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Everything posted by xeyhjesus

  1. Is the website identityrpg(dot)net a scam?

    Thank you everyone for clearing this up
  2. Is the website identityrpg(dot)net a scam? or just a new renovated website? I do NOT recommend going on this website, unless im being dumb and think its a scam when it isnt, but thats why i am making this topic just to get confirmation and or aware people of the website. So I went to go take a look at the identity forums but accidentally put .net instead of the usual .com. upon entering this website the language was set to dutch or something like that. the layout was similar but slightly more modern, at first glance it seemed like the identity website had upgraded and had done a visual update. however what weirded me out was that it was in a random language that I defo don't speak or know. the front page of the site specifically says "No whitelist access yet? Although IdentityRPG is not yet public, you can now unlock your whitelist account for our game servers! No whitelist access yet?" I found this weird since I don't remember ever receiving an email about this? maybe I didn't get sent one or maybe I'm dumb.
  3. Is the website identityrpg(dot)net a scam?

    This is what the website looks like without clicking it, I suggest not clicking it incase it has a key logger or something, but i guess thats too late for me lol https://prnt.sc/ic1jp3
  4. Progress on Town Square 76%?

    Alright, so i have been visiting this site for about 2 weeks now checking up on it every day, The town Square module has been at 76% for a while now, i would like to know if that is genuine or if it gets updated in chunks like 76% then 84% then 91% etc... does the progress bar update in 1's? or in 5's? or what, i would like to know the genuine percentage that Town Square is at.
  5. Progress on Town Square 76%?

    thank you @Herzog