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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. hello everybody

    20k subs is great! It's like a thousand times more than what I have, although I don't really post anything anymore Anyway, welcome. Gl on running for Governor.
  2. Most annoying Role to Play

    I can see it working, but there would have to be clear rules/guidelines and possibly admin-permission for this to be pulled off sucessfully. "RPing" as a serial killer has been used as an excuse to RDM as long as I've been RP'ing and I think that's kind of what's killed the whole idea for me at this point.
  3. Most annoying Role to Play

    I agree that serial killers have no place in an RP environment, but I don't mind a psychopath or two as long as people do their research and don't use it as an excuse to RDM people. You make a very fair point about kidnappings, I love being a hostage as long as people are interested in RP and not only money and shootouts Unfortunately I'm already pretty sure I'll have to deal with some of those people that are "crazy" with no background and/or no insight into mental illnesses. I'll also be sure to stick to private whitelisted servers when the time comes so I can enjoy this game
  4. Make some new friends and explore at first probably
  5. Voice Changer?

    In my own experience voice changers work sometimes. It can be really immersion breaking if the voice come off as unrealistic/trolly/straight up weird. That being said it does work sometimes with certain people's voices on certain presets/settings. If you plan on using one (on a private RP server) I'd advice doing some extensive testing before you take it in game. The voice changers I've dealt with in the past have changed it in real time, on ts and in game VOIP. Recording and playing stuff sounds like a lot of work ^^ Edit: As far as accents goes just so your best with the voice you have. If people don't like it for some reason, just ignore them and keep going. Sometimes it helps doing some research on certain accents before taking them in game, depending on how serious you are.
  6. Hello Identity.

    Hey! New guy to the community here. I'm a Norwegian in his 20's currently occupied with full-time studies and some jobs on the side. Came across identity quite a while ago, but didn't think too much of it - until I found it again about a week ago. Read up on some stuff and watched a few videos and I'm extremely hyped for this game. All the customization and freedom looks very much like a game I'd love to play. I've already pledged and will partake in the modules, but later down the line I'm sure you'll find me on some sort of strict/serious RP server. Hope to see a lot of you out there!