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Everything posted by Kickapoo

  1. Rate the above song

    You're just mad because I was fucking right and you can't take it
  2. Continue The Story

    @KittyDeKarebu Beat you to it!
  3. Continue The Story

    Josef Fritzl, which didn't seem like a good idea at first because....
  4. Continue The Story

    fucked on it. Then they
  5. Rate the above song

    I don't like the Beatles, never have and probably never will
  6. Continue The Story

    Honours This Time Go To @Shimozukachi!
  7. movie

    @Xentinel I think Shimo is just a bit of a razzer
  8. Hello from Australia

    Gday mate!
  9. movie

    As if that ever happened
  10. movie

    Well then good luck finding somebody who will manage to keep a pirated movie on You Tube for more than five minutes ya razzer!
  11. Continue The Story

    @Shimozukachi Stop killing it!
  12. need help with pc build!

    I never even hinted at the fact people should spend excessive amounts of money on gaming pcs. Your advice was not helpful and most of it was wrong.
  13. need help with pc build!

    second thing: don't believe anyone! a i5 processor in the 4000 range is enough for gaming. most of the original not fake ones got a inbuild cooler. if you want a better one a cooler by cooler master t4 should be enough (you know what, just ask the guy who sells the pc components. i don't know what coolers are available in the usa). you should of course use a good/expensive thermo paste. it's worth it. you can google for tutorial videos. This post contains more shite than the Bombay Sewers, first off who says that the i5 4k range isn't enough for gaming? I didn't, I read the reviews and found the i5-4690k was the best overall CPU for gaming, so you clearly didn't do your research before you made that point did you? Secondly, the CPU cooler is never built in it goes onto the motherboard on top of the CPU. you have to decide. in my opinion geforce is better because more games are optimized for it. a "geforce gtx" graphic card with more than 700 as number should be enough for medium settings. the ram should contain to the 8 gb ram at least 32 mb cache memory "Games are more optimized for it" Where is your proof? Why are they more optimized? A professional would be able to give that reason right away! "Should be enough for medium settings" We are giving consumer advice here and as a "professional" you are saying "Should be enough" like you don't know for sure and therefore have to take a guess. Not helpful if you aren't confident about your decisions. "Ram should be at least 8GB" It doesn't take a genius to work that out best thing to save is a hard disc drive with 500 gb and between 7200 and 10000 rpms are enough.... The difference between 500GB and 1TB is that marginal I don't even think its worth suggesting this to save money. Also as a "professional" you would know 500GB is not enough for a gaming PC, that would be swallowed up in 6 months if that. for the best form factor mainboard power supply and cables that are fiting to it you should use google, Why is a "Professional" asking them to use google hmm? Because you aren't actually a professional? Most likely. remember the ohmisch rules and to count the volts together with +25% to know what power supply you need That sentence makes no sense and is wrong/irrelevant anyway. Your incompetence is quite clear @Shimozukachi so I suggest you don't say you are a professional as you quite clearly aren't, and you saying you are makes you look like a fool.
  14. need help with pc build!

    Stop talking shite mate
  15. Rate the above song

    Don't even try asking me that mate, I think exactly the same about your taste in music but I don't go spouting it out like a little bitch do I? P.S There is nothing wrong with my music taste, it just clearly isn't the same as yours.... Now go suck a dick
  16. can't pre order. sorry fans

    For EA games yes I do!
  17. Rate the above song

  18. can't pre order. sorry fans

    Nope you are wrong, Half Life 3 would have such huge expectations and Valve probably wouldn't be able to meet these and would result in people hating on Valve and reducing them as a corporation to ashes.
  19. Continue The Story

  20. Continue The Story

    Guys guys stop this sounds trashy as fuck now we need to start fresh
  21. movie

    @Arrow What have you achieved with this?
  22. Rate the above song

    1/10 By the way I refuse to put any of my favourite music on this post because I will become overly defensive at criticism to any of them.
  23. Continue The Story

    You've fuckin killed it
  24. Rate the above song
