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Posts posted by TPlays

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sorvete said:

    I've played a lot (well, about 6 hours) already, most of the feature are working, but heavily bugged. I was able to play chess, watch a movie, buy clothes, customize my apartment, put some furniture in it, paint the wall next to the bank, use the easel and canvas (sorta lol) and hang the picture on my apartment wall, check the other floor plans and even visited other people apartments (by the way, the peep hole works perfectly with people outside). The last two days I was able to actually have some fun... Had a couple of laughs with some random people, even RP some situations... All in all I can see some future for this game (in contrary of what I said in another post somewhere in this forum).

    For the first couple of months I would suggest the Devs to invest a lot of time in bug fixing and overall optimization, so people can actually taste what this game is about. The lag spikes and features breaking every now and then are distracting and subtract a lot from the experience. They are already delivering hotfixes and updates daily, so I guess they are on the right track for now.


    Love to hear that you had fun. Hope to see you in game. I do also agree with your suggestions

  2. 13 hours ago, HairyGrenade said:


    The Town Square module has been released for a few days and we've been working tirelessly to get everything sorted over the weekend. 

    We did not anticipate the incredible attention which Identity received, and it took some hours to get our systems working under immense load.

    The first hotfix below was pushed out yesterday. I'm late posting the notes for that one as we've been busy focusing on more patches.

    I expect that we'll be releasing patches with fixes, improvements and/or new content just about every weekday. The next update is expected to released in a few hours, and so the patch notes are also below.

    Hotfix 1
    • -Fixed a whole lot of crashes! Settings menu crashes, server joining crashes, and the whole lot of them.
    • -Fixed a bug which would make your character invisible. It may still happen from time to time, but will be rare.
    • -Your character slots will now always be populated with your characters when the game starts up.
    • -Fixed an bug causing the user interface to sometimes get stuck when making characters.
    • -Textures on "that dress" are now fixed.
    • -Resolved issues when joining a friend's game through Steam.
    • -Improvements to voice communication quality.
    • -Enormous improvements to server stability.
    Hotfix 2 (coming soon)
    • -Big improvements to lighting in the Town Square at night time.
    • -Fixed broken lighting in the penthouse hallway. Remember you can check out all floor plans in the elevator.
    • -Voices are both louder and longer travelling.
    • -Graphical fixes inside the elevators.
    • -Lighting on the cinema screen will now look more appropriate.
    • -Removed the glue from cinema seats.
    • -Again, more server/database stability improvements.
    • -Messages with server connections will show up as intended, telling you what's happening when you click Play.
    • -Fixed a bug which would send you back to character selection when trying to join a server if that server got full after you clicked Play (this happened a lot).

    For the people who weren't taking this game seriously see here you go, they are working on these things non-stop yall need to understand this is a very hard and ambitious game. This shows that they care.

    • Like 1

  3. 52 minutes ago, SaffagirlUK said:

    I've been keeping an eye on this game for the past year (not as long as a lot of you, I know) and I bought it this weekend on Steam. I totally knew what I was getting so there haven't really been any disappointments for me. I'm in love with the idea of what this game could be, I wanted to support that and I don't regret doing so. Besides, I'm actually having fun running around in the Town Square.

    I'm going to keep hoping this game continues to develop and, if the worst happens and it doesn't, then at least I know that *I* supported something that I believed in.


    Thank you that is a great thing to say. This game is very very important to many of us because we are trying to keep the fans in a supportive state.

  4. 1 minute ago, Expressman said:

    There seems to be two loud audiences in the community: The fanbois who think Identity can do no wrong, and the ragers who melt down at every real or perceived issue.

    But there is a third group, and I think it's a lot of us, who both acknowledge some issues, feel some disappointment, yet keep things in perspective and remain hopeful. I think I fall into that category.

    I'm not a game dev expert, but I do work on a software product team and I'm a liaison to the marketing and PR team so I've seen some things. Here's my 2 cents on what I'd do starting right now if I were Asylum:

    1. PR move: Apologize. You're Canadians, so you're good at it. You need to acknowledge you misled people as to the playability of the module 1 release and give acknowledgement to the hard feelings in the community right now.


    2. Business strategy: Freeze Steam. It is nothing but an open sore of expectation mismatch resulting in negative reviews.


    3. Project management: Identify what are the top 3 issues and when they'll be patched (this will be for the benefit of the community later). Create a waterfall roadmap of the next 3-5 weeks internally.  

    4. Technical move: Form an Alpha or Closed Beta test (CBT) group. Offer the community some full-release swag for participating in what you will clearly frame as a buggy process (this is expectation management).

    5. PR/PM move: Announce the top 3 issues and when they'll be fixed. Update daily. (Also expectation management) 

    I've been in Alphas and Betas for other games and the entire tone of the community would be different if expectations were framed up properly. People expect a lot of bugs and limited server windows in Alpha and they feel special being a part of it. Similarly people expect some bugs in a Beta and feel special being a part of it. What happened is something presented as a limited functionality full game was released in an Alpha state, and charged for at that, and everyone is (somewhat understandably) losing their minds. Some companies have even split bets into closed betas (limited audience, limited server windows), and open betas.

    It all comes back to expectation management and who is really framing the narrative here. Asylum has an opportunity to take the high ground and control the narrative in a positive way. Your move.


    Alright, I do identify myself as that third party as you say. I do acknowledge the mistakes Asylum makes BUT. You have to be a little lenient with this game because this is their first game.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Spike87 said:

    Well, I kickstarted the game and I knew exactly what I was getting into when I handed over my money.  It's always a risk and I was willing to donate to support the project with the amount I put in and also willing to accept the fact that I may lose that investment with little or no gain.  The fact that this game can become a great one was and is the reason I still support it.

    I will continue supporting the game until the end wherever that may be, because it's a great idea.  People need to understand the risk of paying for early access or kickstarting a game before they spend their money is the bottom line.  If you're worried so much about losing your money, you should not gamble with it.  If you are willing to lose that amount you gambled with, then you won't be so upset when you lose it.

    People are still defending the game because they want it to work out and want to have hope for it is basically what it comes down to.  This is a game that a lot of people have wanted to be created.  I have done a lot of 3d/2d work in the past and even dabbled into a little bit of programming, sound editing, and project management when I was working on my own game and I can tell you it is NOT an easy task.  That is why I continue to support the project and hope for the best.


    EXACTLY!!! Thank you so much. I agree with this 100%. We knew what we paid for during the Kickstarter campaign.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  6. 2 minutes ago, Frisky said:

    Lol dude no offense but even the super hardcore people who were refusing not to be on the devs side have gone silent... even they know this game is fucked and that they fucked us. You are disillusioned.


    I wish I was wrong... but explain why main devs are leaving 


    Motown. One guy. He moved to the US that is why he left. He is focusing on his life. He is still supporting in the discord if you saw last night.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Frisky said:

    Yeah we understand we are testers. They gave us a game that isnt even close to being playable.. and it is a freaking walking and kind of chat sim... Also explain the devs jumping ship 4 days after launch


    That is the thing. This game isn't a beta or an alpha its barely a pre-alpha. when Minecraft first came out all you could do was break and place one block. Now, look at what it is.

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  8. 16 hours ago, OffishlGmr said:

    This isn't a hate post, but with the recent disaster with identity what is going through the minds of the people still defending this game? I get that it's the first module but they've also had 4 years for this first module and it's honestly the biggest disappointment this year imo. The assets are pretty i'll give it that, but the core gameplay and just bugs it's not good. Give me a reason to have hope in this game.


    We know what we signed up for. We are testers for a game that isn't even in alpha yet. These are the things people need to understand.

  9. 5 hours ago, Dazerbake said:

    who still has hope for this game if you do leave a like on this post and write why you still are  but if you don't like the game and think it shouldn't be sold then leave a comment and tell me why. tbh im still going to keep faith even though so many problems have occurred 


    Ultimately I still believe in this game I have waited long and hard and I hope that the other fans realize that they paid to be testers and this going to be a very buggy experience

  10. 1 hour ago, Masa said:

    So servers should be up today, i turned steam on, updated it and now cant even turn the game? when i hit play game showing "running" status on steam for few seconds and shuting down itself, no window pop up and nothing, so what now?


    Yes they had another update about an hour ago and now it seems that a lot of people cant even start the game. I hope they fix this soon

  11. 32 minutes ago, MichaelWolff said:

    Anyone else have this problem?
    I played earlier today and the game just crashed on me after 5 minutes.


    Now I can't start the game.
    I've tried verifying files and reinstalling the game but nothing works.


    A lot of people are having this problem after the update they had about an hour ago.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  12. So after my long time playing this game (ten minutes before a random server outage then the game crashed), I was able to conjure up a few things to say. First off I cant even start the game now after the last update. Next you have probably seen me running around as named Tasso Psaltakis. Well if you saw me you would have seen my voice chat constantly not working and I was only able to communicate using type chat. BUT, I waited long and hard for this and as a glimpse of what we have waited for I am not disappointed entirely. I enjoyed running around looking at the different areas because visually the game looks so nice. Functionally the game has many problems. If you have any questions please reply to this so I may continue to indulge about my experience. GET THE GAME FIXED SO I CAN PLAY PLEASE!!!!

  13. On 9/20/2018 at 2:21 PM, ItsRaiden said:

    Good Eve gents and gals,



    I want to bring to light a common issue i have seen in games that are offering content for real life currency. Its good to have, but one thing i noticed is that, it could lead to people actually not playing the game to its full potential. Lets be honest here. If i paid for a luxury apartment and not actually grind for one, i would look like a scrub. Its like putting cheat codes in GTA and getting free money / apartments / guns etc. You get my point. I think the paid cosmetics is a bit to early to advertise. I would have liked to see a different way to fund development costs. However, i  am a bit understanding of the business move.  I think people will get bored if the top looking apartments were bought with real money and not earned in game from hard labor. My goal obviously here is to make a lot of money and experience that feeling of reward when i do buy an expensive apartment. Are these apartments going to give an edge  in comparison to people having regular apartments? Hopefully @Beach_Ball could answer this.

    Now, mind you that i understand the funding that this will bring. However, i am not convinced. Sorry, our opinions are different on the matters. You see, i want the pure enjoyment of finally being able to walk in that smooth upscale apartment  just purchased after along grind. Please, don't forget the feeling when you spent the last 3 weeks grinding for an apartment and then finally you get that dopamine rush to your brain of rewarding accomplishment you walk in it for the first time. Bravo!

    Anyone remembers such nostalgic feeling that we experienced in games like GTA V???? I Do. I hope i still can feel such rewarding feeling..... Drops $400  on the game.... I feel like a scrub.

     What are your thoughts?


    I agree with some things you have said here. I believe that the devs should be working on the task at hand not things tat are not gonna be used for the next 5 years.

  14. What is going on Identity community. I get that we have been waiting for an extremely long time for stuff to go right. I also know that many of you are falling down the rabbit hole and completely just leaving this community. But lets keep hoping and looking forward to doing things in the game. Tell me whats on your minds lets have a chat.

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  15. On 29/08/2018 at 3:51 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    1. Freelancers don't only work on 1 project.... 

    2. They are more or less around the world....

    3. Time zones are different, if you noticed, Jade is working on the stream at 9pm- 10pm in UK when he does the official stream.

    4. That is why Asylum are working on hiring more local devs so that they can work faster and be directly in contact with each other.

    5. If the people don't do the work when at home, then they don't get paid. They get paid when they do the job asked of them. "Freelancer" way of pay.


    I didn't know they were freelancers. I thought they were devs who just worked from home but were strictly for Asylum. Thanks for the heads up.


    On 29/08/2018 at 4:52 PM, Paratus said:

    We use a combination of project management software called Wrike and a time tracker called Hubstaff for all of our remote people. They get paid only for time "clocked in", and it tracks it right down to the second. While they're in work mode we're able to see their screen, and we have a screenshot history from every few minutes of their working going back for months.

    We're quite on top of things, but we've found the vast majority of our remote guys to be quite reliable and honest. A lot of the remote people do work dedicated to Identity, but some work on a per-task basis.


    It is an honor to have you respond to the topic. Thanks for the info!