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Posts posted by Narc

  1. 31 minutes ago, Moreau said:

    So you are literally  implying the CIA or FBI for that matter would give 2 shits about this game? They have more important  matters,like domestic terrorism and dont give a fuck about  a video game scam

    also the reason youre so pissed of because of my FACTS is probaly because you are very well aware its a scam and that you wasted your money

    if you think its a scam, then why are you here?

  2. 5 hours ago, Moreau said:

    Its painfully obvious its a scam,we all know it,the project is way to ambitious for an indie team,just want to scam 12 year old Altis life kiddies

    its been years and theyve barely given us anything


    jamesluck knows this but im afraid he cant speak out because he is a "executive"

    I'm going to probably get a strike for this but idc, delinquent brats like you piss me off if you're being serious, shut up and go away


    7 hours ago, ShadowSuperior said:

    Is it a rule that to post on a forum you have to be a jerk? Stop typing with your exclamation points and anger. You get the point of what we are saying. That same apartment customization video is old now. If the goal was to have the module out by now they could at least have a new video or 2 for us since that module is clearly being pushed back.


    To the O.P. - I'm not sure there are a lot of people here that don't understand game development. I think that a lot of us just want to see progress. The amount of money we spent may be small but we still like to know what's happening with it. If this was an elaborate scam and I lost $100 it's cool. Just let me know. If some work is being done to put out the project that i'm excited about let me know that too. I know they are busy. Everyone is. But someone could keep up updated. I'm not saying daily or even weekly but I don't think monthly updates is too much to ask. 


    Please cut it out with the frustration and anger because people ask questions. Us asking the Dev's questions shouldn't effect your day to day that much.

    There are alot of people who don't understand game development and don't understand how to read either, as i previously have stated, there's reasons why they wouldn't be showing progress every day, ill say it again, for example:
    1. They want to spend more time on the module to get it out to us asap, since its already behind because of PAX and GDC and motown being sick.
    2. They want to keep things a secret for reasons such as; Other game developers stealing ideas or because they want people to experience new things when they come into the game and not know whats already in it, ruins the fun.
    3. They want a good impression for their first module launch, their second module launch, their third module launch, beta and full game launch, they want to play the game as much as we do, they want to obviously not half ass it.
    4. They don't have a full time community manager.
    5. They might have some sort of ToS regarding releasing content they have to follow.

    You've seen progress, the apartment customization video, all that stuff didnt take them a week to do mate, that shit takes time, not only that if you haven't read up, they are working on the base game right, and taking parts of the base game out, and turning them into previews for us, called modules. This is why the second module wont take much longer to come out after the first module, because they've already started working on and finishing some of the weapon physics. Alot of the backend parts of the core game, need to be made in order to progress. Have you read the dev diaries? theres info on that, have you seen the Q&A videos and info on reddit and gaming websites? they aren't completely silent.. The thing is right, people can never have enough, if they want it, they say they just want abit of info, then if they give it to them, then those people just want more, and more and more, saying "its not enough, i want more!" its never ending. 


  3. 8 hours ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Lol yea I know... maybe one day they will add something like that. Or perhaps someone will try to make it themselves in game. 

    You never know right? Maybe Asylum will want to see if they can give someone a stroke.  Lol 

    i think if they did add anything like that then i would only assume it would be something very basic 

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    I think allowing video games in Identity would be kind of cool, and would open up another possible Avenue for a career path. 

    Only downside would be the constant nose bleeds of how meta that would be...

    they are focused on making the game for us to play, not focused on a game inside the game they are trying to make lol

  5. 9 man dev team with 3 or 4 full time and the rest freelancer artists wanting to make a good first impression on their alpha module, if you can't get behind that and understand that then don't pledge and wait till you see the module, if you pledge to support the development, then bitch, dont do research and whinge on the forums about "there's no updates, there hasn't been updates for ages, this is a scam, this is too ambitious," then you can't expect other people to jump down your throat when you sit on here and try and discredit the developers and their hard work because you havent seen enough to please you. Impatient.

    • Like 1


    8 minutes ago, Turaxis said:

    Well to say Q1 are also to give a date, its not specific but that means to end of this month, so it is anyway some kind of date right, can you go that far to say that im right there ?

    Its delayed that fine by me, I would be supprised if it was not on a big project as Identify are. But question remains can you say what Identity are expecting are we talking 1 week,  1 month, 3 month or more ? (Before there will be a beta out ?) Im not asking for a specific date, just so we have an idea.

    And I will look forward to next video with some mechanics at least.

    Best regards

    IF YOU ARE A GAME DEVELOPER, YOU DON'T GIVE DATES, WHETHER ITS THE END OF THE MONTH OR NOT jesus christ, if they say end of this month, then it gets delayed again, its going to be the same reaction that you'd get if you said a specific date, so no you're not right there, you're still going to get people salty if you have to delay it for whatever game development reason.

    Probably within the next month or two, the module would probably release, in my opinion, only because it was delayed abit, not alot, they havent said anything about a date, or around about date, incase a delay again. The beta will be out like 2018 bro, its only the modules this year, first module soon, the second combat module not far off the first module, then the racing module maybe end of this year if they can fit it in, but its more complicated then youd think with vehicle physics. You need to do your research because you don't look like you know anything about the game.

    • Like 1

  7. 9 hours ago, Jinx said:

    Okay well. you don't actually know that the publishers were responsible for No Mans Sky, from all I've seen it has a stunning lack of content & that's also reflected in all the reviews plus it's also why it took my kid less than a week to get bored with it. Maybe it's just because it's a boring game.

    I do NOT want Asylum to give up on their vision, so don't put words into my mouth, at some point this game needs to get out of kick starter and into full fledged development where some actual progress is made BEYOND 3d models. Delays are inevitable, that's part and parcel of the industry now, but projects that began long after Identity did are entering Alpha & even beyond that. I've heard little and seen almost nothing, and we're still talking about the same things we were discussing twelve months ago, that's a lack of progress.


    should probably do you research before making claims of  "lack of progress, only 3d models shown to us" etc.

  8. Most games take years to develop, whether they have a team of 10 or a team of 40. The triple A developers like Rockstar and what not, they don't work on a game and finish it within the first year of development, for something ambitious like GTA or identity, it takes time, but no one seems to understand that. If it was Rockstar or a triple A title company making identity, usually they don't mention anything about it till its like about to be released a few months prior, because they don't need the additional funding to kick start their project usually, like indie devs do, which is why this was kickstarted before the development happened, because they needed funding. Since it got enough to kickstart the game, it started development, we are all here on the journey waiting for this game to be released, from day one or whatever (you get the point, its not like a triple A title where they announce it when its nearly completed)

    So everyone needs to understand that game development is long, tedious, time consuming, expensive, and not a walk in the park, everyone expects so much so quickly, when in reality its not that easy. The reason why i wouldn't want to become a game developer is because i have a short fuse and everytime someone would bitch about my game and say its a scam id tell them to go fuck themselves, but that's because i don't have the patience to put up with little delinquent brats who get what they want, usually when they want it.

    Yes Asylum mentioned PR is important for them and it hasn't been well for them, because their community manager is also one of the main developers for the game and would rather spend his time working on the game to get it out to us. Alot of what they are doing, they want to keep a surprise, they aren't going to show you everything they have in the game, otherwise when you play it, nothing will be new to you, nothing will be exciting, nothing will impress you, because you've seen it all before, whats the point in having a new game, that everyone knows everything about, there's no spark.
    The developers want to have a good first impression on everyone, as they've said, so instead of whinging because they are only releasing models here and there and not active, doesn't mean they aren't working on the game, it doesn't mean its a scam, it mean's they are showing you sneak peaks to keep you updated on their progress when they make a significant amount of progress.

    Remember, game development can have it's setbacks, hence when you're a developer its never a good idea to put an ETA date, because chances are, its going to be pushed back, and people are going to get salty.

    Just my opinion.

    • Like 9

  9. 41 minutes ago, Jinx said:

    I've pledged, & I'm a big supporter of this concept, we've said before that Asylum have made many mistakes and yes, that's because they are new to all of this......BUT. There is a vast world of difference between being new and being amatuer, and I'm sorry but this is starting to look just like that, amatuer. Identity, while being the only kick starter I've pledged to, is not the only game I'm keeping my eye on. Games like War of Rights & Sea of Thieves make this look like small time Joe. Face facts, it's been kick started, we're long past that stage, and it's still not moved up to the next level and that's worrying.

    I admire them for wanting to keep control, to remain true to their concept, I think everyone here does, but it looks to me that what is needed here is a firm cash investment, investors OTHER than Joe Public. I want Identity to become reality, of course I do, but the clock is ticking and they really need to be showing something other than 3D models by now.


    They have currently got enough funds through pledges to remain in development till release apparently and if they need to they have investors on hold. They have the apartment customization video, have you not seen it?

    • Like 2

  10. 1 hour ago, Jinx said:

    Instead of 3 pages you could have just written ''I want to be an Admin', right at the start, and saved everyone a lot of bother lol

    10/10 explained it well enough for me to understand this concept thanks.


    25 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    Have you really read all of our Topic? We discuss how we as regular players, want to make the "big guys" worried. That's all really. But I explain it in more detail.

    Yeah but you basically are saying i want to kos the "big guys" who had pledged with an ego, so we don't feel as poor, so its fair for us.

  11. 16 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    We are just making things more realistic to the rules of identity, so people can see exactly what they are signing up for, as well as clearing up how we run. Unfortunately some of the things we wanted to do originally can't be done

    All i can see, is you on a server, pretty much sitting in a car stalking a youtuber lmao, then boom out of nowhere you kos him for having an ego and get banned and wonder why. Or you just sit around and somehow make money, and ditch the idea all together because you come to your senses and realise that the idea is pretty junk.

  12. No you didn't because i read your topic and as i stated, it looks better with more effort but i still dont understand how this concept is going to work without breaking any rules, all you've stated is that ' They will be taken down ' which is all i can see, kos'ing, which in most servers, will be against rules. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    Hey NARC, you can buy start up benefits. I'm pretty sure you are aware of that. That's what our goal is. To make it fairer for people who didn't spend massive amounts of money for this game.

    No you pledge to help support the game, and you get some pledge rewards ingame, like beta access, module access, cosmetic advantages.
    How do you propose you make it fairer for people who didnt spend massive amounts of money to support development? are you going to pay for them or ?

    • Like 2

  14. 40 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    I'm glad that you are supportive. If you are interested join us.

    He was responding to what i said not you sorry.

    38 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    NARC, first of all this is an MMO server. Secondly people can buy "passports" which give them an advantage in the beginning of the release. Making an unfair advantage to the regular player. Read the entire statement. Thank you

    No its an MMORPG game* actually.
    Secondly "passports" is another word for game access to the game, so no it's not an advantage over other players.
    You read the entire statement, and read on some more info about  Asylum, and what the game is about and how they are going about it. So what your plans are to run an organization under a real life hacking group, and basically KOS anyone who has pledge rewards or some shit to make sure everyone is on equal grounds when they start? i dont get it?