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Posts posted by Azkrathon

  1. On 5/30/2017 at 9:08 PM, FCTwente said:

    Hi there fella's,

    My name is Yordi, almost 21 years old and studying the science of programming.
    I'm born and raised in the Netherlands and like to program in my freetime aswell playing/watch soccer and hangout with my mates.
    I like to play MMORPG games, as I play RuneScape sometimes and hopefully Identity!

    Saw the game trailer on youtube two days ago and already felt in love with the awesome aspect of this game. So I'm really looking forward to see some more stuff about this game.
    Haven't bought a beta-subscription yet unfortunately, but I'm thinking about it to support the developers and ofcourse for my own good (playing the beta!)
    I'm still thinking about it tho, so hope you guys will give me the last push to make the final decision.

    Well, thanks for reading and have a good one!

    Welcome to the Community pal :D

  2. 4 hours ago, Mr_Fisk said:

      Greetings everybody. I am Wilson Fisk, an eager member of the community like all of you. I would like to be known as Mr. Fisk. I have read all there is to read about Identity as well as watched all the vids I can find. its extremely exciting to see the concept and plans for the game. Currently my plan is to reside on official servers, likely picking one specifically when its time for that.

      I do plan to operate an in game business in Identity. However I am not yet ready to disclose what it is. When the time comes there will be a new post in the Business section with details and a link to a website will all the info. I can say I hope it blossoms into an empire that may "employ" players and produce a positive experience for the community and enjoyment for all involved.

      I eagerly await the Town Square Module so that I may meet many of you with visuals and voice chat. That will be fun while we wait for more content. Until then, I'm here exploring the forums sharing thoughts and seeing everyone else's. 

    All I hear is Vincent D'Onofrio's voice, lol. Anyways, welcome to the Community Mr. Fisk!

  3. 16 hours ago, Maxwell_Luciano said:

    So I have a brief question for those of you whom have already made the purchase of any of the precursor ranks.  I'm curious which one is the best out of all the selections.  Just curious to get a take on what all of you think before I go through with a purchase. Thanks, I cannot wait to see all of you on Identity!

    I love the concept of the game, which is why I bought the 30 dollars package so that I could get access to the beta.

  4. 45 minutes ago, SrPeter said:


    I was thinking about buying the Founder Pack! But I have loved the idea of the Houses.

    My real qyuestions is, do own a house do you need to buy it with real money, or could you buy it with mioney in game?

    This is not a pay-to-win game, so you can buy an apartement with your in-game money. The packages you see in the Shop are starter packs to help you get started in your early gameplay.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Eriberto said:

    I would like to enter one day to the game and see everybody singing like the musical episodes from series or High School Musical... We robbed this bank together

    Lol, this needs to happen xD

  6. 25 minutes ago, FiftyNine said:

    1. Most likely 

    2. -

    3. Yes  

    4. - 

    I recommend messaging @LuckyDuck for him to answer any questions as he knows his stuff.

    No one can break into someone's home. The devs said that the purpose of a home is for the player to have privacy. But you can allow other people to enter your home.

    • Like 2

  7. 15 minutes ago, URSAMAJOR03 said:

    Hello community! First off, let me start with how I got here in the first place...

    On YouTube I was watching a video about some game releases in 2017, and this was on the list! I had to check it out (I have always dreamed about a game like this)

    I bought the founders pack because I saw that the Town Square Module is close to completion... Can't wait to see y'all there!

    I look forward to indulging in this game with you guys in the future!

    Welcome to the community, pal :D Can't wait to see you in the game!

  8. 7 minutes ago, Whitefeather said:

    You just said the devs were releasing the full game early 2018. The beta was planned for that time, not the full game.

    I was talking about what the devs said back in 2015. They said the game will be finished around late 2016, early 2017. So we can expect beta in Q3 2017 and the full game early 2018. But obviously, it got delayed.

    1 hour ago, Azkrathon said:

    The devs said that the game (full version) will be released in early 2018

    "The devs said" that the game....

  9. 23 minutes ago, Whitefeather said:

    The beta isn't expected until late 2017 - early 2018. The full game won't be released early 2018.

    No one knows exactly when the full game will be released. They used to say it will be released early 2018.

  10. It's a great concept, but I doubt we'll be having problems in our houses or apartements. The developers said that one of the purposes of your home is to have privacy and feel safe. But hey, anything's possible :D

  11. 13 minutes ago, madsbendix123 said:

    IS the game even out yet? Im not sure :D
    Bought the beta access pack, and was thinking when we get access to the game? 

    The devs said that the game (full version) will be released in early 2018, but they're planning to release 3 modules this year. The 1st module (the town square) was supposed to be released in late 2016, but got delayed to early 2017. We'll probably gonna get it by the end of June. Here's the link for more info of the modules:

  12. On 2017-5-14 at 11:40 AM, Norway174 said:

    Hey, welcome to the forums!

    Oh, and Fallout are awesome. :D Which one is your favorite? Big fan of 3 and 4.

    Thanks! Fallout 4 is my favorite.


    On 2017-5-14 at 0:51 PM, Radack said:

    Hello @Azkrathon and welcome to the Identity community. 

    If you are new to Identity, feel free to read the 2 FAQ's which you can find in my Signature. They provide good information about the Game. 

    If you have any questions regarding the community or the game and which answer you can't find in the forums, feel free to contact me.

    Enjoy your stay here :)


    Thank you :D

    • Like 1

  13. Hi guys! My name is Azka, I'm new to the community. For a long time I've been looking for a realistic/real-life game. The closest thing to it is Bethesda's Fallout series, the social interaction in that game is spectacular. I wish the best of luck to the developers. Can't wait to see you all in town square :D

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