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Posts posted by Anonymous_Citizen

  1. Name: Harrison M. Sparrow.

    Nickname: Harry.

    Reason for nickname: Colleagues.

    Birthday: November 17, 1955.

    Age: 62.

    Gender: Male.

    Place of birth: San Francisco, California.

    Places lived since: Iowa, New York, Italy.

    Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Thomas A. Sparrow / Farmer, Orna B. Sparrow / Mechanic.

    Number of siblings: Two.

    Relationship with family (close? estranged?): Estranged.

    Happiest memory: 2006.

    Childhood trauma: 1965.

    Children of his/her own?: N/A

    If so, relationship with their mother/father?: N/A

    Age he/she gave birth/became a father: N/A


    Height: 5' 8''.

    Weight: 160.

    Build: Ectomorph.

    Nationality: American.

    Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Spinal injury, chronic pain.

    Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): Pale skintone.

    Face shape: Oval.

    Distinguishing facial features: Visible "laugh-lines".

    Hair color: Rustic brown.

    Usual hair style: Spiked.

    Eye color: Green.

    Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, Heavy Bridge.

    Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Three-Piece Suit.

    Typical style of shoes: Dress shoes.

    Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): Resilient.

    Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): “Cleanliness may be defined to be the emblem of purity of mind.” - Joseph Addison

    Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Resco Instruments Watch.

    Accent?: American.

    Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): Drums fingers on furniture.

    Athletic?: About average.


    Level of education (high school drop out, undergrad BA/BS, PhD, MD, etc.): Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

    Level of self esteem: “No one can make you feel inferior, without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Gifts/talents: Computer and Electrical Engineering.

    Shortcomings: Injuries.

    Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Calm and articulate.

    “Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: Right.

    Artistic?: “Music, mathematics, and art are considered the pinnacle of human creativity.” - Anonymous

    Mathematical?: I'm an engineer.

    Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: A highly logical emotionally complex process.

    Neuroses: Perfectionism, vigilance, cynicism.

    Life philosophy: You never die, if someone remembers you.

    Religious stance: “Men became scientific because they expected Law in Nature, and they expected Law in Nature because they believed in a Legislator.” - C. S. Lewis

    Cautious or daring?: Caution is the parent of safety.

    Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Atrocities.

    Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist.

    Extrovert or introvert?: Introvert.

    Level of comfort with technology: Again, I'm an engineer.


    Current marital/relationship status: Married.

    Sexual orientation: Heterosexuality.

    Past relationships: Several but sparse.

    Primary reason for being broken up with: Cynicism.

    Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Perfectionism.

    Level of sexual experience: “Love isn't an act. It's a whole life.” - Brian Moore

    A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): Once you're in, you're in.

    Most comfortable around (person): Gracelyn C. Sparrow.

    Oldest friend: Lincoln K. Falco.

    How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: A happily married individual.

    How do others actually perceive him/her?: A calculated but creepy Technocrat.


    Profession: Leader of the Technocratic Party.

    Past occupations: Computer Engineer, Financial Manager

    Passions: Reading, chess.

    Attitude towards current job: I'm finally the boss.

    Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: We all have one primary goal.

    Salary: $150,000


    (Every character–no matter how minor–should always have secrets!)

    Phobias: Acrophobia.

    Life goals: “We all have an obligation as citizens of this earth to leave the world a healthier, cleaner, and better place for our children and future generations.” - Blythe Danner

    Dreams: Achieve total planetary sustainability.

    Greatest fears: Causing the loss of innocent lives.

    Most ashamed of: Past wrongs.

    Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: I was the only student to fail an exam in a class.

    Compulsions: Adjusting glasses.

    Obsessions: Truth and rooting up lies.

    Secret hobbies: Book collecting.

    Secret skills: Tailoring.

    Past sexual transgressions: “Whoever says he is without sin is a liar or is blind.” - Pope Francis

    Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): If our nation was founded upon an act of sedition, why is it a crime?

    What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: Win the election.

    What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: Most leaders have been tall individuals, something I would not be opposed to changing.


    Daily routine: Always include a walk and a book, preferably in that order.

    Night owl or early bird?: “The early bird gets a choice which, to me, is more important than the worm itself.” - Stacey Alcorn

    Light or heavy sleeper?: Light as ununoctium.

    Favorite food: Nothing beats a legitimate Lasagna.

    Least favorite food: Twinkies.

    Favorite book: There are too many, although the classics have stood the test of time.

    Least favorite book: Go Set a Watchman, Lord of the Flies.

    Favorite movie: Wargames.

    Least favorite movie: WarGames: The Dead Code.

    Favorite song: The Sound of Silence / Zombie.

    Least favorite song: Filthy.

    Coffee or tea?: Tea has been known to be quite the anticarcinogen.

    Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.

    Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove): Lincoln Town Car or Cadillac Escalade SUV depending on the occasion.

    Lefty or righty?: Righty.

    Favorite color: Blue-orange, for example a sunrise.

    Cusser?: “Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.” - Spencer W. Kimball

    Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: “Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment.” - Philip K. Dick

    Biggest regret: Wasting so much time.

    Pets?: “They motivate us to play, be affectionate, seek adventure and be loyal.” - Tom Hayden

  2. I am proud to announce the beginning of the Technocratic Party. We believe in Technocracy.

    Listings of our team members, policies, and party description can be located on our website.
    Our Discord link is also on our website.


    Feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions you have about Technocracy. We hope to inject new life into the political sphere of Identity.


    Interested in joining the party as a supporter, officer, or minister? Positions are open and we hope to add several more as our community grows.

  3. On 8/5/2018 at 4:20 PM, Rainwalker said:

    I did question family building, Are there going to be KIds in the game? Babies? If so, How do they come about? I might have missed any explanation on if couples will be able to start families, Life simulator doesn't seem Life like without a certain amount of Family Growth. Just wondering. 




    The reason the developers have decided to op out of the children sector is for legal issues. Let's say for example that sex was a mechanic of the game. Do you really want to deal with pedophiles or child-killers? Adults dying may seem funny or at least somewhat normal, but children getting caught up in it can take it to a whole different level. Now, it is most likely that in the post-full game release that mods will allow child characters, but they are also probably going to have several restrictions on the criminal sector.

    5 hours ago, Zomaka said:

    Say something new or don't say anything and stop repeating everybody's comment "If u really want to watch sex then go watch porn hub or play porn games" 
    and who cares about cat fishing or this bullshit all i care about is this game to be "REALISTIC" not like every life simulation failure, cuz i really want this game to success so every small detail is required. btw who told u that there wont be catfishing even without adding anything sexual in the game?
    Don't worry about getting hassled cuz their will be mute option for sure.



    After full-release, there will be a mod option. If you really want that, you can have it on a private server after building those mods yourself. Now, if you have to mute everyone, wouldn't that destroy the realism? This is the third large forum post that wouldn't die on this subject, so I am going to repeat what I have done before. @LuckyDuck please kill this forum.

  4. 2 minutes ago, aimcs1337 said:

    Hey there,

    I have bought the "Citizens" Pack a while back and expected to be able to play on the Town Square Module as soon as it is released. To my suprise I've seen, that people who bought the "Citizen" Pack are not going to be able to play on the Town Squade Module?

    What kind of bs is this? Why should I pay another 15$ to be able to play, if I've already paid to play the game?

    Also: Before it didn't say "Gain access to Identity's pre-release content..." at the Founders Pack, or any pack.




    The $15.00 citizen package has always not had access to the modules. Buy the Founder package immediately before the prices change, unless of course, you mind the long wait.

  5. 2 minutes ago, GEORGESOU said:

    Hello. I was one of the First people that I was following identity when identity was a new brilliant idea. Since then it has been 3 years and no part of the game has been implemented with the way identity meant to be, a Real life Simulator (LIKE SIMS) WHERE EACH PLAYER WILL DEVELOPS HIS PERSONAL WORLD. INSTEAD OF THAT THEY PRESENT US A PLASMATIC RELEASE DATE AND EVERY WEEK THEY SHOW US A TABLE OR A LIGHT. I SUGGEST THAT ONE OF THE DEVELOPERS TELL US IN A LIVE STREAM OR A DEV BLOG WHICH ARE THE TARGETS SPECIFICALLY. DO YOU SUPPORT MY SUGGESTION?


    If the town square is not completed by the end of the next week, I agree with you completely. One task should not take two weeks, with a full team of programmers. If the task is that difficult, skip it to be added in as an update later.

    • Like 2

  6. On 8/7/2018 at 8:34 AM, DirtyNurse said:

    As an alternative for the admins on the server to activate a preset of behavior guidlines that differentiate all players. This could help the problem with a 100 kids joining a server running around as their only goal being running people over with cars and screaming at people buying their lunch


    for an example! You log in/get accepted to a hardcore server.


    welcome! Here is your character


    sex: free choice(i choose male)


    name: Free choise (i choose Bill Anderson)


    preference jobs ”starting player alternatives” (fisherman, customer service or delivery)


    personality ”set by server” (a grumpy old man that can never admit he is wrong, hates children but have an exceptional love of cats. Lost hos wife 15 years ago. Drinks a bit to much. He havent had a day off work for the last 3 years.


    social: ”set by server” has a tendancy to get in trouble with people when drinking to much. People questioning him will often get him angry. He feels the best when people look up to him and listen to him talk(especially about his skills, his life or his love of cats)


    criminal behaviour ”set by server” when sober usually a good citizen. Had a DUI 1 year ago and might take his truck home drunk when he should have taken a taxi. Usually resolves problems with talking rather than with his fists. This man would not get involved in criminal behavior or violence if not threatened severly,  or to defend somebody ... when sober ...


    Life goals: ”Set by admin” secretly dreaming of finding love again and starting up a small time fishing company with a few employes looking up to him and daily listening to him braging and talking about himself.


    following your characters preset behavior and life goals could also give you some kind of benefits. I believe having this ”player cards” could really benefit the roleplay aspect of the game! What do you guys think?


    the ability to change some of them after talking to an admin would be great and it would serve against servers with 50 police officers and 50 hardcore criminals. Reward good RPing players with this bennefits and alternatives for being loyal to servers and putting a real effort into roleplaying :)


    what do you guys think? /have a nice day. Patrik


    I think this is a good possibility as a voluntary method, you should make an online generator for people who need that extra help designing their characters.

  7. 2 hours ago, Zomaka said:

    So drinking coffee is pointless, smoking is pointless, drinking alcohol is pointless, sleeping is pointless, pooping is pointless, and many many things that is useless but it just makes the game more realistic like real life. so don't tell me that sex is pointless too and i agree that sex gonna do no difference, and i think it's will take a lot of time to make the animations. but don't tell me that the game will promote sex to 10 year old children cuz this game is not for children!


    Because this game has criminal activity. Because I do not want to spend the entirety of my law enforcement career over a "he-said she-said" rape or assault crap which will take more time to investigate than the jail sentence. Knowing you lot, even if the developers did include a sexual feature, although they have made it very clear they would not from the start... the same people would then be chanting, "make it involuntary, add a rape feature." Where does it end?

  8. 1 hour ago, Zomaka said:

    It gonna make the game more realistic in my opinion it will give it more life you know what i mean? and the purpose of this game is to make u simulate the life you want, and the game already has violence, blood, drugs, guns and strip clubs so the game is not for every age.
    and as i said it might be silly for some people  but why not adding something sexual.


    Because it opens a whole can of worms and not everyone is comfortable with that stuff.

    • Like 1

  9. 6 hours ago, Dilsea said:

    The fact that your account was made only 52 minutes ago, would lead me to believe that that is infact false.


    The forum account is separate from any Identity purchases. They could easily have purchased the pass and been a guest on the forum until now, but can't be too careful.

  10. 15 minutes ago, IvanSch said:

    It was just a warning. But you started this mess.

    I said that bastards can not prevail. Only that.


    Remember, its most likely you both won't even be in the same server. (It is currently unknown how cross-server organizations will work.) Remember, though, no meta-gaming and everyone will be happy.

    • Like 1

  11. 18 hours ago, ECorp said:

    Will there be street racing mechanics?


    In the full game, after the racing module is completed, yes. Will it be a game mechanic? Doubtful, as in real life it would be illegal so it would be up to the underground to enforce the rules.

  12. 20 hours ago, Jmx10001 said:

    But their could be a possibly of police gaining that power, well not drones and APC coz I don't think those are gonna be in the game but would be interesting if they could use them 


    Identity wants to focus on a smaller, less militarized average life for most Americans. I myself am glad they aren't going to add these additions, as they would make civilian life very difficult.

  13. 8 hours ago, Jmx10001 said:

    what not even Molotov's, well protests and riots are gonna be boring ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬  


    The reason the developers have decided to limit the options of criminals is to give them a better chance on the streets. This keeps law enforcement from using sting ops, drones, and APCs.

  14. 5 hours ago, Kolibri said:

    The Nazbol Insurgent Militia (NiM for short) is a National Bolshevik guerrilla army and freedom fighting faction that intends to engage in urban guerrilla warfare against the capitalist system using both un/controvention means of warfare


    The details of the organization remains low-profile. most than likely inhabited in the Urban/Semi-Urban enviroment of Identity Island, while undergoing occasional visits elsewhere.

    Activities may include:
    - Bombing the Police Department's headquarters

    - Bank roberies to secure funds for weapons and supplies

    - Helping allied factions

    - Intimidating/executing capitalists

    - Kidnapping capitalists as hostages

    - Logistics

    - Stealing armaments from Law enforcement officers or military officials

    ... and.... and... STORMING PARLIAMENT!

    Post within this topic and message my account if you are interested in engaging in "Nazbol Gang"

    NOTE: Logo is still in deveolpment

    P.P.S. Utilizing the forums as a means towards gathering intelligence on "National Bolsheviks Insurgent Militia" is deemed to be classified as METAGAMING, which is a prohibited practice within serious role-play servers.


    Just remember, explosives and stealing law enforcement weapons will not be a function of game-play. :)

  15. 3 minutes ago, Wasili said:

    I have never seen more lazy developers than Asylum. It has taken them 2,5 years to make 33 percent of this game. I have seen several clips from the game, and it's really not that good if you think about the time that it has taken for them to make it. I really want to refund it. Take a look at Far Cry 5 for an instance. The Graphics in Far Cry 5 are better than identity's will ever be. And if you think for a second, you will know that identity's full game probably first comes out in like 2023 compared to the time it has taken identity just to make the town square that isn't even finished yet.



    They haven't only been working on the Town Square all this time. If they had, your argument would have some weight. The development of groundbreaking games takes considerable time. The Town Square is taking longer than I hoped, but that is because they are only putting a few of their developers on the task. The other developers are working on other aspects of the game so that when the modules are done there will be considerable progress completed on the rest of the game. If you want a refund, take it; but I would wait at least till the end of the month for Town Square.

    • Like 1

  16. 16 minutes ago, Drd27 said:

    You can reserve your ownership for a business or you have to pay real money for it or how does it work? (Not talking about the game when is going to be full release, I am talking about reserving them over the forum or smth.)


    You don't have to reserve ownership as anyone can run a business with the right team. The whole economy isn't cut and dry just yet, as businesses will appear later on after the modules. Don't worry though, the only limit on businesses at the moment is competition. For example, a dozen nightclubs might be too much, but three or four is just about right. Just do whatever you want, imagination is the key at this point in development.