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Rubbish and Waste mechanics

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So I was just reading  @NickR 's post on his own Waste Management company and I kind of fell in love with the whole idea of being a rubbish man for no reason at all I just felt like it. 

Here's how I thought it could be done: 

1. A citizen consumes something for example food and let's say now has a piece of rubbish 

2. That piece of rubbish is an item.

3. The citizen (depending on the laws if littering gets you arrested) has to put the rubbish in a rubbish bag, the rubbish bag is a separate item similair to a handbag as it can be an item that carries things and is put into other items.

4. The rubbish bag is picked up and put inside a rubbish truck (The rubbish truck can only store so many depending on the rubbish bags weight... like altis life)

5. The rubbish is then taken to a rubbish facility where it is burnt therefore not allowing rubbish to pile up causing server lag. (other ideas are plausible at this point just like the other points)


In turn this is a simple system but can affect a city greatly.

Incentive to do this would be:

. Not having a dirty ass house or apartment

. Less cockroaches (kind of a joke here but lol why not)

. Roleplay (creates a working city that seems alive from the minute you spawn)

. A clean city is a more idyllic city.


Of course I can see why this job isn't an immediate job to work on regarding development but after launch it would definitely be something to consider.


Original post that gave me this idea: 


Edited by lukemac
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