their tracker, they have accomplished less then identity has because: 1) they buy their assets 2) the game is garbage, why is it garbage? because they are rushing, the fast way isn't always the right way. will their mechanics work? yeah sure, but they will be minimal, identity is way more in depth in so many ways... in the end they havent accomplished a lot, all they have done is level design...
  21. If it hasn't been said already...

    That's where you made your big flaw, you assume that if this were the case they would just start up a new company... it is more likely that they will be looking for a job which is much harder after having stopped a project therefor it is qualitative data.

    They are not working on everything you can buy though... some of these things will be added later on so they are working on the task at hand
  23. Another Rant about time square

    I wasn't referring to the crash bug, I assume they meant you cant play chess while sitting down yet
  24. Oof

    yeah you are not educated on how nine to five works... they buy assets, asylum creates their assets
  25. Another Rant about time square

    Idk if you noticed around the q&a but when they were talking about the chess the told dasMehdi not to sit down... i assume that has to do with a gamebreaking bug, so yes they are not releasing it to the public yet because there are still bugs.