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Posts posted by Striker

  1. Are they adding parachutes, parasails, or a zoo. Also their should really be features like picking up a rock and putting it in your pocket then taking it out and throwing it at someone. I would be cool to see tigers or other animals like that in the wild and a zoo.

  2. 19 hours ago, BluePandaIta said:

    You should have to refill from 4 to 9 times a month, it should depend on how fast you go, if you keep high rpm or low rpm, if you have a Prius or a Lamborghini... But once a YEAR??

    Does your mom refill once a year or once very 3-4 days??

    Isn't the in game time gonna be faster than real life? Or is it gonna be real time so you can only play at night in game at night in real life?

  3. When you die, would you lose clothes, money, a car, your house or apartment, things like that? I will probably not like the feature lose everything when you die. I'd rather it be lose whatever the person takes from you when you die.

  4. What if you tried to rob someone and they attack you and kill you? Is their a way to make it not so hard to rob something. For example, if you tried to rob a bank then the police come and kill you way easier since they're real people. I would really like everyone or thing to not be to powerful because real people are harder to kill then npcs in other games. I just think it could possibly be a problem.

  5. Can your character start at slow and have not much stamina and then build it up by running? Like if you build you character good enough to run a marathon in game. I think it would be so fun if you could build your characters stamina or all the other things you can build up in real life. The only thing I wouldn't like is if you can lower your strength or stamina or whatever you built up.

  6. Is their gonna be hot air balloons or blimps in Identity? They are slow so they wouldn't really make the map smaller. Expensive hot air balloons would be fun if someone just wanted to look around for a great view. Blimps would just be fun to drive and the inside could be really cool too. People on the ground watching blimps or hot air balloons would be cool too. I think if their will be hot air balloons or blimps they should be very expensive. Also what would happen if you owned a house in one server then you left to another server and that house is already owned? Would you property save? And what would happen if you have a house then leave the server and come back later? Would the house save or what?

  7. Will their be a big water fall or amusement park in the game? A water fall would be fun to look at or jump down with something like a hang glider or wing suits like in real life if they are in the game. Swimming under the water fall would be cool too. For an amusement park I think their could be a ferris wheel for the view or a roller coaster that goes around the amusement park. At night lights would look amazing on the amusement park I think!

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  8. I think a great idea for vehicles is nitro or something else like that. I think their could be car customization like the car abilities in JC3. It would be cool to have car features like drifting, sliding, lifting car up, or honking. I also think you should have to refill gas but its cheap and only like once every year in game, or I think you shouldn't have to have car gas. Things like that but way way more would be so awesome! I also think it would be best if any of your vehicles flipped over or were up side down then you should be able to life it back up. And will their be wheelies for motorcycles or cars if they are going fast enough? I think it would be really cool if their were bikes like in gta 5 where you can do crazy stunts! Like bike customization or abilities depending on talent.

  9. Will their be an ocean? In the ocean if their is one it would be exciting to see sharks, fish, seals, dolphins, crabs, shells, octopuses, starfish, turtles, jellyfish, clams, sea horses, kelp, sea grass, all algae, coral, seaweed, lots of ocean plants, seagulls, waves, surfing, and lots of sand a rocks. Also it would be fun to have people out their in ships a lot. Will the fishing take a while to catch or not so long?

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  10. 20 minutes ago, Vix said:

    You can always buy headphones so your parents won't hear xD Chat will very likely have the option to censor it. 

    Swearing is fine for me but maybe not some others. I also got headphones a while ago.:D

  11. On 1/24/2016 at 6:40 AM, Freebios said:

    Seem unrealistic to me, we're not in just cause :P, but maybe a special police unit could have one for some hostage taking. But grappling hooks should be restricted, for example you can't throw your hook more than 10 meters above or something like that.

    I mean't the kind of grappling hook not in just cause.

  12. More movements like crawling, taking cover, sneaking, and climbing like in sleeping dogs. Parkour would also be fun with more movements. Taking cover for gun fights. Crawling for getting low and unseen. Sneaking for getting passed someone or something. Climbing for climbing or parkour. Parkour would be awesome to run away from a cop. Things like that should be features.

  13. For the criminals they should have the abilities to use a grappling hook like in real life to get on top of buildings. The kind of hook you throw and it hooks on to what you are throwing it at. The kind where you throw, hook, then climb. Not just the criminals though, I think many other kinds of people or just people should be able to use a grappling hook. These could just be way more expensive. It would help with both criminals and cops.