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Everything posted by Sjondefries

  1. Will there be a sun if yes will it move around the map like in reality?
  2. In some games the servers reset once in a while and reset all your progression too. Will that happen with official servers in identity too?
  3. Can someone send me discord invite link?

    Thanks man!
  4. Should I buy Arma III?

    Is it worth it to still buy Arma III? And play the altis life mod.
  5. Should I buy Arma III?

    Bought the game yesterday and I really like the rping!
  6. Auctioning Website / Auction House

    They could also make something like ebay where you can sell stuff that you don't need or use anymore.
  7. Should I buy Arma III?

    I think I will just wait for the town square module.
  8. Game is a scam?

    No it won't be the first module will release in early 2017
  9. Should I buy Arma III?

    I have Msi radeon rx 480 8gb, 16gb ram, i5 7600k
  10. I think this will ruin the game

    I think that (almost) everyone wants to become a criminal or work for the police. If this happens we won't have people like firearms for if there is a fire. And that alot of other essential jobs won't have people wanting to do that jobs. That will ruïn the game because it isn't balanced.
  11. New site for new community

    Nice concept, but there will be a lot of servers so if you want it to work you should make it for different servers.
  12. Can you live with someone?

    Is it possible to live with someone in your house? If it is could you split the rent?