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Everything posted by MntnChicken

  1. Buisness Cards

    If this gets added in you should be able to have stacks of these by the desk at your business. Also, it would be nice if it would also allow you to easily call by clicking on the number.
  2. Cellphone notifications

    Not knowing who's calling you would be pretty cool. If instead of a username you get a number/unknown. It would add an interesting aspect to crime in the game. I can also imagine that for privacy purposes they might not add in that feature. Kind of weird to have a random unknown person call you in-game.
  3. 90%

    I thought it went to 90% for a second...
  4. Making Friends

    You just described what I want to do, except eventually, I want to move up to an investment business.
  5. Cuuka's drawings.

    One does not simply draw something random and stupid, I had to give him a solid concept for my profile picture.
  6. Cuuka's drawings.

    @Cuuka Took me a few moments to find the difference, the eye blends in so much better. It looks less like the Illuminati and more like a sea creatures eye.
  7. Phone and radios

    Probably your mic, but hopefully they will have something like GTA 5 where you can text/type for those who are uncomfortable with using a mic/can't.
  8. Cuuka's drawings.

    0.o cool, I like the font.
  9. Characters?

    I actually don't think that they have said anything about this before. I hope that you can restart with a new character. There are no ways of knowing what issues such a system would cause with how they have set up servers and properties owned by players. For example, what happens to properties you are renting out to other players. What about investors in your business?
  10. What do you want to do in Identity?

    Not a large enough sample size, probably not.
  11. Identity turning to GTA.

    I'm glad that the devs have thought a lot about this. I think that the devs are very aware of the chaos that is moving around the map in GTA and are trying to create a more realistic, and less killing heavy game. GTA just has criminals, Identity has criminals, citizens, government officials, and police, they will definitely make sure that everyone can play their role, and move around the map.
  12. Cuuka's drawings.

    @J-Sparta617 Here
  13. IM new!!!!

    I'm excited about this game too! Welcome to the forums!
  14. Earlier Release

    Couldn't have said it better myself. The amount of people I have heard complaining about delays saying that game development takes time isn't a valid argument... It takes time, what do they need to say? You run into issues that you didn't expect. Shut up because you are the ones turning good indie games into failures when they are released too early.
  15. New gamer from Australia

  16. Hey

    Hey, so hey!
  17. WE MADE IT 345k+ VIEWS

    That's awesome it's great to see identity getting so much recognition!
  18. Earlier Release

    Yeah, the devs can't be rushed, that is why No Man's Sky was so bad. People complain about this game taking so long to release, and it being like No Man's Sky when ironically, a complaining community that doesn't understand that game development needs the predicted time multiplied by 3 because you don't know what will happen on the way, that community is one the big reasons why No Man's Sky and other Indies have flopped. This keeps happening to indies, don't let it happen to such an amazing game as Identity.
  19. Doubt about Buy

    A lot of the community predicts that the first module will come out this summer. The beta is what @LuckyDuck said will come out next year.

    Nice referral link *cough* *cough*
  21. Which game reminds you of identity the most?

    Yeah, Half Life 3 reminds me of Identity because it is never going to happen either. (Sarcasm, I couldn't help but make that joke )
  22. Yeah, you lose whatever you have on you when you die. You don't lose everything you own though. It is like GTA.
  23. I am going on vacation and sadly have to leave my PC and will be stuck with a 2015 MacBook Air. Anyway, vacation will be fun... until I am forced to spend almost two weeks with my grandmother. I just hope I don't miss the Town Square Module.
  24. This will be the last post sent from my PC for 3 weeks

    Thanks! I guess that wasn't my last post
  25. First "game" I have ever pre-ordered

    If anyone is wondering what part of the video he is talking about it should be around 7:46. I can't tell whether organisations/corporations can have more than 1 location or not.