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Posts posted by Frostybeans

  1. On 8/7/2017 at 8:26 AM, LuckyDuck said:

    Kickstarter - was in CAD and the shop now is in USD but the rewards were the same exception for the pledge hat which will say "kickstarter" instead of "Identity". I also pledged for my friend $90 USD on the website too. You can check out the kickstarter packages here on their kickstarter page: Kickstarter I know that you missed out on the pledge tiers above the $500 package and the prices were cheaper really.

    on top of it being CND for you at the time, even if it wasnt at least 2 years ago the dollar was somewhat ok. when i got it there was a stupid $200 difference. even going to vegas in May 600 USD cost like 880 CND was crazy :/

  2. 58 minutes ago, Lexan said:

    Actually he believes its a scam and he said he tried to refund months ago :-P

    I never said I thought it was a scam I'm still excited for it. I had unexpected costs to pay but I managed and decided to keep the pledge of 500. That's why I don't have a request for refund anymore

  3. the one thing that im not a fan about when it comes to playing games that are 18+ and kids play, is the language barrier. i swear every other word, and its an 18+ game and rollplay as well. so i'll play as a swearing trucker who eats at gas stations and swears. i should never hear the words " you shouldnt swear to often kids play this game to" if they are playing a mature game, they should be able to take in the 18+ content.

    • Like 3

  4. 5 minutes ago, DadOfMad said:

    Im thinking the 23rd.

    next friday.


    if i was a betting man, July 1st. but i could honestly see them doing a weekday release since less people would be able to get on since alot of people work during weekdays, would be easier on the servers without knowing how they will handle

    • Like 2

  5. 5 minutes ago, torquier said:

    I have donated and I have not received the email. And the previous dev blog if they came to me.

    just be patient, it LITERALLY started to roll out and they probably have thousands of emails for their system to send to, make sure you are subscribed to receive news letter and just wait. i havent gotten mine yet but others have

    • Like 2

  6. 6 minutes ago, Radack said:

    The dev-blog is going out right NOW via E-Mail. Just check your Mails if you have agreed to receive Mails while pledging (Source: Twitch Livestream right now)

    until i see it, no trust is given to them atm. i got my emails infront of me will see if they follow up with it this time,

  7. 5 minutes ago, Noodles said:


    the more you try and understand it the more confusing it gets,  just sit back and wait for it, nothing they say can make me trust them on when they release it, only me seeing it will.

  8. 3 hours ago, Shypindive said:

    I'm probably not the only one wandering this, but when is the next dev update or post? I believe there is one like once a month or that's what I thought. I'm always excited to see a new dev post, or update and see the progress the team has made. I can't wait for the release of this game, and I understand that nothing comes fast. But keeping the backers in the loop is always greatly appreciated.

    next dev blog should come out June 9th, 90% sure of it at least.

  9. 7 minutes ago, GoldenPancake said:

    no, this module isn't a third of the game, it's more because this module builds a foundation for the whole game and other modules

    i never said its a third of a game, but if you ask me its probably alot less than a third since this is a walking simulator between buildings. they still need cars, jobs, more buildings and houses for the rest of the map, list goes on. all this will be is some customization of apartments ( already done judging by videos) character customization, and buildings.

  10. 2 hours ago, MeesterPlusser said:

    too many posts about this.

    You should read some other posts about this for more information.

    there's to many poll posts asking if this is taking to long? care to share some links because this is the first ive seen....

  11. On 6/8/2017 at 2:54 PM, GoldenPancake said:

    This module is also taking longer because the devs have to work on the foundation of the whole game, other modules will be done quicker especially the SWAT module.

    like a friend told me, its taking them this long to release a town and get it to work, this game wont be out until like 2020

    • Like 4

  12. 5 minutes ago, MeesterPlusser said:

    I only know there will be a stream on tuesday and there also will be a post very soon.

    Making a post about this won't really help since a lot of people do it right now.

    I didn't see any other post asking this question regarding the dev blog. I see lots regarding the game however that's not what this post is about, I'm asking if there was any other updates on any of their other source of communication they use

  13. has there been an update on anything or reasoning mentioned on the missed deadline for the dev blog? i know alot of us where stupidly excited to see what they would come out with, its currently 9:45PM their time so i will go on a limb and say there wont be one released anytime tonight but i could be wrong.

    • Like 1

  14. 30 minutes ago, uncannierlink said:

    The fine print on crowd funding projects basically says "this may never exist" so imo never make big investments into them unless your ok with the money disappearing.


    While I don't think Identity is a scam, I do think it's going to be a long, long while. I've been here since the beginning and if there's one thing I learned, never believe any dates that the devs say.

    well that is why i have been complaining about the miss leading they have when getting this, i did not crowd fund anything, i purchased a game with perks, however everyone says its a donation even though in the in the shop it says BUY NOW not pledge.

  15. 15 minutes ago, uncannierlink said:

    Ok see, don't pay 700 for a kickstarter project unless you really don't care about the money. I hope for your sake your loaded.

    I didn't support the Kickstarter I only funded it 2 months ago as I was promised a town square module release than. I have been following it for a long time however. And decently well for myself 

  16. #1 ) What will you do on the first module? - hibernate in my apartment that i get drinking coffee while sitting at my real home drinking coffee.

    #2 ) Will you play with your friends or meet people on here? no RL friends wanting to play yet since they dont believe in early access/ pay before game is made.

    #3 ) What if your PC can't run the game?  cry

    #4 ) Are you playing to buy a better package when you like the game? i have the $500 one, so no.

    #5 ) What will your job be? firefighter.

    #6 ) What is your goal? (Other then becoming rich) save alot of cats.

    #7 ) What do you like about identity? freedom since America doesn't have any anymore.

    #8 ) Will you use your headset or just chat? both

    #9 ) What are you looking forward too? playing the game

    #10 ) What is your age? And what will your age in-game be? just turned 26 in RL, in game i will be 1 day old.

    • Like 1

  17. 1 hour ago, Captaine said:
    1 hour ago, Captaine said:

    I agree with Duck, they're in America and Australia I think so they're atleast 5 hours before us. They also said they MIGHT release it today, not that they will.

    I agree with Duck, they're in America and Australia I think so they're atleast 5 hours before us. They also said they MIGHT release it today, not that they will.

    they didnt say might, they said most likely, followed by saying 90% chance, -

    also i agree, they work until 4-5 EST so 2 hours ahead of me, so they got another 2 hours before i lose hope on a dev blog ( unless thats something they work on after hours)


    • Like 1

  18. 17 hours ago, Mr_Robot said:

    So I have stalked the forums for about a year or so and today I decided to just jump in with the 

    It's not a fortune, but it's a start. A little cash makes everything a little easier.
    Includes: Passport, Founder Hat, Beta Access, Rusted Car, $1,000 Game Cash


    Any dates set for the town hall mod release?

    ETA of a couple months ago, stay tuned for dev blog they are releasing today, heres hoping theres info on release.