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Status Updates posted by Dung_Beatle

  1. Hello, I would like to work as a driver for your Purely Platinium company.

    I don't have a drivers license in real life but I have drove a car in the desert before, and btw I was 5 when I did that, it was a Tahoe that I drove.

    1. Businessmann


      awesome, sorry for the late response i will put your name on the homepage ;) 

    2. Dung_Beatle


      Thanks! I have a question, will the job begin in the town square, or the full game? If you are on my friends list, you can give me keys to the car, that's what an admin told me. I'm just worried that I will have to wait so long, and I don't want to forget about identity.

    3. Businessmann


      okay.... I hope I have the Money until start of Town Square to get a office and some cars about 5 to start off with. Of course we have to have a look on how things will work ;)