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Most of the stuff i mention now has already been written, or could have been written

  • Phone store/ Diffrent phones, will bring more roleplaying. Maybe start out with a Nokia(of course remaked) then work your way up, maybe buy a banana phone(not serious) but when you have the money for it.

Guns attachment/scopes etc, probaly already working on this. But if not i'll just put it here.

Gunlocker(in apartment) So we actually could modify and buy a gunlocker and put guns in there and be able to open it up( of course with a code don't want my friends to run around in my apartment with my guns)

Hide our guns in the passanger seat/trunk to prevent cops arresting us for having a gun in the town when we just want to get new clothes and can't put the guns anywhere(pretty sure they work on this aswell)

Trucks/Trailers to the trucks. Would be awesome to have this and be able to park the trailer somewhere/ even transport bigtime load of drugs, this will bring alot of roleplay because i would love to transport(if i where a in a gang) alot of drugs(that we made ourself/growed ;)) and transport it to a drugdealer. And this will bring gangwars of course, but thats a part of roleplaying right? I don't want other gangs to transport truckloads of drugs in my town.

Driving license <-- This have been mentioned before and there will be a driving license. But why i wrote driving license where beacuse if we don't want to get the license/loose it and i'm pretty sure if we want to buy a car from a car store we need a driving license, something that would bring alot roleplaying(atleast for thoose who want to do criminal stuff) is to have a blackmarket cardealer. And when the game first launches there will be no cars in the blackmarket cardealer. Why? Because people that steal cars need to sell stolen cars to blackmarket cardealer/ set a price up and when a player buys the car from the blackmarket cardealer the player who stole it will recive the money for the car. And blackmarket cardealer should not require a drivinglicense.

Just saw that when spam refreshing on my own profile will increase my profile views. This should be fixed, well i don't really care about profile views but some one may abuse this and increase their profileviews.


I will add stuff, and remove stuff. and most of the stuff i mentioned has been written somewhere. I'm not here to take credits, it's  just nice to have something in one place and read it throught.

And if you feel like i'm taking credits don't be scared, tell me and i'll remove the idea/suggestion directly.

Also sorry for my bad English. I speak better trust me on that ;)

Edited by LittleVic
Adding something
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