
Alright, alright! 

What about the a**holes that kill people for no reason???

It's not like they could just "ban" you from the game...

Did they ever announce this subject?

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The whole RDM thing stems from the fact the arma3 was a mil sim. If you're reffering to another game, then im at a loss. Hopefully this game attracts people who want this experience.

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I've already talked about this in a reply to another post, So I will copy paste what I said:

  • To be honest, in my opinion, rdm can't exist in this game, because of how realistic it is. I go into a bit more detail in my post about death and respawn, but I'll sum it up here and put a link below. I think every type of killing should be allowed, so long as the punishment is suitable and harsh enough to stop people from 'rdming'. I'll use your example 'Ilean Dover'. So let's say this guy does what you described, if there is a good enough law system, he will surely get caught. For one, if he was drifting around the corners there would probably be tire marks for police to find, then the bullet casing, and then also the police would probably get to the scene quite quickly assuming the gunshot was heard and send several police vehicles to find suspicious vehicles speeding away from the scene. Or, the crime could go un-noticed, and the killer never found if there isn't a good CSI system, which I'm sure there will be, and for that matter even if there is 'Ilean Dover' might get away with this rdm, but it's unlikely, and would be  a good bit of roleplay for investigators. But back to the point,  'Ilean Dover ', with his fast cars, nice pistol, presumably plenty of money (Guns are meant to be quite expensive), why would he risk going to jail, and probably losing a fair bit, especially if his property is not legit, why would he waste his time murdering some guy minding his own business walking in what sounds like the middle of nowhere, or at least somewhere with no witnesses.

Basically, I don't think rdm will exist because every way you can be killed in game can be explained through RP, and imo, random killing or even crime against other players shouldn't be *too* common, as guns seem pretty hard to get, and if the detective job is well thought out, then it should be easy enough to find who did the crime and get them in jail, making them loose the gun they worked for, and probably some other things as well, especially illegal items. Aside from this, if there was a harsher jail system, which has the death penalty for extreme offenses (and death means death), and longer jail sentences, I think the amount of what you might consider as rdm would go down a lot.


I touched on this in a post I made, so it might be worth reading, but maybe not. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓



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Official servers will have a system in place which will discourage 'RDM' and community servers will have rules with more regular staff to enforce those rules.


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