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Posts posted by Kickapoo

  1. 10 minutes ago, MarcusCaat said:

    Well, I would like to know if on the official servers there will be French servers?



    With a demand for French servers by a significant number of French players will come.....French servers.

  2. On 06/04/2017 at 1:13 AM, Devonor said:

    I'm guessing that there will most definitely be at least some form of testing or training involved in becoming a police officer? Only because that would be the most realistic, and also the safest way or doing it? At least that's what I'm hoping for.

    It would be rp based, but even so what is virtual police training going to change in terms of how the person acts as an officer? Nothing, exactly.

  3. I'd use the keyboard because I can't access any of the hotkeys on a controller. That sort of sums up the reason why Identity would be unsuitable for console, because of the very limited number of hotkeys they can assign.

    • Like 1

  4. 4 hours ago, Banteel said:

    Was there any mention if the respawn will cost any medical bills? Or any cost of EMT assistance?

    I heard as far as bills go the player would only have to pay rent and possibly electricity bills etc, I doubt the economy would need to go as deep as medical bills/insurance. But it could be introduced through modding/role play so who knows.

    • Like 1

  5. It will all depend on how many hosting services are offering servers within the game. This means that in the beginning I imagine it would be rather expensive due to the small amount of hosting services being offered, and may get cheaper with time.

  6. On 30/03/2017 at 11:29 PM, callsign said:

    I like how you took LIV nightclub in Miami and pure in Vegas photos and posted them on here. Good on ya. More than likely you haven't been to either. But I like the style.

    What's your point here may I ask, by metnioning that he probably hasn't been to either of them?

    • Like 1

  7. 14 minutes ago, Makeshift said:

    It would be dope if we could have it be invite only or some kind of secret warehouse spot that you need a password for in order to get in. xD

    Well I'm sure we can sort something out, there's a whole load of opportunities we could take up but unfortunately we cannot really predict what game mechanics will and won't be included for this sort of thing. It might have to be down to the modding community to provide smoking lounges/dispensaries and/or invite only areas but we shall see!

    • Like 1

  8. On 29/03/2017 at 5:55 AM, hunteredh said:

    What are the specs to your laptop?(Processor Ex. i5 2400M, Graphics Card Ex. Intel HD Graphics 3000, RAM in Gigabytes). 

    Your specs would not be able to run this game, period.

  9. 15 hours ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    So, now you are a pro on how anonymous works? 

    No I'm not, just saying half the stuff you have told me so far is the opposite to how they actually operate. I'm not actually that bothered though so I should probably stop acting like I am. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Makeshift said:

    I would love to set up some lounges and a dispensary or two in hopes that Cannabis will be legalized. But if not then ultimately we can always establish some kind of underground lounge/club where cannabis use would be easily accessible!

    That is an awesome idea though I appreciate your imput!! xD

    I'm up for anything like that bro sounds good