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Posts posted by SupremeLeader

  1. 9 hours ago, Judgement said:

    Why would someone vote for you as Governor when you joined 7 days ago and only have 13 posts.
    The position requires you to be known, active and intelligent. 
    You need to act the role and in my opinion I don't see you fit to do so.
    Many other candidates have amazing applications and I think you should add more detail to yours.
    Sorry for the criticism. 

    Seconded. What makes you more qualified to be Governor over these other veterans who have long been here? 

    However, don't be discouraged. Being new isn't totally crippling to your chances. If you can state your positions well, and outwit your opponents, I don't see a reason why you can't be successful.

  2. On 1/20/2017 at 3:37 PM, ThomasHetch said:

     I think that the minimum wage should be $15 an hour. Don't fire people if they make one little mistake business owners. Minimum layoffs would be great.

    With the increase of minimum wage, it would also bring the decrease of potential job openings, as business owners now have to pay more per worker. 

    This leaves business owners with two options:

    #1: They don't fire workers, but they raise prices substantially, which negatively affects the customer base and business prosperity

    #2: They fire workers, and now we have a rising unemployment rate


    With this, why would you promote the $15 minimum wage?

  3. On 1/20/2017 at 1:44 PM, ThomasHetch said:

    I think that all races, sexual orientations, religions, and political statuses should be welcome with loving arms in this great state.


  4. On 12/4/2016 at 2:03 PM, JoelKeys said:

    $9,999 > = 7.5% Tax

    $10,000 - $19,999 = 25% Tax (Potential of 10% tax return)

    $20,000 - $39,999 = 35% Tax (Potential 20% tax returns)

    $40,000 - $99,999 = 45% Tax (Potential 35% tax returns)

    $100,000 < = 50% Tax (Potential 45% tax returns)


    Don't you find any danger in the lack of motivation to be successful and innovative from the proposed 50% tax on incomes $100,00 and more, and even 45% on incomes of $40,000-$99,999? Most people making these kind of wages would be entrepreneurs, who would have to find some sort of market demand to suit the need for. Why should we be punishing people for contributing to the growing economy of small businesses? If anything, it's business and small business which will make up a big part of the employment in Identity, as well as pushing product that people want

    This goes against all human nature of motivation for success, and the market/economy will take a large dive in correlation to this lack of motivation.

  5. The NIF advocates for the people's decision on social issues such as these. For example, in Russia, the adult population believes the their children mature much faster than their counterparts, and have their legal age to buy alcoholic beverages at 16 years old, as opposed to 18, or 21 in most countries.

    So when the time comes for a vote, if the people believe that they can handle the youth population and positively educate them on the dangers and safe uses of alcohol, then I wouldn't see a problem with having it at around 16 or even younger.

  6. Hello, my name is Supreme Leader and I'm from Seattle, Washington. I'm pretty stoked for the Identity release, and it might actually be the first real RP game with everything that I could possible hope for it to offer. Just reading around the forums, it looks like this will be huge.



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  7. Hello,

    My name is Supreme Leader, and I'm interested in working as a Logistics Leader. I am very analytical, and extremely incisive when giving input. I'd like to be a part of your organization, and help it grow into the potential that it has.



    There is nothing more important than the political independence for a civilized group of people. 

    As the people, we must embrace and share a communal identity with our nation to ensure that the political measures taken are for the furthering of full sovereignty, self-governance, and for the interest of the people. Through contextualizing history, we can understand that groups of people work best together when they share a common goal and idea. This is the ultimate goal of the National Identity Front.

    For those who are unaware, allow me to explain the meaning of Nationalism. Nationalism is the patriotic principle which sticks people together of different ethnic, tribal, linguistic, religious and cultural groupings into a single defined population, linked to a specific geographic territory.

    Our proposed system works through near-total democracy, with the voices of the people being heard over the non-elected bureaucrats who run our land. However, in order to reach such a democracy which is fair and equal for all, we must enforce an ethnostate to first achieve the aforementioned common goal, idea, and national identity. We are all for political discourse, and in fact, we promote it. We believe that no matter how much you may disagree with any form of speech, that if you are truly the "correct" one, then you should be able to out-argue them in an intellectual discussion. 

    With the National Identity Front, our member base generally leans to fiscal conservatism, minimalism in government, market freedom, and, for the most part, social conservatism. However, our biggest focus is bringing the voice back to the people who built the lands in which we stand. It is the people's choice in which direction we take our land, with obviously the help of advice of council.

    How the Party is structured:

    President - Supreme Leader

    Vice Presidents - Djdobish, OnePumpWonder (There will be 2 of these)

    General Secretaries - iAreJayar (There will be 3 of these)

    Council Member - TBD (There will be 8 of these)

    NIF Members - Anyone who wants to help out and support the movement.


    We are looking for people who are like-minded, and want to help promote this party. 

    If you want to join our party, PM me!

    Visit our website here:

    This is a movement, and we need YOUR help to make IdentityRPG a truly great experience.

    The NIF President, Supreme Leader, is running for office. Show your support!




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