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Posts posted by Mentality

  1. The fact is there are quite a few YouTube videos popping up about Identity from those who took the time to talk to the developers. Just take a look. Careers, activities, features, it's starting to paint a picture about what Identity is and what we can do.

  2. Yes, drugs were discussed in the video discussing the criminal career. You will be able to produce them, store them, and sell them to other players, and they will be have various effects on the players character. I imagine cocaine and meth making you more speedy, while something like weed helping you to focus more such as with aiming.

  3. Honestly one of the best uses for NPC's would be prison guards. The developer's said they would not include a prison job career for players because they knew it would get boring watching players all day. So yeah, I would like to see prison guard NPCs implemented into the prison, just so it would provide a more realistic feel.

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  4. The game pretty much relies on a straightforward justice system. If you kill a player who kills other players that makes you a criminal just like them. Though there is going to be a grievances system to report to should there be players who like to break the rules. And to those who are planning on breaking the rules: it sounds like the game relies you to stick to a particular server to progress. Meaning if you are booted from one particular server and have to go to another, you will lose your progress in your career and will have to start all over.

  5. They didn't even do these trivial animations in GTA Online. Why? Because its pointless and just means more data cramming. Developers like to create details, but animating a character to pick up objects is usually shown when its importance is high. There have some exceptions though, but it's rare to see that in games. Developers have many big issues to deal with before they consider the small stuff.

  6. Private chat/microphone chat group channels to help us players coordinate tactics and talk privately without others unable to overhear. I came up with this idea while thinking about the law enforcement career. How would we be able to catch criminals if they knew everything we are planning? How would we know where and what crime is being committed if the criminals would overhear us talking about it and get out of the area before we arrive? Pretty genius I'd say. 

  7. Well let's all remember that the developers plan on making the upper class cars very expensive. They plan on making sure criminals won't be able to steal locked cars. They want to make sure Identity remains a believable environment, so we won't be seeing very many sports and high-end vehicles. That done said, I myself will be interested in SUVs.

  8. Honestly I hope the pets will also have needs, such as hunger, thirst, and the need to go pee. Would be interesting to see the pet shops sell pet supplies as well as pets, such as food, acessories, and toys.

  9. On 12/12/2016 at 1:47 AM, Kesen said:

    I don't know where you guys are getting your paramedic ideas xD Those all look like Lifeflight or European outfitted paramedics.

    This is what a typical paramedic looks like. 

    I love the dark blue polo with tac pants shown in the left picture.

    However where I live, city paramedics are mandated to wear bullet-resistant vests for protection like in the picture on the right.

    Some people might say that if you haven't been feeling well and call for an ambulance and you get 2 men in body armor that show up at your door is a little overkill. However take that same unit and now they have to respond to a domestic violence or active shooter/crime call with police because someone decided to shoot someone else and they need help. You don't pick and choose your calls and you don't have the luxury of dicking around deciding whether or not a vest is good to put on or not for that run.




    Image result for EMS ParamedicImage result for EMS Paramedic

    Honestly, I would like to see a different color for paramedics than the black and blue. Reminds me of the police. I would like to see a different color to differentiate between the two careers.