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Posts posted by Gometzler

  1. 19 minutes ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    I've tried getting people to play nicely before, needs to be enforced that if you can't get along with people then they get a warning for being aggressive and/ or antisocial.

    I also have been more quiet on this forums because I feel there are to many negative and aggressive topics towards Identity.

    I was going to comment on this topic with a lot of text  but then again some nay saier will pitch in defend their point. Too many toxic people on this forums for my taste. Me signing off until Forums are a place where we all come along and can discuss the game without demanding stuff.

  2. 43 minutes ago, lamona said:

    If you are suggesting people stop voicing their concerns about it, that isn't going to happen, and for good reason. Records of things like false info/miscommunication is important so expectations can be tempered accordingly, and people actually have a clear idea how the project is going from the perspective of somebody who has invested.

    I am not suggesting anything here, concerns are fine as long as they are constructive and not destructive. I think you do also want this game to get made if I am correct?

    43 minutes ago, lamona said:

    We have absolutely no obligation to be their marketing team

    Your right, but we are the ones making it possible or not. With our hype or with bashing it.

    43 minutes ago, lamona said:

    we did not pay money to work for them beyond being beta testers.

    Correct, but to make it possible, gamer's and much more are necessary to make a project get even more famous. Hyps start with communities.

    43 minutes ago, lamona said:

    Clearly, Scorn is less concerned with its playerbase and is plagued with its own problems (2 months without an update is the first thing I saw). This project is clearly better off than that. And more communication is good. However, they just need to work on keeping to their word so the community isn't strung along and disappointed. 

    Correct because they stated that they want to invest all their resources into making the game and not have to update and lose time with community interactions. Now I am not saying that it is better but they do not have to concern themselves about stuff that is going on beside development of the game. 

    43 minutes ago, lamona said:

    Good thing that's not what people like myself are doing?

    I never said you are but there were a lot of topics that were.

  3. 51 minutes ago, lamona said:

    People will rightfully be annoyed that the carrot at the end of the string was tugged away again. Two release dates fell through and we haven't seen footage yet. This gameplay footage is undoubtedly going to sway a lot of the more worried fans. 

    And this is why everybody should be aware that this might happen any time with any crowdfunding projects. Demanding and clotring the forums with you have to this and that does not help this project. The devs decide whenever and however they want to inform us. I do understand that communicates is key here, but mistakes are made all the time not only by the devs but also by the community.  What hurts the project mostly are the topics from us supporters which do not believe or are pissed off about fals communications. That is also a reason why many new Kickstarter projects do only communicate over kickstarter and do not offer interactions on a forum. Look at Scorn there is no forum.

    This project needs a lot off funding and only with a community which can communicate in a manner that is healthy and constructive will help them. If all of us would scream liars this is a scam identity would be canceled in a short period of time because new backers would be rare and the devs certaly would also be pissed off and say f*** this. This is their first game they are making, it is very ambitious and needs a lot of support but also funding and healthy critiques. It certainly does not need annoyed supporters bashing and demanding and telling them what they need or have to do. I am sure they know that they have made mistakes and are trying to please and eas our minds. We all need to understand we are investors with benefits nothing else. Also that they offer us a forum so that we can discuss the makings of this game is a bonus. They could have easily just only have made a website without community interactions until the game would have been made. Would have probably be a better idea, but I am very happy they have not made that decision. 

    • Like 1

  4. 25 minutes ago, lamona said:

    Fortunately we're going to be seeing actual TS gameplay on Tuesday, which I'm sure you'll understand is eagerly anticipated by both the optimists and pessimists. 

    And if not? You and others will be complaying around again. @JohnNYBlaze has valid point here. A lot of us pledged much more than those whom are complaining constantly. It will be done when it's done nobody can change that. Only the devs decide what we will be seeing early on in development. 

    36 minutes ago, lamona said:

    You simultaneously say that it depends on the gamers and then insist the gamers -- who are literally the investors in this case -- aren't entitled to anything. Sorry, but you're not the arbiter of #truegamers or how they should behave, haha. 

    He said outside founding stating a company or publisher, thos come always with roadmaps, deadlines, restrictions and much more. Crowdfunding is completely different, the developers ask for money and in return you get benefits but are not entitled to anything else. 

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  5. 27 minutes ago, TPlays said:

    No. Someone thought I was part of the staff. All i said was I juts want people to know my opinions. I have been watching this game for years. I just recently made a forums account.


    Thanks for you concern but Im not actually part of the team. I am only a fan who wants to be big in the community!



    Actually @DiddlyDoo54 is right here you did say that ;)

    • Like 1

  6. 44 minutes ago, Masa said:

    this tracker doesn't have any sense because they can add any number of new tasks any time even if they finished the game but "reasons", so they can keep working like that until winter...


    May I ask why bother commenting here if you do not believe in this game? You could wait until the game gets released like you stated on your refund request. Many of us do think that this tracker is a good thing and shows us that there is progress. Also up until now there was nothing new added to the tracker. 

    • ver.1.22474487139 2

  7. On 5/14/2018 at 9:55 PM, Daner2234 said:

    i dont see WHY its taking so long for a TS what the hell is all this talk about a "TS module" making it sound like a big thing it litrualy takes less than 5 mins to get a teamspeak up and running, atleast then it will look like theres decent amount of communication


    Not sure if I am understanding you right here, but when we talk about TS we are talking about Town Square not TeamSpeak... or am I missing something here?

    • Like 1

  8. 10 hours ago, LuvanBosch said:

    Fine I’ll count you as 1/2 a point xD one and a half points for the South Africans!!


    That's fine by me :)

    • Like 1

  9. 59 minutes ago, Theezakj said:

    daner, do you live in the stone age? people dont use teamspeak anymore, i'd recon. Identity got a discord you can join tho. 

    Subway, how do you know you wouldn't get tired of identity? Maybe you will:p 

    There are games which you can play over long periods. I played WoW nearly 10 Years ;)

    • Like 1

  10. 17 minutes ago, Phantomz said:

    still disappointing, I have supported Asylum since early arma 3, they have gotten a lot of my money. 3 years for a town square with little game play or showing us how it all works is too much. I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you, but im just saying this tracker seems like BS to me.

    Well, you are in for the long ride, nobody can change that. 

    • Like 1

  11. There are so many games alpha, kickstarter etc that are still in development and have little to no communication or updates. But they are still being developed. Some examples are (there are certainly much more but this are some I backed):

    I am absolutely not concerned about anything here. Why should I? I know the risks with founding games. The devs are active on the forums make Blog's and update us regularly. Sure more is always possible but as long as there is no obvious cancellation or lack of of communication or none I am not concerned.  If by any chance Identity should never see daylight, well that would be tough luck and would suck. But life would still go on and I would not think twice about this game anymore. On to the next project that interests me and deserves my attention.

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