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  1. thank you for your help and cooperation.
  2. about that would i have applied for debit card (which i will get in about a week)but the problem is it is valid on neplal and india. can i use this card to make the purchase? also thanks for helping.
  3. my name is sushant and i am 19 years old. i am from nepal. i have always been a rpg fan but getting a chance to play a mmorpg is like a dream come true. i wanted to contribute to the developers. but i dont have a paypal account. i have used steam for buying game through steam gift cards. so the question is IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY I CAN CONTRIBUTE AND GET ACCESS TO BETA OF THIS GAME ? i am going for the 30 dollars moduel. any help or suggestion would be appreciated and also i apolozize for my poor english.