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Shooting from in a vehicle

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The devs have said that they aren't sure how to handle shooting from in a vehicle, and I think I may have a solution.

I think that if you're going to shoot from inside a car, that your gun should have to be outside the window to avoid shooting through your windshield (it would then need to be fixed if you put holes through it).

And since your hand will be hanging out the window, your shots would be extremely unstable/inaccurate and difficult to aim. That way people can NOT EASILY headshot the guy behind them when they're going 100mph, but you can at least try.

This would also be much better than having to stop the car, get out, shoot a few times, hop back in a drive off. drive-bys are a real thing and i feel they should be in the game, even if it's hard to actually kill someone while doing it.

Hopefully the devs will consider this, let me know what you guys think!

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How it should work is something like GTA, but more realistic, as i would love someone to try and explain a bullet hole in their window screen to the police.

If someone who is driving was to start shooting their steering should become semi-unstable due to them having one hand/arm out of the window. If you was to shoot as a driver and right handed i would think you would have your right arm going across yourself with you turning to look/aim/shoot.

so you wouldn't be able to change gear(/or handbrake turn for them people) (I.e turning or a decrease in speed and you need to drop gear)

There is so much to say, but should do all the research to save the staff time, so get in your car and try out positions to shoot behind/forward and what the disadvantages are and how it can impact your driving.

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I was actually thinking it would be fair to only let passengers shoot, or what you said where if the driver is shooting, his driving capabilities should be very limited. I'm hoping they do make it more realistic and difficult than gta, like when you're on a motorcycle with a gun in your throttle hand but still abe to accelerate and shoot, doesn't make sense and still way too easy to hit your target. I dont really like comparing identity to gta since I know it will be completely different and they're going for realism

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Also I believe they said you have the option to roll your car windows down to talk to pepole outside the car or whatever, so thats already better than gta, having to break your windows out every time you do anything

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how about: drive by accuracy = similar to clone trooper?

Edited by Shimozukachi

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