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Posts posted by Mentality

  1. If you believe the cops will be able to get away with anything in Identity you obviously haven't been paying attention. There will be a system in the game that will monitor officer's activities that will punish any wrong doing. 

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  2. Identity is one game where mods will make everything worse. It will provide an advantage to some people while other people will be left to fend for themselves. Stick to Fallout 4 or Skyrim if you want to mod and leave Identity to those who play on equal ground.

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  3. On 4/16/2017 at 1:52 AM, Ravo said:

    I'm a big fan of haunted houses and halloween myself and it would be cool if they could set this thing up on halloween but it depends on what resources they have and if they're busy with other stuff. Maybe they could add a haunted house and trick or treat paid dlc on halloween ;) ^^

    I am too. But if we were going to do that kind of thing on Halloween I'd want the spook houses to be good. None of that cheap thrill crap. I'm talking about creative and terrifying. I wouldn't want them to be too short either. No 5 minute walkthrough. I'm thinking more like 15 minutes. They do that and I'm sure it would be a hit. :D

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  4. 26 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    3 Q&A videos but more 4 Q&A's, small difference but still good enough, right? and when those people see the gun mechanics video they will still say shit. Then the 1st module comes out but still think it is something not going to happen. People who complain always complain even after they get something and well they just want more and more and it will never get old.

    lol I do not envy the developer's jobs. Sure, it would be badass to make a game, but the pile of criticism and whining would eventually crush me.

  5. Youtube is showing samples of the game, the bar for the town module is at 89%, and we are seeing more and more bits of information from the forums and the Q and A videos, and yet people still persist that Identity is fake. There is a river in Egypt, and it's called denial. I just preferred to spell it that way this time. Lol May all the naysayers keep their heads buried in the sand, while I will walk the path laid out before me. ^_^

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  6. 23 hours ago, DLimit said:

    Certain societies, such as the Amish or Mennonite communities, tend to prefer to reside within the agricultural era rather than the industrial era. In the process, an extensive amount of "cowboy"-minded individuals would prefer to travel on a horse or a pick-up truck. Finally, Law enforcement officers, such as The Royal Canadian Mountain Police, often ride throughout numerous towns and cities on horses. Thus, it would appear to be an interesting idea if players could possess the option and ability to travel throughout the land on a horse rather than an automobile. However, players shall be expected to provide the horse with food, shelter, training, and nurture in order to ensure that the horse fulfills it's role.

    Imagine a local farmer that decides to invest in a horse in order to visit the local town or city while traveling through terrain that exceeds beyond a road, such as a field.

    Critique: It would be abnormal for players to travel through an urbanized city on a horse.

    Response: Not at all, Mennonites and the R.C.M.P. travel through urban cities in order to either purchase materials or patrol neighborhoods.

    You forgot about those snooty rich regal English types. lol

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  7. My question is, what sorts of fast food places will there be in Identity? I love pizza, burgers, chicken, Mexican, and Chinese. Will there be places that serve only specific types or are they going to be "one huge menu that serves all" places? ^_^

  8. On 3/23/2017 at 11:16 AM, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    I think allowing video games in Identity would be kind of cool, and would open up another possible Avenue for a career path. 

    Only downside would be the constant nose bleeds of how meta that would be...

    A video game within a video game. How crazy is that? Lol

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  9. On 3/14/2017 at 3:47 PM, KenBlackout said:

    Sadly we are not sure how SWAT would exist nor DEA, But we can make an Internal Affairs spot but you will need an interview for that spot.

    SWAT teams would be handy in heist and hostage situations. We already know those are going to be in the game. And DEAs would be useful in investigating drug operations and trafficking.

  10. 7 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Oh I know that is under consideration but I stuck to the current info they gave us which is official untill the decision is made.


    PS: I want to like that comment 100 times but sadly can't :(  )

    Lol Glad I could make your day.

  11. 46 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Firstly, yes you can be a mechanic in the game and secondly the map will be 70 square miles which is bigger than the GTA map.


    I read a post from Motown saying they found a way to increase the amount of players on servers, and that means having to remake the map. It could be considerably larger. He said Identity was originally intended to be a MMO, with thousands of players on a server. Not sure exactly how it'll work. But it is under consideration.

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  12. On 2/24/2017 at 3:01 AM, DJRockXD said:

    Hello. I am planning on buying Identity founder pack, bu before that I would like to know a few things about the hunting career:

    1. How will it work.

    2. How many animals will there be to hunt.

    3. Is living in the woods a possibility? (Like, a hunting shack, or a possibility to get wood and make a small house for my self)

    4. How big is the forest area?

    5. This is a bit more about pets but, I wanna role-play as a hunter, and so I wanna have a hunting dog with me. Is that possible? 

    Thanks and have a good day! :)

    I had no idea that hunting would be a career. Sure, you can eat the meat, and possibly sell it, but that still doesn't sound like a career to me.

  13. On 12/3/2016 at 3:24 PM, GhostStalker401k said:

    Alright so can we have double lives in the game? For example i could be a police officer but ill also work for the mafia?


    Off topic:

    Can we have pets

    We all have a side to us that we hide from others. You never know what they might be planning. :ph34r:


  14. For a long time I'm going to be happy where the action is, working the streets. But when the time comes when I'm ready to move up it will be detective work. You have my support Kracken. Happy to be aboard. :)

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