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Posts posted by Anonymous_Citizen

  1. On 11/23/2018 at 3:34 PM, Marius_Rosetta said:

    November 30th is just a week away ladies and gentlemen! For most of us, this will be an interesting and hopefully enjoyable beginning with Identity and beginnings or continuations with Role-Play. I currently watch a lot of GTA RP (TFRP/TheFamilyRP group) and though they have a public server, it's around a 12~ hour queue to get in... so Identity RP might just be the niche I need to get my bearings on Role-Playing. There may not be a lot to do in the beginning of Identity, I think we all know this, but I think this game can be a platform for people who want to Role-Play as any type of person they want to be - whether beginning their RP adventure, or continuing. 


    But this comes with uncertainty from a lot of things I have seen with Early Access games. Some of the people I have seen here have been so harsh and probably rightful in one way or another in being so harsh. We must remember that if we plan to play Identity, we should spread Identity's positives and not dwell and sink this game with the bombardment of negative reviews that plenty of potential games have fallen because of. There will not be a lot of content to truly utilize at the moment, but for the aspect of Role-Playing, I am quite sure that the basis, the Town Square, will be suitable to do that in. It really comes down to us brushing past the issues we have had with the development, regardless of what development issues we all have or have had. Identity is coming out and as a community, we either help flourish the idea of this game, along with the progress of the development team - or we sink it by not positively supporting the game that we all want to be successful.


    We're going to have issues. Hands down.

    But we are going to have the foundation of the game and that is what is most important.

    But will we as the community make or break the game?

    That's up to all of us to decide from November 30th and on.


    Hope to interact with you all on that day. Hope you're all having a great Thanksgiving and have an awesome time in Identity.


    Most likely not everyone will be downloading right away, if anyone is in the same college semester boat as me... most likely won't download till mid-December.

  2. 1 hour ago, MariusG69 said:

    Your party's name has "royal" in it. I would fully support a monarchy, but not one that seizes free choice to its citizens. It's also a disgrace that you allow multiple religions and do not capitalize a strong military. 


    The island of Identity is a special district under the United States. All religions are protected by the United States constitution, he can not violate that. There will be no military on the island, only police are authorized by the federal government. :)

  3. 11 hours ago, Virus said:


    Go TO





    There is an easy way to double your membership recruitment on this website.


    • Like 1

  4. On 11/4/2018 at 12:26 PM, SlimmyNinja said:

    I did not mention anything to do with release date or anything and you calling me a tumour offends me as my dad just passed of cancer 


    This whole "fanboy" language, like those who support the developers, are fans of some sort. Why would anyone be on this forum, unless they were interested in the project? Please, act mature, as this game will probably have some age parameters on release.

  5. 46 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    you guys don't learn do you, once the store page is up there is still a waiting period of two weeks, its the 4th now meaning the soonest we can see ts is the 18th...


    Yes, and we will wait till November 20th. There is no more module development logistics left, just data pushing. Shouldn't be very long, and we will surely see it available before December. Unless there is an unforeseeable issue, such as their studio losing power in a freak of nature. So, let's just wait till December and hope nothing goes wrong. In the meantime, I suggest all of you find a character or career path in Identity, as "player" is not going to cut it.

  6. 6 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:
    1. 1. Tutorial (Qualification).
    2. 2. Go in any Police station and sign up.
    3. 3. Start patrolling.

    There is not a separate process you just go over to the station with the sheriff job I believe.

    There is no Jail or court house jobs. 


    I thought the prison insider spoke of jailbreaks involving player guards?

  7. 1 minute ago, dagtag said:

    the two weeks? once the store page is up its a two week wait, we will see once the storepage is up you mean


    No, the Steam review takes, on average, two weeks. Then it should be available immediately to play, as it would be by default, available to those who redeemed their Steam keys.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Subtilizer said:

    Ok lets start with this:

    Why are almost all of you people literally crying about them delaying the game? why cant you just be patient and look at the bright side of things? a delay in most cases means either a better game with fewer bugs, or other problems in general. And it gives the devs time to polish the game more, yeah sure the devs delayed this a couple times and then the community went ape shit over a delay like what lmao. What my point is, i dont know why people are literally crying about a delay


    They already completed the build, now we are waiting two weeks for Steam to review it.

    • Like 1

  9. 36 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    how are they behind the deadline, they were going to submit the store page and build to steam, and they did. the game wasn't supposed to release before October neither was the store page...


    Let's just wait the two weeks, no need to defend them if they submitted it.

  10. 3 hours ago, DLimit said:

    Greetings, fellow citizens of Identity Island. I heavily desire to produce a political compass that consists of every single party's spectrum within the compass. If possible, may one please copy and paste the following image in order to apply your party into this compass?:



    • Like 1

  11. 15 hours ago, NEWPOLICECHIEF said:


    "Let's detect all the weirdos of identity"


    Current party members: 1

    Political leanings: Centrist

    Abbreviation: CUSP (As in example, to cusp your ballsack)

    Description: A political party for all on Identity who detect weirdos and strange people with weird fantasies.


    Our Policies

    I. Getting rid of the weirdo commies

    Obviously our first priority is ridding ourselves of the communists and socialists who are obsessed with literally giving away their stuff. Whilst they type their post on an Apple or Microsoft computer made by one of the largest corporations this world has seen, they propose that we give away our stuff to redistribute the wealth, with of course not a mention of their stuff being given away. These weirdos haven't set foot in the former USSR where you'd he shot for not being indoctrinated with propaganda, in the former East Germany where everyone was spied and surveilled by everyone and anyone or Communist China where people are routinely executed and disappear without a trace. These strange queers only want power over others and one way to assert power is to claim "muh communism" and force everyone to do as they are told or be shot.

    Weirdo Commies:





    II. Getting rid of the weirdo ultra patriotic frenchman with nothing to be patriotic about

    We now move onto the frenchman who is ultra obsessed (a trend of obsession can be seen) with France a country that was conquered several times only to be liberated by other europeans. This weirdo frenchman loves his country so much but for some reason can't speak and protests his views in public so he comes to identity to spout nonsense. he wants to ban "burkhas" which i laughed for solidly for a while about in a video game. thats correct, he wants to ban a mask in a video game. he takes this game fars too seriously and seems to have a sort of hatred towards muslims (a touchy subject for him) and wants to nearly ban them in-game. the obvious weirdoness here is he wants to ban muslims in a video game which is funny. but its a shame he's deadly serious. With 53% of identity not voting for him we can see that his weirdoness has already been spotted by some.

    Weirdo frenchman:çais-national-fn-brand-update/





    III. Getting rid of the weirdo lion

    we now have a person obsessed with the lion king, a movie, who imagines himself as a lion for some strange reason now wants to run a political party monarchy type thing. the strangess of his character and his refusal to use voice chat in discord debates can only lead me to assume he is a weirdo weeaboo. not much to say here but he isn't a lion and needs therapy to treat it.

    WEIRDO RATING: 10/10


    IV. Police weridos

    obviously my name is a meme and im obviously not a peolice chief2e!!! but some people take their self assigned police title very seriously and try to rp in forums to enforce the law for some strange reason. the game isnt out yet and people are trying to roleplay on the forums. sad!

    WEIRDO RATING: 11/10




    When you decide to target someone, it usually is a good idea not to target almost everyone. ;)


  12. 9 minutes ago, azntk89 said:

    I mean there been so many Life mods on the AAA Games from DayZ to GTA V. How is it different from those mods? I've been wanting to play those mods but I need to sign up and all that and apply for those types of RP. And I used to have an I5 back in the day and my connection weren't so great and I don't do streaming on those games back in the day but did record alot of gameplays of games that I play. Will there be perma deaths in Identity cause usually people getting shot at and get treated at the hospital and saying your good like all other life mods. Very Hype on this game. I like the zombie survivial life mod but this Real Life I kinda dig. I like to meet new people down the lines. 


    Realistic weapons ratio, so no tanks or miniguns. No permadeaths as it would lead to perma-incarceration. The "rekking" issue will be solved by a complex stress system, which I am sure you'll find mentioned in several videos and posts. Welcome to the community.

  13. 40 minutes ago, TheDigitalDiamond said:

    Right now the last I heard they have it in their head that Governor terms will last 4 days.. That's completely dysfunction for organizing and accomplishing anything of merit, so until I see a proper governmental system design presented, I will have to withhold my actual professional expertise in this area.


    The four days system won't last a week, so no worries.

  14. 1 hour ago, USSR_Henry said:

    Same, I wouldn't like to see another capitalist government :/

    It would be an honour.


    You know whatever government is selected will be under the authority of the United States, right? It's like a special District, kinda like DC.

  15. 8 hours ago, Kori said:

    Hey, I'm new to this community so correct me if I'm wrong when I say that we don't have a state legislative branch (yet).

    I'm not sure if this is on purpose or not, but it would make sense to have one. 


    This state legislature here would have the responsibilities of making/producing laws, budgeting the state's budget, and approve nominations from the Governor's office. Not only would this make the game a lot more realistic and help with managing the budget, but this would help with parties getting/retaining their majority and help people get their political career started. Plus, like I stated up above, this branch would help with government oversight and transparency.


    Now, of course making a 200+ legislative branch isn't gonna work, so I propose that we cut the proportions down to a much better fitting size; about 11 representatives and 9 senators. Ergo, we can have about 3 senators per city (equal representation) and about ~3-4 representatives per city (based off of state population). In total, this would allow for a 20-member Congress.

    Now, rather or not these numbers are too small or to big is the debate. Me, personally? I feel as if these numbers are just about right. We don't want too many seats as elections wouldn't be competitive and we don't want too little seats as it would be really easy for a party to take control of everything: remember, a democracy functions best if all parties are represented.

    Anyways, this is just my two little cents. I am available to explain more in-depth of how this would happen/work, but I think it would be a really good idea to implement into this community.


    - Kori

    P.S. Sorry for grammar mistakes in advance if there are some present. I'm not the best with English right now considering that it's 2 AM in the morning.


    I agree. A legislature or other form of the legislative body is necessary in my opinion to keep the political sphere of careers alive. If there is only one elected position (governor) that means all of the other politicians will be unemployed on that server, which would be disappointing.

    • Like 2

  16. 27 minutes ago, Dan_Franco said:

    I was thinking that if there is going to be gangs which take control of turf and power, it would be interesting to have a United States Army or Navy which you could join as a career,  where you work up the ranks from Private to Captain.


    That way, the Army could work to retain control of turf to the government (basically no gang land), where the gangs could try and get it back.

    In essence the Army and Navy is to tackle major gang power?


    What do you guys think about it? Good or Bad idea? Any additional ideas?


    I believe the police will be more than capable to handle the criminal sector. There won't be military-grade weapons (miniguns/launchers) in the game, and as gun damage will be realistic I do not believe a military will be necessary.

    • Like 2

  17. 51 minutes ago, Dan_Franco said:

    I think it would really interesting to add economic functionality to the game, Where the government has objectives to achieve like, Economic growth, low unemployment, stable prices, balanced budgets, low state debt etc. These kind of achievements will make elected people more accountable and can work well for building a  political environment on the island.


    The Governor and any elected representatives could have the power/ability to do things such as;

    Setting Budgets

    By calculating the government revenue, they can then change spending on current policies or create new policies. An example could be a spending scheme for unemployment benefits, where the governor can propose changes to the spending. This would make political campaigns more interesting I think.


    Taxes could be introduced or removed by political figures, i.e. Income tax, Corporation tax, Property Tax etc. where the governor can propose changes to these levels and introduce new ones in order to maybe balance the budget.

    Interest rates

    By maybe having a central bank on the island, where a committee votes every few weeks to change the islands interest rate can make a more dynamic economy as it will change how much money people will save or spend in their bank accounts, making people potentially better off or worse, making in-game loans more expensive or cheaper... just change things up.

    Housing Projects

    Following the idea of budgeting, I think if the governor can allocate money for new housing projects or for expanding the town square etc. I think it would work for people looking to buy new houses or flats.


    These are just a few ideas that I had, wondering what people think or whether you have any additional ideas to this one!

    Thanks :)


    This would work, as long as the taxes weren't chosen by the governor. I believe the allocation and division of funds are necessary for a realistic political environment, but I believe taxes should be set by the game. For example, if a Communist party takes power in a server and decides to place a 100% tax rate on businesses, what would happen? To my knowledge, players are not allowed to transfer character information (wealth/career/etc) from server to server, so tax-choosing would lead to an economic crisis.

    • Like 1

  18. 7 hours ago, Drahgoone said:

    The Ironic part however is that they blamed the depression on Herbert Hoover, who was himself an extremely successful Mining Engineer and Civil Engineer before political life. So really Technocrats were just ignorant.


    The Technocrats did have their setbacks, that is why the new incarnation is around.

  19. 1 minute ago, dragzonox said:

    I just got an email writing "Identity Steam keys are now available!", linked my account and reddemed the key - it wrote "town square" added, but searching my liberary dosen't show it.

    It isn't playable yet?


    No, it isn't playable yet and it will not appear in your library because the build has not been submitted to Steam yet. Relax, it will, they are just trying to make it perfect.

  20. 18 hours ago, wiebley said:

    If its going to take another 3 months, just tell us! Be honest! It won't be as bad as you think! 


    If you are confident it is nearing release... think of your date, add 2 weeks to it, 3 to be safer, then announce it! If it arrives early, great!

    I believe the best part of your post is the part I quoted. I agree, an ETA is necessary and they need to stick by it regardless of bugs. No game, in the history of gaming, has ever been released 100% bug-free. I hope they complete it soon, the main thing I'm afraid of is if they take too long someone is going to copy their idea and release a game before them. If that happens, everybody will jump ship off Identity and go to the completed one. We live in a world of entropy, focusing on near-perfection on the first release is naive, especially in a world where we have limited lifespans.

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