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Radio manager/ Music career path/ mp3

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 Safe to assume there will be a radio system applied where you can listen to music in your house or car. However I was also thinking have a radio studio where it will have employees and mangers, where bands/ singers can go and have their music put on the radio if the managers of the radio company agree and have it on there. The bands and singers will pay to have their songs on the radio which is how the managers make money and it would get the singer publicity. From there have a computer app and mp3 set up to be similar to itunes, where you can purchase songs and full albums from people for a low in game price. Each song has a set price, or the price is based on length of song, and with the albums you save a percentage on total profit of songs if sold separately. I feel that pricing system would work best so people don't over price things and it is controlled. Or to make it more fair so the better songs are worth more by having it so depending on the rating the value can increase/ decrease. After purchasing those songs from the in game bands and artists you can make playlists put it on your mp3 and you can listen to it where ever you go.

I am not sure if this Idea has already been pitched or has already been a work in progress, and although it is not a career path I personally would choose it is something I would like to see, considering I'm sure there will be some exceptional bands/ singers in game and there should be better ways for them to make money, outside of karaoke bars.

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On 2016-02-02 at 11:11 PM, jbomb93 said:

Toplist this week

1. Greenyardkrusifix - I got robbed

2. Blue98 - LOL

3. Pissinabucket - Jesusdied4dubstep





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